Wind Turbines under Power-Grid Partial Islanding

2012, Renewable energy & power quality journal

This paper proposes a study about a partial islanding system composed by a wind turbine based on doublyfed induction generator (DFIG), a wind turbine based on permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), an active filter, capacitor banks, non-linear load, and the grid power. Mathematical model of systems are performed by both fieldoriented control (FOC) and virtual grid flux oriented control (VOC). The objective is to analyze the voltage and frequency of point of common coupling (PCC) due to the islanding of gridconnected electrical power systems and then the insertion of the non-linear load on the system. In order to compare methods to improve the power quality in PCC the use of capacitor banks and active filter are considered in this work. The whole simulation model is developed in PSCAD/EMTDC environment. The simulation results are presented and discussed.