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2016, Oxford University Press eBooks
We provide a mathematical definition of fragility and antifragility as negative or positive sensitivity to a semi-measure of dispersion and volatility (a variant of negative or positive "vega") and examine the link to nonlinear effects. We integrate model error (and biases) into the fragile or antifragile context. Unlike risk, which is linked to psychological notions such as subjective preferences (hence cannot apply to a coffee cup) we offer a measure that is universal and concerns any object that has a probability distribution (whether such distribution is known or, critically, unknown). We propose a detection of fragility, robustness, and antifragility using a single "fast-and-frugal", model-free, probability free heuristic that also picks up exposure to model error. The heuristic lends itself to immediate implementation, and uncovers hidden risks related to company size, forecasting problems, and bank tail exposures (it explains the forecasting biases). While simple to implement, it improves on stress testing and bypasses the common flaws in Value-at-Risk.
Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis, 2014
Nassim Taleb's antifragile concept has been shown considerable interest in the media and on the Internet recently. For Taleb, the antifragile concept is a blueprint for living in a black swan world (where surprising extreme events may occur), the key being to love variation and uncertainty to some degree, and thus also errors. The antonym of "fragile" is not robustness or resilience, but "please mishandle" or "please handle carelessly," using an example from Taleb when referring to sending a package full of glasses by post. In this article, we perform a detailed analysis of this concept, having a special focus on how the antifragile concept relates to common ideas and principles of risk management. The article argues that Taleb's antifragile concept adds an important contribution to the current practice of risk analysis by its focus on the dynamic aspects of risk and performance, and the necessity of some variation, uncertainties, and risk to ac...
Journal of Derivatives, 2015
Traditional risk modeling using Value-at-Risk (VaR) is widely viewed as ill equipped for dealing with tail risks. As a result, scenario-based portfolio stress testing is increasingly being promoted as central to the risk management process. A recent innovation in portfolio stress testing endorsed by regulators, called reverse stress testing, is intended to identify economic scenarios that will threaten a financial firm's viability, but do so without injecting the manager's cognitive biases into stress scenario specification. While the idea is intuitively appealing, no template has been provided to operationalize the idea. Some first steps in developing reverse stress testing approaches have begun to appear in the literature. Complexity and computational intensity appear to be important issues. A more subtle issue appearing in this emerging research is the relationship among the concepts of likelihood, plausibility, and representativeness. In this paper, we propose a novel method for reverse stress testing. The process starts with a multivariate normal distribution and uses Principal Components Analysis (PCA) along with Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization to determine scenarios leading to a specified loss level. The approach is computationally efficient. The method includes the maximum likelihood scenario, maximizes (a definition of) representativeness of the scenarios chosen, and measures the plausibility of each scenario. In addition, empirical results for sample portfolios show this method can provide new information beyond VaR and standard stress testing analyses.
IMF Working Papers, 2012
This paper presents a simple heuristic measure of tail risk, which is applied to individual bank stress tests and to public debt. Stress testing can be seen as a first order test of the level of potential negative outcomes in response to tail shocks. However, the results of stress testing can be misleading in the presence of model error and the uncertainty attending parameters and their estimation. The heuristic can be seen as a second order stress test to detect nonlinearities in the tails that can lead to fragility, i.e., provide additional information on the robustness of stress tests. It also shows how the measure can be used to assess the robustness of public debt forecasts, an important issue in many countries. The heuristic measure outlined here can be used in a variety of situations to ascertain an ordinal ranking of fragility to tail risks. JEL Classification Numbers: G10, G20, G21
SSRN Electronic Journal
In this study we empirically explore the capacity of historical VaR to correctly predict the future risk of a financial institution. We observe that rolling samples are better able to capture the dynamics of future risks. We thus introduce another risk measure, the Sample Quantile Process, which is a generalization of the VaR calculated on a rolling sample, and study its behavior as a predictor by varying its parameters. Moreover, we study the behavior of the future risk as a function of past volatility. We show that if the past volatility is low, the historical computation of the risk measure underestimates the future risk, while in period of high volatility, the risk measure overestimates the risk, confirming that the current way financial institutions measure their risk is highly procyclical.
arXiv: General Economics, 2020
Extreme Value Theory (EVT) is one of the most commonly used approaches in finance for measuring the downside risk of investment portfolios, especially during financial crises. In this paper, we propose a novel approach based on EVT called Uncertain EVT to improve its forecast accuracy and capture the statistical characteristics of risk beyond the EVT threshold. In our framework, the extreme risk threshold, which is commonly assumed a constant, is a dynamic random variable. More precisely, we model and calibrate the EVT threshold by a state-dependent hidden variable, called Break-Even Risk Threshold (BRT), as a function of both risk and ambiguity. We will show that when EVT approach is combined with the unobservable BRT process, the Uncertain EVT's predicted VaR can foresee the risk of large financial losses, outperforms the original EVT approach out-of-sample, and is competitive to well-known VaR models when back-tested for validity and predictability.
Author(s): Khanom, Najrin | Advisor(s): Chauvet, Marcelle; Ullah, Aman | Abstract: The theme of this dissertation is the risk and return modeling of financial time series. The dissertation is broadly divided into three chapters; the first chapter focuses on measuring risks and uncertainty in the U.S. stock market; the second on measuring risks of individual financial assets; and the last chapter on predicting stock return. The first chapter studies the movement of the SaP 500 index driven by uncertainty and fear that cannot be explained by economic fundamentals. A new measure of uncertainty is introduced, using the tone of news media coverage on the equity market and the economy; aggregate holding of safe financial assets; and volatility in SaP 500 options trading. Major contributions of this chapter include uncovering a significant non-linear relationship between uncertainty and changes in the business cycle. An increase in uncertainty is found to be associated with drastic but sho...
Annals of Finance, 2006
Oriol Aspachs-Bracons is a PhD student in Economics at the London School of Economics and a member of the FMG. He would like to acknowledge the Fundacion Rafael Del Pino for their financial support. Charles A.E. Goodhart is Norman Sosnow Professor of Banking and Finance at the London School of Economics. He is also the Deputy Director of the Financial Markets Group Research Centre, and an advisor to the Governor at the Bank of England. Dimitrios P. Tsomocos is University Lecturer in Management Science (Finance), Said Business School and Fellow of St. Edmund Hall, University of Oxford. He is also a senior research associate at the Financial Markets Group and a consultant at the Bank of England. Lea Zicchino is an Economist at the Bank of England, Financial Industry and Regulation Division. He has a PhD in Finance and Economics (Financial structure and economic activity under asymmetric information) from Columbia Business School, New York. Any opinions expressed here are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the FMG. The research findings reported in this paper are the result of the independent research of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the LSE.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2001
We analyze the performance of RiskMetrics, a widely used methodology for measuring market risk. Based on the assumption of normally distributed returns, the RiskMetrics model completely ignores the presence of fat tails in the distribution function, which is an important feature of financial data. Nevertheless, it was commonly found that RiskMetrics performs satisfactorily well, and therefore the technique has become widely used in the financial industry. We find, however, that the success of RiskMetrics is the artifact of the choice of the risk measure. First, the outstanding performance of volatility estimates is basically due to the choice of a very short (one-period ahead) forecasting horizon. Second, the satisfactory performance in obtaining Value-at-Risk by simply multiplying volatility with a constant factor is mainly due to the choice of the particular significance level.
Fractile Graphical Analysis was proposed by Prashanta Chandra Mahalanobis (Mahalanobis, 1960) in a series of papers and seminars as a method for comparing two distributions controlling for the rank of a covariate through fractile groups. Mahalanobis used a heuristic method of approximating the standard error of the dependent variable using fractile graphs from two independently selected "interpenetrating subsamples." We revisit the technique of fractile graphical analysis with some historical perspectives. We a propose a new non-parametric regression method called Fractile Regression where we condition on the ranks of the covariate, and compare it with existing regression techniques. We apply this method to predict mutual fund in ‡ow distributions after conditioning on returns and to wage distribution after conditioning for educational quali…cations. Finally, we investigate large and …nite sample properties of fractile regression coe¢ cients both analytically and through Monte Carlo simulations.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2008
We study the feasibility and noise sensitivity of portfolio optimization under some downside risk measures (Value-at-Risk, Expected Shortfall, and semivariance) when they are estimated by fitting a parametric distribution on a finite sample of asset returns. We find that the existence of the optimum is a probabilistic issue, depending on the particular random sample, in all three cases. At a critical combination of the parameters of these problems we find an algorithmic phase transition, separating the phase where the optimization is feasible from the one where it is not. This transition is similar to the one discovered earlier for Expected Shortfall based on historical time series. We employ the replica method to compute the phase diagram, as well as to obtain the critical exponent of the estimation error that diverges at the critical point. The analytical results are corroborated by Monte Carlo simulations.
Springer eBooks, 2010
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Under the new capital accord stress tests are to be included in market risk regulatory capital calculations. This development necessitates a coherent and objective framework for stress testing portfolios exposed to market risk. Following recent criticism of stress testing methods our tests are conducted in the context of risk models, building on the VaR literature. First, to identify the most suitable risk models for stress testing, we apply an extensive back testing procedure that focuses on extreme market movements. We consider eight possible risk models including both conditional and unconditional models and four possible return distributions (normal, Student's t, empirical and normal mixture) applied to three heavily traded currency pairs using a sample of daily data spanning more than 20 years. Finding that risk models accommodating both volatility clustering and heavy tails are the most accurate predictors of extreme returns, we develop a corresponding model-based stress testing methodology. Our results are compared with traditional stress tests and we assess the implications for capital adequacy. On the basis of our results we conclude that the new recommendations for market risk regulatory capital calculation will have little impact on current levels of foreign exchange regulatory capital.
International Journal of Central Banking, 2002
Portfolio risk estimation requires appropriate modeling of fat-tails and asymmetries in dependence in combination with a true downside risk measure. In this survey, we discuss computational aspects of a Monte-Carlo based framework for risk estimation and risk capital allocation. We review different probabilistic approaches focusing on practical aspects of statistical estimation and scenario generation. We discuss value-at-risk and conditional value-at-risk and comment on the implications of using a fat-tailed framework for the reliability of risk estimates.
Global Business and Economics Review, 2009
This paper will examine some commonly adopted approaches to the measurement of risk in finance and the various shortcomings implicit in the underpinnings of these approaches: early views on the nature of risk and uncertainty (Hume, Bernoulli, Knight, Keynes and Ramsey); the adoption of a mean variance decision choice criteria as a central foundation in financial economics and its accompanying limitations; the various approaches in financial econometrics to modelling volatility (ARCH, GARCH, stochastic volatility, realised volatility and attempts to capture 'tail risk'); the measurement of risk implicit in applications of option pricing models and implied volatility (in particular the VIX index); the Basel Agreements and convention of modelling risk in a value at risk (VaR) framework; and the attractions of conditional value at risk (CVaR) as an alternative metric. I shall conclude with a consideration of the shortcomings of these various approaches when faced with a system wide shock as recently experienced in the global financial crisis.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2012
In contrast with existing literature that focuses on conditional Value-At-Risk (CVaR) as a portfolio risk measure, we examine here the properties of portfolios built to minimize CVaR. We look into the stability and performance potential of CVaR-optimal portfolios and compare our results with Minimum Variance portfolios. Finally, we run realistic simulations of risk-minimising strategies using CVaR as risk measure and compare their performances to otherwise identical variance minimising strategies.
International Transactions in Operational Research
A large number of problems involve making decisions in an uncertain environment and, hence, with unknown outcomes. Optimization models aimed at controlling the trade-off between risk and return in finance have been widely studied since the seminal work by Markowitz in 1952. In financial applications, shortfall or quantile risk measures are receiving ever-increasing attention. Conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) is arguably the most popular of such measures. In the last decades, optimization models aimed at controlling risk have been applied to several application domains different from financial optimization. This survey provides an overview of the main contributions where CVaR is incorporated into an optimization approach and applied to a context different from financial engineering. The literature is classified following an application-oriented perspective. The applications cover classical areas studied in operational research-such as supply chain management, scheduling, and networks-and less classical areas such as energy and medicine. For each area, concise paper excerpts are provided that convey the main ideas of the problems studied, and analyze how the CVaR has been used to cope with different sources of uncertainty. Finally, some open research directions are outlined.
This paper sets out a tractable model which illuminates problems relating to individual bank behaviour, to possible contagious inter-relationships between banks, and to the appropriate design of prudential requirements and incentives to limit `excessive' risk-taking. Our model is rich enough to include heterogeneous agents, endogenous default, and multiple commodity, and credit and deposit markets. Yet, it is simple enough to
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