Multilingual Information Retrieval in World Wide Web


The article addresses: (1). The design of an information retrieval (IR), as the Multilingual Information Retrieval Tool Hierarchy (MIRTH), which with virtual corpora on the World Wide Web, also known as Web or WWW. It is motivated by the desire to create a search engine to retrieve information by accessing a virtual. (2). The implementation of a general model of multilingual retrieval for the Web searching. It copes with both and Chinese information retrieval techniques. This paper starts to address some problems of the World Wide Web relating to information retrieval. Then it introduces some existing information retrieval tools on the Web. The need to create a multilingual search engine is discussed. Next, a general hierarchy of MIRTH search engine is illustrated. Furthermore, techniques to set up a MIRTH search engine are explored. These include build up data files, a structure of the search engine [Gilster, 1996], and constraints on query syntax. In addition, the means to create MIRTH multilingual search engine for Chinese (English) information retrieval is dealt and some examples of using MIRTH search engine are given.