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2012, The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
In this paper, a conceptual design and a detailed design of novel cylindrical magnetic levitation stage is introduced. This is came from planar-typed magnetic levitation stage. The proposed stage is composed of cylinder-typed permanent magnet array and semi-cylinder-typed 3 phase winding module. When a proper current is induced at winding module, a magnetic levitation force between the permanent magnet array and winding module is generated. The proposed stage can precisely move the cylinder to rotations and translations as well as levitations with the magnetic levitation force. This advantage is useful to make a nano patterning on the surface of cylindrical specimen by using electron beam lithography under vacuum. Two methods are used to calculate required magnetic levitation forces. The one is 2D FEM analysis, the other is mathematical modeling. This paper shown that results of two methods are similar. An assistant plate is introduced to reduce required currents of winding module for levitations in vacuum. The mathematical model of cylindrical magnetic levitation stage is used for dynamic simulation of magnetic levitations. A lead-lag compensator is used for control of the model. Simulation results shown that the detail designed model of the cylindrical magnetic levitation stage with the assistant plate can be controlled very well.
Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering, 2008
This paper suggests a non-contact sensor for measuring bending vibration of a non-metallic cylinder in two orthogonal directions simultaneously. Recent research shows that a solenoid can pick up bending vibrations of a nonmetallic cylinder based on the reversed Lorentz force mechanism if an electrical conductive patch is attached to the cylinder. In this work, pairs of specially designed patches are used to make two independent paths for the current induced by bending vibrations, which enables the measurement of bending vibrations along two orthogonal directions simultaneously. The working performance of the developed sensor was verified by using two accelerometers.
Journal of Korean navigation and port research, 2006
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering, 2008
Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A, 2013
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 2011
The core of IT products, electronic components, especially the MLCC, chip inductors, chip Varistors and so on. In order to test the electrical characteristics of the chip using the Reno-pin contact test method has been used. In current chips, mass production of semiconductor manufacturing processes, high-speed production test for the chip speed up, precision is required. But Vibration displacement is a very short, so in order to overcome these shortcomings, the displacement amplification to design the structure has been actively studied. In this paper, a building structure with a flexible hinge was designed amplification instrument, semiconductor chip industry in the performance test and inspection equipment to measure the electrical characteristics of high speed linear actuators Reno-Pin using system was developed.
Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, 2013
In this research, the design optimization of a composite sandwich has been performed for using as an airplane wing skin. Automated analysis framework for aero-structure interaction is used for calculating load data on the wing. For automated analysis framework, FLUENT is used for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. CFD mesh is generated automatically by using parametric modeling of CATIA and GAMBIT. A computational structure mechanics (CSM) mesh is generated automatically by the parametric method of the CATIA and visual basic script of NASTRAN-FX. The structure is analyzed by ABAQUS. Composite sandwich optimization is performed by NASTRAN SOL200. Design variables are thicknesses of the sandwich core and composite skin panel plies. The objective is to minimize the weight of the wing and constraints are applied for wing tip displacement, global failure index and local failure indexes.
Journal of the Korean earth science society, 2007
The first magnetotelluric (MT) transect across the Korean Peninsula was obtained traversing from the East Sea
Journal of Sensor Science and Technology, 2010
Journal of Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, 2007
The KIPS Transactions:PartD, 2008
In spite of the various techniques on the testing of embedded software, operation failures of embedded systems such as robot or satellite applications, are occurred frequently. The critical reason of these failures is due to the fact that software is embedded into a target system with inherent faults. Therefore, in order to prevent the failure owing to such faults, it needs a technique to test the embedded software which operates in real environment. In this paper, we propose a testing technique, aspect-based On-the-Fly testing that is to test the functionality and performance at real operation time. Our proposed technique gives some benefits of real test of unexpected input conditions, prevention of software malfunction, and reusability of aspect components for the testing.
Journal of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering, 2013
In Projection Stereolithography Apparatus (PSLA), Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) are used as a beam pattern generator. The DMD shows high resolution, but it is mostly applied in micro stereolithography due to high cost and fabricable area. In LCD, the size of pattern beam is freely controlled due to various panel sizes. The LCD, however, has some limitations such as short life time by the high power light source, non-uniform light intensity of pattern beam and low transmittance of UV-light. To solve these problems in LCD-based PSLA, a Scanbeam-SLA with LCD of 19 inches and visible LED-array is developed. In this system, the light module works like a scanner for uniform illumination. The system configuration, working principle and fabrication examples are addressed in this study.
A paired many-to-many -disjoint path cover (-DPC for short) of a graph is a set of disjoint paths joining distinct source-sink pairs in which each vertex of the graph is covered by a path. A two-dimensional × torus is a graph defined as the product of two cycles and of length and , respectively. In this paper, we deal with an × bipartite torus, even ≥ , with a single faulty vertex, and present a necessary and sufficient condition for the torus to have a paired many-to-many 2-DPC connecting given two source-sink pairs as follows: Out of the four sources and sinks, exactly one of them has the same color as the faulty vertex. 1. 서 론 상호 연결망(interconnection networks)에서 노드들 사이의 라우팅이나 선형 배열의 임베딩 등과 관련하여 다루는 중요한 문제 중의 하나는 노드가 서로소인 경로 (node-disjoint paths)를 찾는 것이다. 노드가 서로소인 경로는 노드들 사이에 효율적인 데이터 라우팅을 위한 병렬 경로로 사용될 수 있다. 또한 노드가 서로소인 경 로에서 각 경로는 파이프라인 계산에 이용될 수 있다. 상호연결망은 자주 그래프로 모델 되는데, 정점과 에지 는 각각 노드와 통신 링크에 대응한다. 이 논문에서는 노드가 서로소인 경로를 간단히 서로소인 경로라고 부 르기로 한다. 서로...
Transactions of the KSME C: Industrial Technology and Innovation, 2015
In this study, the finite element analysis was carried out to investigate dynamic characteristics of the AGF(Active Gurney Flap) which is under development for reducing vibration and noise of the helicopter rotor system. The Gurney flap is a kind of small flat plate, mounted normal to the lower surface of the airfoil near to the trailing edge. An electric motor, L-shaped linkages and flap parts were integrated into a rotor bade, and 3~5/rev control was given to the AGF to reduce the vibration in the fixed frame. Thus, an explicit time integration method was adopted to investigate the dynamic response of the AGF with considering both centrifugal force due to the rotor rotation and active control input, and it can be seen that the vertical displacement of the AGF was satisfied to meet the design requirement.
Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A, 2010
Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences, 2011
In this study, the aeroelastic analysis of rotorcraft in forward flight has been performed using dynamic inflow model to handle unsteady aerodynamics. The quasi-steady airload model based on the blade element method has been coupled with dynamic inflow model developed by Peters and He. The nonlinear steady response to periodic motion is obtained by integrating the full finite element equation in time through a coupled trim procedure with a vehicle trim for stability analysis. The aerodynamic and structural characteristics of dynamic inflow model are validated against other numerical analysis results by comparing induced inflow and blade tip deflections(flap, lag). In order to validate aeroelastic stability of dynamic inflow model, lag damping are also compared with those of linear inflow model.
Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea, 2021
Korean coastal fishery suffers from profitability degradation due to a decrease in fisheries resources, pollution in coastal waters, fuel coast increase, and market opening for aquaculture products. The next generation Korean fishing vessel aims at the improvement of energy efficiency, enhancement of crew welfare, and safety. These purposes can be accomplished by adopting a new standard hull form with improved resistance performance and a modernized residence facility on the deck. In order to improve resistance performance, this study attempts to optimize design variables for stern flaps for three kinds of fishing vesselscoastal multipurpose , coastal trap, and dredged nets. A series of model tests for these fishing vessels was carried out in the towing tank of Pusan National University. The results indicate that for some cases, the stern flap caused the stern trim of the vessel to decrease, leading to the resistance reduction.
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering, 2010
In this paper, we propose a method for swing-up and stabilization of a SESIP(Self-Erecting Single Inverted Pendulum) system which is one of the typical nonlinear systems. We use PV(Proportional velocity) controller for swinging up the pendulum and employ a PI-type state-feedback controller for stabilizing the pendulum. Control is switched to a stabilizing controller, which is designed to balance the inverted position of pendulum and the cart position to the near vertical position. Computer simulations are performed to illustrate the control performance of the proposed scheme.
Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences, 2012
Aerodynamic analysis(DATCOM) and radar cross section(RCS) analysis(POFACETS) were integrated for the air-to-surface missile concept design using a design framework. The missile geometry was defined based on the CAD(CATIA) for synchronizing the manufacturing with design processes. Aero/RCS analyses were linked with the CAD process under the ModelCenter framework in order to receive the geometry data automatically. The missile design baseline configuration was selected from ROC(requirement of capability). Then the RCS minimization was performed subject to thelargerthebetter constraint of the missile lift-to-drag ratio. This study demonstrated that various design strategies can be performed efficiently about many missile configurations using this design framework in the missile conceptual design phase.
Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection, 2013
Probabilistic nonlinear first ply failure loads of flat composite panels and nonlinear buckling loads of curved composite panels with cutouts are estimated to provide the more reliable main load carrying structure in the renewable energy industry and offshore structures. The response surface method approximates limit state surface to a second order polynomial form of random variables with the results of deterministic finite element analyses at given sampling design points. Furthermore, the iterative linear interpolation scheme is used to obtain a more accurate approximation of the limit state surface near the most probable failure point (MPFP). The advanced first order second moment method and the Monte Carlo method are performed on an approximated limit state surface to evaluate the probability of failure. Finally, the sensitivity of the reliability index with respect to transformed random variables is investigated to figure out the main random variables that have an effect on failures.
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