Gröbner bases computation using syzygies

1992, Papers from the international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation - ISSAC '92


Grobner bases are an important tool. Therefore the mainComputerAl gebraSy stems contain procedures for computing such ideal bases. These algorithms typically spend much time in reducing so called " S-polynomials" to O. One of Buchberger's two criteria for avoiding superfluous reductions to O was interpreted in paper by G ebauer & iVIoller [1988) as a criterion for finding in a, generating system of particular syzygies redundant ones. In the present paper this idea is extended. While the Grobner basis is constructed, a set of syzygies is updated and an " S-polynomial" is not considered if its coresponcling syzygy turns out to depend on the already known syzygies. Using this concept, we cover both of Buchberger's criteria, are able to include information on polynomials (i.e. syzygies) either obtained from input or from intermediate calculations, ancl avoid more superfluous reductions. We illustrate this procedure by two examples. * This reseal ch was made in the preliminary part of the research fiTI.Ln(. ecl with the CEC Basic Research ESPRIT contract n. 6846