Wheelchair Control Using Voice Recognition


The main objective of our project is to design a wheel chair for physically disabled persons, controlled by voice input. The entire system is controlled by the PIC (16F877A) microcontroller and the voice recognition IC (HM 2007) is used, which is capable of storing voice signals, and generating good recognition performance on highly disordered speech. The voice IC consists of non-volatile memory back-up with 3V battery onboard, which will store the speech recognition data in RAM after the power off condition. Whenever a voice is given as input in the Mic the received voice is compared against the stored voices. On successful matching of the voice the HM2007 IC will send the corresponding codes to the controller. The controller interprets the command and activates the I/O ports accordingly. The Wheelchair rotation will be based on the motor connected to it. The motor is controlled by the I/O of the controller.