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Most currently existing optimal real-time multiprocessor scheduling algorithms follow the fairness rule, in which all tasks are forced to make progress in their executions proportional to their utilization, to ensure the optimality of the algorithm. However, obeying the fairness rule results in large number of task preemptions and migrations and these highly affect the practicability of the algorithm. In this paper, we present an efficient real-time multiprocessor scheduling algorithm in which the fairness rule is completely relaxed and a semi-greedy algorithm is introduced. In the simulation, the proposed algorithm showed promising results in terms of number of task preemptions and migrations that are very few compared to the current state of the art real-time multiprocessor scheduling algorithms. Although the algorithm can sometimes miss a very few deadlines, we assume that these deadline misses can be tolerated in view of the great reduction of task preemptions and migrations.
2011 IEEE 17th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, 2011
Over the past two decades, numerous optimal scheduling algorithms for real-time systems on multiprocessor platforms have been proposed for the Liu & Layland task model. However, recent studies showed that even if optimal algorithms can theoretically schedule any feasible task set, suboptimal algorithms usually perform better when executed on real computation platforms. This can be explained by the runtime overheads that such optimal algorithms induce.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1998
Many time-critical applications require predictable performance and tasks in these applications have deadlines to be met. In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm for nonpreemptive scheduling of dynamically arriving real-time tasks (aperiodic tasks) in multiprocessor systems. A real-time task is characterized by its deadline, resource requirements, and worst case computation time on p processors, where p is the degree of parallelization of the task. We use this parallelism in tasks to meet their deadlines and, thus, obtain better schedulability compared to nonparallelizable task scheduling algorithms. To study the effectiveness of the proposed scheduling algorithm, we have conducted extensive simulation studies and compared its performance with the myopic [8] scheduling algorithm. The simulation studies show that the schedulability of the proposed algorithm is always higher than that of the myopic algorithm for a wide variety of task parameters.
In this paper, we present a modification of the local remaining execution-time and local time domain (LRE-TL) real-time multiprocessor scheduling algorithm, aimed at reducing the scheduling overhead in terms of task migrations. LRE-TL achieves optimality by employing the fairness rule at the end of each time slice in a fluid schedule model. LRE-TL makes scheduling decisions using two scheduling events. The bottom (B) event, which occurs when a task consumes its local utilization, has to be preempted in order to resume the execution of another task, if any, or to idle the processor if none exist. The critical (C) event occurs when a task consumes its local laxity, which means that the task cannot wait anymore and has to be scheduled for execution immediately or otherwise it will miss its deadline. Event C always results in a task migration. We have modified the initialization procedure of LRE-TL to make sure that tasks that have higher probability of firing a C event will always be considered for execution first. This will ensure that the number of C events will always be at a minimum, thereby reducing the number of task migrations.
Computing Research Repository, 2011
An optimal solution to the problem of scheduling real-time tasks on a set of identical processors is derived. The described approach is based on solving an equivalent uniprocessor real-time scheduling problem. Although there are other scheduling algorithms that achieve optimality, they usually impose prohibitive preemption costs. Unlike these algorithms, it is observed through simulation that the proposed approach produces no more than three preemptions points per job.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2011
Although the scheduling problem for multiprocessor real-time systems has been studied for decades, it is still an evolving research field with many open problems. In this work, focusing on periodic real-time tasks, we propose a novel optimal scheduling algorithm, namely boundary fair (Bfair), which follows the same line of research as the well-known Pfair scheduling algorithms and can also achieve full system utilization. However, different from the Pfair algorithms that make scheduling decisions at every time unit to enforce proportional progress (i.e., fairness) for each task, Bfair makes scheduling decisions and enforces fairness to tasks only at tasks' period boundaries. The correctness of the Bfair algorithm to meet the deadlines of all tasks' instances * A preliminary version of this paper appeared in IEEE RTSS 2003. This work is supported in part by NSF award CNS-0720651. 1 is formally proved. The performance of Bfair is evaluated through extensive simulations. The results show that, compared to that of the Pfair algorithms, Bfair can significantly reduces the number of scheduling points (by upto 94%) and the time overhead of Bfair is comparable to that of the most efficient Pfair algorithm (i.e., P D 2). Moreover, by aggregating the time allocation of tasks for the time interval between consecutive period boundaries, the resulting Bfair schedule needs dramatically reduced number of context switches and task migrations, as low as 18% and 15%, respectively, when compared to those of Pfair schedules.
Now days, computational control existing in multicore platform involves the software to be quantified in terms of parallel performance flows. Task set considered as application with precedence relation among them and it is communicated by directed acyclic graph. Till now in directed acyclic graph tasks are partitioned into number of flows for reduce bandwidth necessities and scheduled according to precedence relationship only. This paper suggests multicore performance contribution factor scheduling algorithm (MPCF). On the other hand tasks are scheduled considering precedence relationship, performance contribution factor (PCF) as well as deadline of each task in the task set. Proposed scheduling algorithm is proved by scheduling realtime periodic task set on quad core processor by using Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduler. Simulating the proposed MPCF scheduling algorithm through the analysis of three case studies and gives optimal improvement solution for requirement of execution time and bandwidth are less for executing an application on core. Results are compared with Branch and Bound algorithm.
Abstract- The main objective of this paper is to develop a new approach for round robin C P U scheduling a l g o r i t h m which improves the performance of CPU in real time operating system. The proposed Priority based Round-Robin CPU Scheduling algorithm is based on the integration of round-robin and priority scheduling algorithm. It retains the advantage of round robin in reducing starvation and also integrates the advantage of priority scheduling. The proposed algorithm also implements the concept of aging by assigning new priorities to the processes. Existing round robin CPU scheduling algorithm cannot be implemented in real time operating system due to their high context switch rates, large waiting time, large response time, large turnaround time and less throughput. The proposed algorithm improves all the drawbacks of round robin C P U scheduling algorithm. The paper also presents the comparative analysis of proposed algorithm with existing round robin scheduling algorithm on...
The problem of scheduling a set of tasks on a multiprocessor architecture is addressed. Tasks are assumed to be sporadic with arbitrary deadlines and may migrate between processors. The execution of migrating tasks is controlled by a bandwidth reservation scheme so that schedulability is guaranteed by EDF. Task migration costs are taken into consideration. Results from experiments indicate that the proposed approach performs well in terms of schedulability.
IEEE Access
Multi-processor systems consist of more than one processor and are mostly used for computationally intensive applications. Real-time systems are those systems that require completing execution of tasks within a pre-defined deadline. Traditionally, multiprocessor systems are given attention in periodic models, where tasks are executed at regular intervals of time. Gradually, as maturity in multiprocessor design had increased; their usage has become very common for real-time systems to execute both periodic and aperiodic tasks. As the priority of aperiodic task is usually but not essentially greater than the priority of periodic task, they must be completed within the deadline. There is a lot of research works on multiprocessor systems with scheduling of periodic tasks, but the task scheduling is relatively remained unexplored for mixed workload of both periodic and aperiodic tasks. Moreover, higher energy consumption is another main issue in multiprocessor systems. Although it could be reduced by using energy aware scheduling technique, the response time of aperiodic tasks still increases. In the literature, various techniques were suggested to decrease the energy consumption of these systems. However, the study on reducing the response time of aperiodic tasks is limited. In this paper, we propose a scheduling technique that: (i) executes aperiodic tasks at full speed and migrates periodic tasks to other processors if their deadline is earlier than aperiodic tasks-reduces the response time; and (ii) executes aperiodic tasks with lower speed by identifying appropriate processor speed without affecting the response time-reduces energy consumption. Through simulations, we demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm and we show that our algorithm also outperforms the well-known Total Bandwidth Server (TBS) algorithm. INDEX TERMS real-time systems, multi-processor scheduling, energy consumption, performance, dynamic voltage and frequency scaling
2014 Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering, 2014
Until recently there has been a common belief that optimal multiprocessor real-time scheduling algorithms necessarily incur a high number of task preemptions and migrations. New scheduling algorithms have shown that this is not the case. In this paper we explain why two of these algorithms, RUN and QPS, achieve optimality with only a few preemptions and migrations. We also compare these two algorithms, exhibiting their similarities and differences. By putting RUN and QPS sideby-side, we bring about their fundamental properties and help in the understanding of the multiprocessor real-time scheduling problem.
In a parallelizable task model, a task can be parallelized and the component tasks can be executed concurrently on multiple processors. We use this parallelism in tasks to meet their deadlines and also obtain better processor utilisation compared to non-parallelized tasks. Non-preemptive parallelizable task scheduling combines the advantages of higher schedulability and lower scheduling overhead o ered by the preemptive and non-preemptive task scheduling models, respectively. We propose a new approach to maximize the bene ts from task parallelization. It involves checking the schedulability of periodic tasks (if necessary, by parallelizing them) o-line and run-time scheduling of the schedulable periodic tasks together with dynamically arriving aperiodic tasks. To avoid the run-time anomaly that may occur when the actual computation time of a task is less than its worst case computation time, we propose e cient run-time mechanisms. We have carried out extensive simulation to study the e ectiveness of the proposed approach by comparing the schedulability o ered by it with that of dynamic scheduling using Earliest Deadline First (EDF), and by comparing its storage e ciency with that of the static table-driven approach. We found that the schedulability o ered by parallelizable task scheduling is always higher than that of the EDF algorithm for a wide variety of task parameters and the storage overhead incurred by it is less than 3.6% of the static table-driven approach even under heavy task loads.
Real-Time systems are becoming pervasive. In a Real-Time System the correctness of the system behavior depends not only on the logical results of the computations, but also on the physical instant at which these results are produced. A missed deadline in hard real-time systems is catastrophic and in soft real-time systems it can lead to a significant loss .This work talks about static and dynamic scheduling algorithms for real time task. The problem of real-time scheduling spans a broad spectrum of algorithms from simple uniprocessor to highly sophisticated multiprocessor scheduling algorithms which are priority driven and divided into three classes fixed priority, dynamic priority and hybrid priority. Finally conclusion shows that Instantaneous utilization factor scheduling Algorithm gives better result in uniprocessor scheduling algorithms and Modified Instantaneous utilization factor scheduling Algorithm gives better context switching, response time and CPU utilization as compared to previous scheduling algorithms.
Real-time scheduling is one of the most important aspects of a real-time system design. To achieve a real-time system’s requirement, especially to be fast, multiprocessor systems are used. Generally, multiprocessor real-time scheduling algorithms fall into one the two well-known approaches: Partitioning or Global. The partitioning approach has acceptable overhead for underlying system but can NOT guarantee to provide an optimal schedule. The global approach can provide this guarantee by holding some preconditions and considerable overheads. In this paper, an intermediate hybrid multiprocessor realtime scheduling approach is proposed in which optimality will be reached via the minimum overheads for underlying system. Presenting and analyzing different feasible paradigms for combination of the two existing approaches, the proposed hybrid approach satisfies the two major goals of this combination: optimality and lightweightness. Experimental results show that the hybrid approach outper...
2013 IEEE 34th Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2013
We present HIME, a new EDF-based semi-partitioned scheduling algorithm which allows at most one migrating task per processor. In a system with m processors, this arrangement limits the migrating tasks to at most m/2 and the number of migrations per job to at most m-1. HIME has a utilisation bound of at least 74.9%, and can be configured to achieve 75%, the theoretical limit for semi-partitioned schemes with at most m/2 migrating tasks. Experiments show that the average system utilisation achieved by HIME is about 95%.
2007 International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, 2007
We present an optimal real-time scheduling algorithm for multiprocessors-one that satisfies all task deadlines, when the total utilization demand does not exceed the utilization capacity of the processors. The algorithm called LLREF, is designed based on a novel abstraction for reasoning about task execution behavior on multiprocessors: the Time and Local Execution Time Domain Plane (or T-L plane). LLREF is based on the fluid scheduling model and the fairness notion, and uses the T-L plane to describe fluid schedules without using time quanta, unlike the optimal Pfair algorithm (which uses time quanta). We show that scheduling for multiprocessors can be viewed as repeatedly occurring T-L planes, and feasibly scheduling on a single T-L plane results in the optimal schedule. We analytically establish the optimality of LLREF. Further, we establish that the algorithm has bounded overhead, and this bound is independent of time quanta (unlike Pfair). Our simulation results validate our analysis on the algorithm overhead.
Imprecise computation model is used in dynamic scheduling algorithm having heuristic function to schedule task sets. A task is characterized by ready time, worst case computation time, deadline and resource requirements. A task failing to meet its deadline and resource requirements on time is split into mandatory part and optional part. These sub-tasks of a task can execute concurrently on multiple cores, thus achieving parallelization provided by the multi-core system. Mandatory part produces acceptable results while optional part refines the result further. To study the effectiveness of proposed scheduling algorithm, extensive simulation studies have been carried out. Performance of proposed scheduling algorithm is compared with myopic and improved myopic scheduling algorithm. The simulation studies shows that schedulability of task split myopic algorithm is always higher than myopic and improved myopic algorithm.
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2019
Generally, multiprocessor real-time scheduling algorithm fall into two basic approaches, partitioned and global. The hybrid solution that we proposed applies the partitioned scheduling approach to the task set until all processors have been filled. The remaining tasks are then scheduled using the global scheduling approach. The idea of a hybrid scheduling approach to ameliorate limitations of partitioned and global approaches. Studies have shown that most prior research on hybrid multiprocessor real-time scheduling has been confined to hard and soft real-time tasks. In fact, the implementation of hybrid approach and the performance of such algorithms in comparison to partitioned and global approaches have not been fully answered by previous studies. This paper performs experimental evaluation of our proposed hybrid multiprocessor scheduling approach, R-BOUND-MP-NFRNS and RM-US (m/3m-2) with multiprocessor response time test, with one of the best scheduling approach from partitioned ...
Optimal multiprocessor real-time schedulers incur significant overhead for preemptions and migrations. We present RUN, an efficient scheduler that reduces the multiprocessor problem to a series of uniprocessor problems. RUN significantly outperforms existing optimal algorithms with an upper bound of O(log m) average preemptions per job on m processors (≤ than 3 per job in all of our simulated task sets) and reduces to Partitioned EDF whenever a proper partitioning is found.
Journal of Software, 2010
This paper proposes a hybrid scheduling approach for real-time system on homogeneous multi-core architecture. To make the best of the available parallelism in these systems, first an application is partitioned into some parallel tasks as much as possible. Then the parallel tasks are dispatched to different cores, so as to execute in parallel. In each core, real-time tasks can run concurrently with nonreal-time tasks. The hybrid scheduling approach uses a twolevel scheduling scheme. At the top level, a sporadic server is assigned to each scheduling policy. Each sporadic server is used to schedule the dispatched tasks according to its scheduling policy. At the bottom level, a rate-monotonic OS scheduler is adopted to maintain and schedule the top level sporadic servers. The schedulability test is also considered in this paper. The experimental results show that the hybrid scheme is an efficient scheduling scheme.
Control Engineering Practice, 1997
This paper analyzes the behavior and performance of four dynamic algorithms for multiprocessor scheduling of hard real-time tasks. The well known algorithms are the Earliest Deadline First (EDF) algorithm and the Least Laxity First (LLF) algorithm. An important feature of the original ones is that they are guarantee-oriented. The performance of these algorithms has been measured through simulations which analyze the behavior of the algorithms under two main load hypothesis: static load and dynamic load. Simulation results present practical bounds and a comparative study on the loads that they are able to guarantee, context switches and cpu utilization.
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