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Praca sa venuje rieseniu problemu OCR projektu digitalnej matematickej knižnice DML-CZ. Specificke požiadavky vyplývajuce zo spracovania za ucelom vytvorenia digitalnej matematickej knižnice si vyžiadali zvlastny pristup. Podobne aj spracovanie matematických textov si vyžaduje specialny pristup k niektorým problemom. Cieľom prace bolo umožniť automatizovane spracovanie OCR v ramci projektu. Množstvo problemov sa podarilo uspokojivo vyriesiť, niektore zostali ciastocne otvorene do buducna. Zrejme je, že procesy zabezpecujuce OCR je nutne pri automatizovanom davkovom spracovani objemov dat urovne DML-CZ priebežne vylepsovať a prisposobovať novým podmienkam. Implementacia rieseni jednotlivých problemov je popisana podrobnejsie.
Poetess Mila Haugová has been known to Slovak audience for more than three decades. Her literary activity began in line with the Slovak symbolism. In the nineties of the 20th century the poetry of Haugová's poems changed. This process began after a short break, when Mila Haugová was engaged in translation activities, mainly from the contemporary Austrian literature. In our text, we have attempted to show, that this change occurred under the influence of the philosophy of language, which Haugová took from the Austrian author Ingeborg Bachmann as well as from the philosophy of poststructuralism. In the first part of the article we explain the concept of Bachmann's language critique, which was elaborated under the influence of the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, especially his work Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1921). The second part of our article focuses on the influence of psychoanalysis and poststructuralism on Mila Haugová's poetry. Through the language, the Slovak poetess creates a new, own world of poetry. Crossing the borders of the language also represents crossing the borders of the being. This process is closely linked to the identity of the poet, whose existence acquires through writing a new, higher quality.
Tri decenije beogradske nederlandistike, 2018
Slavonic Pedagogical Studies Journal, 2017
In this paper, we highlight the contribution in the development of plurilingual intercultural competence through learning multiple languages from one language branch-Romance languages. Activities which are the focus of attention of the sampled students are only exploratory. Nevertheless, we motivated students who do not speak more Roman languages to learn these languages simultaneously. We were able to raise their interest and motivation. Within the second activity we have proved that also the literary text may fulfil objectives if the teacher uses correctly the techniques of scaffolding if he or she selects properly the content and harmonizes the global approach to the students´ intercomprehension development. Key words intelligibility, method, romance languages, teaching, Framework of reference for pluralistic approaches (FREPA), plurilingual intercutural competence (PIC) Anotácia V príspevku poukazujeme na prínos v oblasti rozvoja viacjazyčnej interkultúrnej kompetencie prostredníctvom vyučovania viacerých jazykov z jednej jazykovej vetvy-románskej. Aktivity, ktoré sú centrom pozornosti vybranej vzorky žiakov, majú len prieskumný charakter. Napriek tomu sme dokázali motivovať žiakov, ktorí neovládajú viacero románskych jazykov, aby sa tieto jazyky učili súbežne. Dokázali sme v nich vzbudiť záujem a motiváciu. V druhej aktivite sme dokázali, že aj obťažný umelecký text vie naplniť ciele, ak si učiteľ dobre nastaví techniky nápovedy, obsah a zosúladí celkový prístup k rozvoju porozumenia u žiakov. Kľúčové slová interkomprehenzia, metóda, románske jazyky, vyučovanie, Referenčný rámec pre integrované vyučovanie jazykov a kultúr (FREPA), viacjazyčná interkultúrna kompetencia (VIK) assoc. prof.
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research
This paper deals with the current social context in which the gender-balanced functions of the Slovak language are being created. The rules that exist for creating and using gender-based Slovak are at odds with contemporary society. This paper examines the mechanism of language changes including gender-balanced language and makes observations about how they are perceived within the communication community in particular. Language is approached as a construct that is a reflection of society and social processes, while at the same time language influences some of these processes in return. Language changes occur more slowly than social ones, or rather, these changes do not respond operatively to changes within society. An exception to this is the enrichment of vocabulary, but conceptual changes progress much more slowly. The fact that language is used to strengthen certain images of the world also plays a role in the process. Language ideology provides this process with new impulses.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2018
Our paper is focused on reflecting and describing some aspects of political discourse in the Italian political community. Its aim is to identify, analyse and interpret examples of political metaphorical expressions introduced by Italian politicians that have become emblematic and have entered common Italian discourse. With regard to a terminological vacuum we also attempt to show the ongoing word-borrowing process across various language areas that contributes to the development of terminology in political discourse. political discourse, political metaphor, eufemism, semantic transfer, political correctness KĽÚČOVÉ SLOVÁ politický diškurz, politická metafora, eufemizmus, významový transfer, politická korektnosť
Slovenská literatúra, 2024
The author's experience of emigration makes visible-in literary works and public speeches-one of the aspects of multilingualism as not only a consequence of migration and globalization, but also of the concept of metamultilingualism which contributes to expanding of our understanding of linguistic dynamics in literary production. Through selected literary texts and interviews with the Slovak-Swiss author Irena Brežná, the paper outlines the concept of metamultilingualism and literary multilingualism as one of the characteristics of the "new" world literature. Metamultilingualism as a generator of literary multilingualism is presented through the definition by Elke Sturm-Trigonakis and through its realisation in the form of linguistic commentary. The paper also takes a look at the reflection of languages in I. Brežná's writing as one of the frameworks of her work and a part of the literary process. At the same time, it looks at the concept of monolingualism as an artificial construct and multilingualism as a natural social condition as outlined in the theory of Yasemina Yildiz and Till Dembeck. In the analysis of the internal plane of the text, the article relies on the concept of manifest, latent, and excluded multilingualism, systematically elaborated by Natalia Blum-Barth, who, like Immacolata Amode, sees multilingualism as intratextual.
Journal of Technology and Information, 2010
The article follows up the topic of meta-education. In the first part we compare the potential of signs of image and text to bear information (chapters 1-4). Further, we analyze the particularities of the recognition process from the aspect of semiotics and informatics (chapters 5-6). We implement and substantiate the functional criterions for the interdisciplinary term informative value of sign as the qualifier of information. In the last part we describe the function of the informative value of sign in the process of information sharing and suggest further functions of meta-interface.
Trendy ve vzdělávání ..., 2015
Štúdia objasňuje pojmy polotermín a pseudotermín vo vzťahu k pojmu termín a reaguje na časté používanie polotermínov a pseudotermínov v edukačnej praxi. Z pseudotermínov venuje osobitnú pozornosť používaniu názvov (najmä obchodných), hovorových výrazov a subštandardných výrazov (najmä slangových slov a profesionalizmov) namiesto správnych spisovných termínov. Apeluje na zodpovednejší a kritický prístup edukátorov a autorov písomných edukačných informačných zdrojov k uvedeným kategóriám náhrad termínov. Uvádza aj rad typických prípadov nenáležitého použitia polotermínov a pseudotermínov v terminologickej a edukačnej praxi.
Journal of Technology and Information Education, 2012
Programming as a subject of teaching at elementary and secondary schools in Slovakia went a long way. The new school reform has reintroduced programming into the subject content of Informatics for both primary, and secondary schools in the State educational program. But at the schools, there are not enough qualified teachers to teach programming. The article describes a way how to solve this problem and also deals with response of some universities to need of augmentation of information and programmer literacy of future teachers and teachers in practice.
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Sborník z mezinárodní konference ICOLLE 2022: „Omnes, omnia, omnio“ pro 21. století
Slavica Slovaca, 2021
Journal of Linguistics/Jazykovedný casopis
Transfer technológií bulletin, 2022
Studia theologica
Studia historica Nitriensia, 2021
Lifelong learning, 2020
Sborník z mezinárodní konference ICOLLE 2022: „Omnes, omnia, omnio“ pro 21. století
Trends in Education, 2018
Особлива дитина: навчання і виховання, 2020
The Journal of Teaching Writing, 1983
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Misión joven: revista de pastoral juvenil, 2021
Filozofia, 2023
Padres Y Maestros Publicacion De La Facultad De Ciencias Humanas Y Sociales, 1996