China's Successes in Anti-Poverty Drive: Lessons for Africa

2024, Chinese Journal of African Studies


Irrefutably, poverty is present everywhere in the world, but the kind in Africa is too grave in manifestation and with widest spread in its consequences. In China and other advanced economies, any manifestation of poverty is a challenge to move forward, but in Africa, the reverse is the case. This paper argues that grinding poverty is the main reason for the absence of meaningful development in Africa and that development is retarded on the continent because of pervasive mental and material poverty. However, poverty is not peculiar to Africa. For example, it is a well known fact that China in the pre-reform era had a far higher poverty rate than Africa as a whole at that time. The difference however, lies in the fact that while manifestations of poverty and miseries have propelled China to prosperity and progress under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), poverty remains the gravest hindrance to African development in the 21 st Century. Therefore, the continent and the international community continue to seek for better ways out of extreme poverty and to achieve sustainable development in Africa. Learning from China's anti-poverty strategies and development models by Africa has been dominating the debates. This study critically analyzes the issues of poverty and development in the context of how Africa's relationship with China and vice versa can positively influence anti-poverty efforts and assist in the accomplishment of development in the 21st century Africa.