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2019, Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Wheat bran are widely used as a source of dietary fiber with enhanced health benefits. However, its hight application level in bakery products caused lower quality of these products (eg. reduced volume and increased hardness of product). Different mechanical, physical or chemical methods are used for modification of wheat bran physicochemical properties. Wheat bran obtained from two wheat variety was used to evaluate the effect of bran stabilization process on qualitative properties of baked goods. Stabilization was performed using hot air and microwave heating. Threated and unthreated wheat bran were blended with wheat flour at 5, 10 and 15% substitution level. Influence of bran addition on rheological properties was evaluated using Mixolab 2. Stabilized wheat bran increased water absorption up to 11.7% (hot air stabilization) and 11.9% (microwave stabilization), respectively. Hot air stabilization of wheat bran improved heat resistance of dough proteins during mixing and the stabi...
Potravinarstvo, 2018
Wheat bran is the by-product derived from the wheat milling and represents a good source of dietary fiber. Consumption of wheat bran is associated with many health benefits. The hydration properties (water holding, water retention and swelling capacity) and oil binding capacity of bran from various wheat variety were investigated. It was showed that the water holding capacity of bran ranged from 2.27 to 2.98 g.g-1 , which were approximately four times higher compared to wheat flour. Also, it was observed that commercial wheat bran was characterised with the highest swelling capacity (5.21 mL.g-1) and the lowest water retention and oil binding capacities (1.38 and 1.35 g.g-1 , respectively). Mixing and pasting properties of wheat dough with addition of bran at different level (5, 10 and 15%) were studied using Mixolab. From the results it was concluded that water absorption and dough development time increased with addition of different bran, while dough stability decreased. Moreover, with increasing addition level of different bran significantly affected the thermo-mechanical properties of wheat dough. The lowest effect on protein weakening was found after addition of spelt bran. The higher starch pasting ability of enriched dough was recorded after incorporation of bran from crossbreed Lubica. Furthermore, it was found that dough enriched with the commercial wheat bran was characterized by the lowest values of C3 (lower starch pasting ability), C4 (lower stability of hot formed gel) and C5 (lower starch retrogradation) parameters.
Acta Chimica Slovaca, 2016
The effect of replacing wheat flour with different kinds of wheat bran and spelt bran at level 5, 10 and 15 % on dough rheology, qualitative parameters of cookies as well as on sensory properties was studied. Addition of bran increased water absorption and mixing tolerance index, prolonged dough development time and decreased dough stability. It was also observed that incorporation of wheat bran modified qualitative parameters of cookies (volume, specific volume, spread ratio and porosity decreased). From the sensory evaluation resulted that higher amounts of wheat bran negatively affected taste, hardness and overall acceptability of cookies. Addition of bran up to 5 % resulted in cookies with high overall acceptability.
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 2020
The food industry also focuses on the use of by-products from food processing. Wheat bran is a valuable by-product of the wheat milling process, which is rich in dietary fiber. In addition to nutritional value, dietary fiber has a functional potential in the production of novel foods. Pre-treatment of the dietary fiber using different methods can change its functional properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of stabilization process on physico-chemical parameters and functional properties of wheat bran. Wheat bran from two wheat variety was treated using microwave and hot air heating. It was observed that wheat bran included more than 45% of total dietary fiber. Results suggested that treatment of bran using both method increased total dietary fiber content. Thermal treatment process decreased the anti-nutritional agent in bran samples. Phytic acid content diminishing of 44% and 49% was observed in microwave treated bran samples. Moreover, treatment of bran...
Food Hydrocolloids, 2021
Wheat bran incorporation in bread has multiple health benefits, but also a detrimental effect on overall bread quality. Bran is hypothesised to withdraw water from gluten, resulting in less optimal viscoelastic dough properties and a lower gas retention capacity, in turn resulting in a decreased bread loaf volume. In this study, wheat bran samples having different water retention capacities were produced and used to investigate this hypothesis. Gluten-starch model systems were used and the effect of substitution of part of the starch by bran in combination with different water absorptions and mixing times was evaluated. The properties of the gluten network in the doughs were investigated using rheological and microstructural analyses and these properties were linked to the final bread loaf volume. A proper gluten network microstructure, as visualised with CLSM, could be achieved in the presence of wheat bran. However, significant effects of the type of wheat bran, water absorption and mixing time on dough rheology and loaf volume were observed. Wheat bran addition decreased the strain hardening of dough despite optimisation of water absorption and mixing time. The deleterious effect of wheat bran on dough rheology increased by adding modified wheat bran with high water retention capacity and surface area. The results indicate that dynamic water redistribution after mixing and gas cell incorporation can have an effect on dough rheology when wheat bran is added to dough. The strain hardening behaviour of dough proved itself a valuable predictor of bread loaf volume also in the presence of (modified) wheat bran.
Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences
This study sheds light on the effects of wheat bran on dough rheological properties, especially gluten index and gassing power. To this end bran with three particle sizes (coarse≥ 300um, medium 300-180um, and fine ≤180um) at three levels (10%, 20%, and 30%) was added to straight-grade flour, which was also used as a control. Proximate analysis, rheological and physical properties of the bran particles and doughs were determined using the approved official methods of Farinograph, Extensograph, Risograph, and gluten index instruments. Farinograph results showed that water absorption capacity (WAC) increased by increasing bran levels, while dough stability decreased by increasing bran particle size. Extensograph results revealed that dough resistance, extensibility, and resistance to extension (R/E) ratio showed a nonlinear behavior between bran levels; and a significant decrease (P≤0.05 ) in resistance value (R50) compared to an increase in the control straight-grade flour (SGF) after...
During the last decade the production of white bread was trend in our place but actually recently the consumers show more interest on the quality respectively for nutritive value of food products. Dietary fibers usage is positive since they are reducers of calories, cholesterol in blood, cardiovascular disease and cancer in colon; therefore they are ranking on the top ten functional foods.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2014
The effect of substituting wheat flour with 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% protein concentrates from natural and yeast fermented rice bran on the rheological properties of their dough and bread properties was studied. Rheological properties of wheat dough were influenced by addition of rice bran protein concentrates. Overall acceptability score and specific loaf volume of 100% wheat bread were not significantly different from composite bread up to 10% rice bran protein substitution, and therefore, the optimised level of substitution was established. The optimised composite bread contained higher total amino acid content, radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing ability power (43.04-48.87 g/100 g, 182.77-201.65 mmol TEAC/100 g and 613.29-637.81 mmol TE/100 g) than control (33.86 g/100 g, 109.43 mmol TEAC/100 g and 540.13 mmol TE/100 g). Springiness, cohesiveness and resilience values of wheat bread were not significantly different from composite bread. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that composite bread had surfaces with embedded granules like protein deposits with small spores.
Consumer Driven Cereal Innovation, 2008
The enrichment of bread with wheat bran as a source of dietary fi bre seems to be necessary for human health, because bread is the most consumed commodity in many countries. However, wheat bran has some adverse effects on the bread quality during storage. The aim of this study was to produce barbari bread with increased nutritional value and improved texture by the addition of coated wheat bran (0.67 and 1.34% based on fl our stearic acid or St 1, 2 and beeswax or Bw 1, 2). Bread made from uncoated wheat bran was used as control. The least crust to crumb ratio was seen for control and Bw 1. Water activity and moisture content results showed that the crumb of Bw 1 and control had the better moisture retention during storage. Textural properties of samples showed that there were no signifi cant differences in the hardness of the samples (P˃0.05). However, the least increase in hardness during storage was observed for stearic acid coated samples. Other texture profi le analysis parameters, such as cohesiveness and springiness, showed that Bw 1 and Bw 2 samples had no signifi cant changes during storage. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed the least enthalpy for Bw 1 after baking (385.21 J g-1) and during storage (567.62 J g-1). Accordingly, results showed that beeswax, especially at 0.67% (based on fl our), is the best shell material for bran coating in order to improve bread texture and shelf life.
The established use of wheat bran (WB) as a food ingredient is related to the nutritional components locked in its dietary fibre. Concurrently, the technological impairment it poses has impeded its use in product formulations. For over two decades, several modifications have been investigated to combat this problem. Ninety-three (93) studies (review and original research) published in English between January 1997 and April 2021 reporting WB modifications for improved nutritional, structural, and functional properties and prospective utilisation in food formulations were included in this paper. The modification methods include mechanical (milling), bioprocessing (enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation with yeasts and bacteria), and thermal (dry heat, extrusion, autoclaving), treatments. This review condenses the current knowledge on the single and combined impact of various WB pre-treatments on its antioxidant profile, fibre solubilisation, hydration properties, microstructure, chemic...
High fiber low calorie products have been useful in weight management diets - significant steps in the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity problems. We tried to obtain breads with increased levels of fiber which were produced by substituting wheat bran fractions for 10 or 20% of standard flours. The wheat bran fraction which was used as replacement for wheat flour was added in various forms: raw, fermented and washed in water after fermentation process. Effects of wheat bran on the dough properties and on the final product are described. The caloric values of wheat bran bread products were calculated. Product acceptability was judged by sensory evaluation. Physiological properties of dietary fiber are associated with prevention of certain diseases. Dietary fiber is associated with weight control and act as natural barrier to excess energy intake. Fiber can prevent constipation by restoring normal bowel function. It helps to increase stool weight, produce softer and mo...
The milling by-products have high nutritional value and can be incorporated into white flour. This study was aimed at comparatively examining the rheological behaviour of the doughs made from wheat white flour with different levels (3-30%) of bran streams incorporated and from wholewheat. The results indicated significant correlations between the ash content of the wheat bran streams incorporated into flour and Alveograph, Rheofermentograph and Mixolab parameters. The white flour sample with 25% wheat bran streams had the ash content similar to wholewheat, but the dough rheology was improved. The quality of the white flour bread with 25% wheat bran streams was improved compared to the wholemeal bread.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2017
Wheat bran-mediated effects on temperature-induced state transitions of proofed bread dough were studied as function of its level of replacement (5%-15%) to wheat flour. Proofed dough was subjected to rheological tests at small deformations. During heating of proofed dough from 30°C to 95°C, the value of elastic modulus (G 0) attained its maximum at a temperature (T G 0 max) that represented peak gelatinisation temperature (T P). Dough with 15% bran depicted significant increase in T P over other formulations. Bran addition increased glass transition temperature (T g) of dough and suppressed drop in elastic modulus (G 0) at T > T g. The above events resulted in decreased loaf-specific volume and increased crumb hardness. The former was caused by retarded bubble expansion during initial stages of baking, explained by reduced uniaxial and biaxial extensibilities of dough. Mean bubble size depicted an inverse relationship with the hardness of breadcrumb.
International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2017
Cereal bran, a functional by-product obtained from cereal industries is a rich source of proteins, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and bioactive compounds. In this study, physicochemical and rheological analysis of wheat bran (WB), oat bran (OB) and rice bran (RB) were evaluated and their utilization in the preparation of baked products viz., buns, pizza base and flat bread were studied. Baked products are considered as an excellent vehicle for fortification, value addition and feeding at mass scale. The effect of incorporation of cereals brans-WQ, OB and RB singly or in combination at varying levels (5, 10 and 15%) on the quality characteristics of baked products viz., buns, pizza base and flatbread including Loaf weight, Loaf volume, color, texture and overall acceptability were evaluated. On the basis of quality characteristics no significant difference was observed between the buns and pizza base prepared with 10 per cent supplementation of WB and OB whereas 5 per cent for RB and bran in combination respectively when compared with control with no cereal bran. Results reveals that cereal bran can be used as functional food ingredient being rich source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and bioactive compounds in baked products at a level 5-10 per cent.
Journal of Food and Dairy Sciences
This study was performed to investigate the effect of addition of stabilized rice bran on physical, rheological and chemical properties of pan bread processed from wheat flour 72 % extraction. Stabilized Rice bran was added in rates of (20%, 30% and 40% substitution from wheat flour). Gross Chemical composition showed that protein, total dietary fiber, ash, and minerals, and carbohydrate content have been increased in all processed pan bread Addition of stabilized rice bran caused a positive effect on different physical properties namely loaf volume , baking loss% and uniform index. Also, the same trend were observed in texture profile analysis (TPA). Results of farinograph and extensograph showed the addition of stabilized rice bran (20, 30 and 40%) led to increase the rate of water absorption and extensibility up to (110 mm). On the other hand there were an observed increase in the dough stability, dough development time and the proportional number up to (9.5 min). Generally, it could be recommended that the incorporation of stabilized rice bran as rice mills by products had a pronounced effects for improving the sensorial and nutritional characteristics of processed pan bread and it was a good source of dietary fiber Keywords: stabilized rice bran , wheat flour , rheological parameters, chemical properties MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials: Wheat flour (72%) extract was obtained from METRO super market, El-Mansoura City, Egypt. Rice bran was obtained from OMAR EL-HALWANI Mill ,El-Dakhaleia-Egypt Other ingredients: Salt, dry yeast, bread improver , sugar and corn oil were obtained from local market, Mit Gamar City , El-Dakhaleia-Egypt. Methods: Rice bran was stabilized using microwave oven at 550 W output power for 3 min. at 120 • C according to the method described by Ramezanzadeh et al., (2000).
The increasement range of products with high dietary value of cereals, particularly bread, takes an important place in the contemporary bread making. Bread is basic food in the Balkan region and as such it can be used efficiently to reduce the deficit of some nutrients, especially of dietary fibers. Precisely wheat bran as a milling by-product is important for the nutritional values, since they contain dietary fibers, minerals, proteins with high nutritional value, etc. Taking in consideration these reasons the addition of wheat bran in bread production will increase the nutritional value of bread, but it will also influence the technological qualities of dough, especially the rheological qualities. From the obtained results with Mixolab, we can note that the water absorption increases with the increasing addition of wheat bran, as well as the dough stability increases too, but the mixture of wheat Novosadka rana 2 has much better quality than the others. The values of C1 and C2 are increasing with the wheat bran addition, while the values of C3, C4 and C5 are reducing with the addition of wheat bran. Keywords: Dietary fibers, bread making, Mixolab, dough stability.
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2008
Increasing the dietary fiber content of formulated foods will benefit the health and nutrition of consumers. The problem is that it is difficult to add substantial amounts of dietary fiber to formulated foods. Fiber absorbs significant amounts of water from surrounding ingredients creating texture problems such as soggy and dry patches in the foods. In this study, red wheat bran milled and sieved smaller than 140 microns was coated by spraying with a 50/50 emulsion of whey protein isolates (WPIs) and casein. WPI and casein emulsion was produced first by blending and shearing the milk proteins in ice and water and then evaporating under partial vacuum for 75 min at 45C. Cookies and muffins made with the milk protein-coated red wheat (MPCF) bran and the noncoated wheat bran (NCF), replacing 5, 10 and 15 wt % of the flour, were compared to control cookies and muffins made without added fiber. The water-holding capacity (WHC) of the MPCF and NCF was determined along with their moisture, color, hardness, and volume in the baked cookies and muffins. There was a significant (P < 0.01) improvement (250%) in loss of WHC of MPCF over NCF. In cookies, MPCF absorbed significantly less water and was slightly darker at 5 wt % substitution than NCF, but was between 12 to 60% higher in baked volume than the control. MPCF muffins were lighter in color and harder except for the 5 wt % muffins that were softer and higher in percent baked volume. Adding up to 15-g MPCF per 100 g batter can be added to baked cookies and muffins to increase fiber content and improve WHC and volume.
The increasement range of products with high dietary value of cereals, particularly bread, takes an important place in the contemporary bread making. Bread is basic food in the Balkan region and as such it can be used efficiently to reduce the deficit of some nutrients, especially of dietary fibers. Precisely wheat bran as a milling by-product is important for the nutritional values, since they contain dietary fibers, minerals, proteins with high nutritional value, etc. Taking in consideration these reasons the addition of wheat bran in bread production will increase the nutritional value of bread, but it will also influence the technological qualities of dough, especially the rheological qualities. From the obtained results with Mixolab, we can note that the water absorption increases with the increasing addition of wheat bran, as well as the dough stability increases too, but the mixture of wheat Novosadka rana 2 has much better quality than the others. The values of C1 and C2 are increasing with the wheat bran addition, while the values of C3, C4 and C5 are reducing with the addition of wheat bran.
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