Naps in the office - perhaps the secret of China's digital success?



We have just spent a week visiting Shenzhen, China, to see the headquarters of one of the world's most innovative and fastest-growing companies-Huawei. Since its founding in 1987, Huawei has grown to become one of the world's largest telecoms companies, with revenue of $75 billion. Globally it employs 180,000 with nearly 60,000 of these based at the Shenzhen campus. Our overall aim is to understand their global innovation practices.* We want to understand how management and governance arrangements support the demand for concurrently tightly knit, yet open, innovation networks. In particular we are interested in how they harness digital platforms in support of this global innovation practice. Understanding this is particularly important since Chinese firms must successful harness capital and talent beyond their borders (Fuller 2016) and since, given the diversity, scale, and adoption-willingness of the Chinese home market, innovation networks outside China will be attracted to take advantage of the "world's biggest Petri dish for breeding world-class competition" (Yip and McKern 2016).