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Nowadays robotic systems are a combination of complex software and hardware components providing sophisticated functionalities. Robotic control systems evolving in an uncertain environment are generally developed case by case for specific deployment platforms. For complex and realistic systems, simulation plays a central role during design by providing testing facilities. In this paper, we propose to model robotic architectures using the modeldriven framework AMSA. In order to facilitate simulation and testing, we propose to incorporate different behaviors in the model through parameterizations. For testing purpose, we define scenarios as a sequence of parameter modifications. From architectural and scenario models, code is generated for the robotic middleware ROS. During simulation, scenarios are used to evaluate different controller behaviors for different contexts. The approach has been experimented for the MDE challenge: a rover must follow another leader rover. The approach all...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015
This paper proposes a generic framework for test driven development of robotic systems. The framework provides functionalities for developing and running unit tests in a language and middleware independent manner. Tests are developed as independent plug-ins to be loaded and executed by an automated tool. Moreover, a fixture manager prepares the setup (e.g., running robot drivers or simulator) and actively monitors that all the required resources are available before and during the execution of the tests. These functionalities effectively accelerate the development process and cover different levels of robotic system testing. The paper describes the framework and provides realistic examples to show how it has been used to support software development on our robotic platform.
is an open source package that provides a high-resolution, physics based simulation of robotic platforms. The package provides models of several common robotic platforms and sensors as well as sample worlds and a socket interface into a commonly used commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) simulation package. Initially introduced to support the development of search and rescue robots, USARSim has proved to be a tool with a broader scope, from robot education to human robot interfaces, including cooperation, and more. During Robocup 2006, a new competition based on USARSim will be held in the context of the urban search and rescue competitions.
Software Quality Journal
Conventional approaches for the validation of robotic systems include simulations and functional software testing. Although these approaches are interesting, they do not offer coverage information to guide the testing activity. In this sense, the introduction of coverage testing to the validation of mobile robotic systems seems to promise. This paper proposes a integration testing approach for robotic systems in a simulation environment. The approach is composed of test scenarios, constructed based on functional testing, and structural testing towards revealing defects and providing a better systematization of the testing activity in this application domain. The proposed approach focuses on systems developed in ROS, the robot operating system, in which communication can be established through a publish/subscribe interaction schema. The paper provides an example of the way the integration testing approach can be applied to robotic systems. An experimental study conducted with developers of mobile robotic systems evaluated the gains and proved the applicability of the approach to the industry. The results confirmed its advantages for the integration testing of mobile robotic systems. It can check functional behavior (test scenarios), or reach a high structural coverage (coverage criteria), and reveal common defects in mobile robotic systems.
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings
ROS, the Robot Operating System, is a middleware that eases the programming of robotic applications significantly, bringing standard communication and synchronization mechanisms to a wide variety of operating systems and computers or embedded computer boards. However, a robotic application is a complex set of many services, with many relations between them, and multiple choices have to be made regarding the software and the hardware architectures. To rely on a formal representation of those two, from which early analysis can be performed, is extremely beneficial since it allows detection of design errors early in the process. This is what we present in this paper. Our approach is based on the Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) and on a set of AADL models to represent both the application and the robot, including its embedded computers and its many devices. Those models are gathered into an open source AADL library from which ROS developers can largely benefit. CCS Concepts • Computer systems organization → Embedded systems; Robotics; • Software and its engineering → System modeling languages.
Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Automating TEST Case Design, Selection, and Evaluation, 2018
The Robot Operating System (ROS) is an open source framework for the development of robotic software, in which a typical system consists of multiple processes communicating under a publishersubscriber architecture. A great deal of development time goes into orchestration and making sure that the communication interfaces comply with the expected contracts (e.g. receiving a message leads to the publication of another message). Orchestration mistakes are only detected during runtime, stressing the importance of component and integration testing in the verification process. Property-based Testing is fitting in this context, since it is based on the specification of contracts and treats tested components as black boxes, but there is no support for it in ROS. In this paper, we present a first approach towards automatic generation of test scripts for property-based testing of various configurations of a ROS system. CCS CONCEPTS • Software and its engineering → Software testing and debugging; Publish-subscribe / event-based architectures; • Computer systems organization → Robotics;
Formal Methods in System Design, 2000
This paper reports as a case study an attempt to model check the control subsystem of an operational NASA robotics system. Thirty seven properties including both safety and liveness specifications were formulated for the system. Twenty two of the thirty seven properties were successfully model checked. Several significant flaws in the original software system were identified and corrected during the model checking process. The case study presents the entire process in a semi-historical mode. The goal is to provide reusable knowledge of what worked, what did not work and why.
Software & Systems Modeling
Robots are becoming ubiquitous: from vacuum cleaners to driverless cars, there is a wide variety of applications, many with potential safety hazards. The work presented in this paper proposes a set of constructs suitable for both modelling robotic applications and supporting verification via model checking and theorem proving. Our goal is to support roboticists in writing models and applying modern verification techniques using a language familiar to them. To that end, we present RoboChart, a domain-specific modelling language based on UML, but with a restricted set of constructs to enable a simplified semantics and automated reasoning. We present the RoboChart metamodel, its well-formedness rules, and its process-algebraic semantics. We discuss verification based on these foundations using an implementation of RoboChart and its semantics as a set of Eclipse plug-ins called RoboTool. Keywords State machines • Formal semantics • Process algebra • CSP • Model checking • Timed properties • Domain-specific language for robotics Communicated by Dr. Jeff Gray.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Future RFID Technologies
The Autonomous Robotics is a novel paradigm for handling Human-Robot interaction. In this area the simulation without hardware is very important. The goal of this paper is the introduction of possible software framework for general robot simulation and real-time monitoring. From architectural point of view the Autonomous Robot software system can be divided into three main parts, the physical robot platform, the behavior logic and the software framework supporting and operating the behavior logic on the physical robot. Due to the flexible ROS architecture the components are interchangeable hence it is easy to create a new framework for an autonomous Robot. This paper suggests the Robot Operating System (ROS) based implementation of the software framework for Ethologically Inspired Autonomous Robots and presenting the details of components and the cooperation of them.
Software for autonomous systems is hard to test, given their complex reactions as well as safety-critical behavior. Here simulation-based testing of the control software using a simulation of the environment and the platform of the system supports verification without threat to system and environment. A model-based construction of the simulated environment enables an effective verification by systematically assessing reliability issues and robustness aspects while improving its efficiency by simplifying the reuse of virtual environment. We demonstrate such a systematic approach for the verification of the control software of an autonomous unmanned arial vehicle, using Simulink as simulation environment.
Int. J. Comb. Optim. Probl. Informatics, 2013
This paper explains a mobile robot simulation process in a static scenario with obstacles, which generated a location map supported by various prototypes created throughout the project, used to analyze the behavior of autonomous navigation algorithms and implemented mapping. This project had the management and formalization support from Software Systems Engineering through the spiral lifecycle model, used to develop and test the intended processes and human reasoning. Each step of the spiral lifecycle model iteration considered the goals, artificial intelligence (AI) and simulation aspects by identifying the robot's purpose, as well as solution alternatives to define the methods to achieve the intended goals. As a project with a common objective for a multidisciplinary research group, the work and results obtained by means of systems engineering allowed tackling the interests of several end users and handling functional and non-functional requirements separately.
2013 IEEE 18th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA), 2013
Models are used in control domains for early validation of system properties, using simulation or formal verification, and for the automatic generation of a software implementation. We propose an approach in which a functional model of the controls is matched to a model of the execution platform through an intermediate mapping model, that represents the software tasks and communication messages. The functional model is (partly) developed in Simulink and code is generated for each subsystem. Next, an abstract view of the functional model is imported in SysML. Using SysML, a model of the execution platform is created, and an implementation of the subsystems as a set of tasks and messages is defined and evaluated. The M2T Acceleo tool processes the mapping model and generates the Orocos-compliant task code executing the C/C++ functions generated from Simulink, and the inter-task communication. This paper outlines the proposed flow and provides the description of a robotic car testbench used to show the application of the methodology. The testbench has enough functional complexity and a distributed implementation to justify the creation of architecture models, while requiring a moderate cost and effort for its construction by the interested researchers.
The aim of this paper is to convey our experience using the ESA's 3DROV planetary rover simulator as a visualization and validation tool through a dynamic analysis on the performance of an advanced autonomous control architecture: a power-aware, model-based control system with applications in rover-based mission operations which integrates advanced constraint-based reasoning within a flexible control execution management process. The analysis focuses on the validation of the main capabilities of the control system through three representative simulation examples executed upon an integrated testbed platform with 3DROV. More concretely, the target of the simulation tests is twofold: (i) to demonstrate the main capabilities of the controller; and (ii) to evaluate its performance on overcoming specific anomalous situations which might threaten the whole mission execution success.
SDL 2017: Model-Driven Engineering for Future Internet, 2017
Testing is a common technique to assess quality of systems. Regression testing comes into view, when changes are introduced to the system under test and re-running all tests is not practical. Numerous techniques have been introduced to select tests only relevant to a given set of changes. These are typically based on source code, however, modelbased development projects use models as primary artifacts described in various domain-specific languages. Thus, regression test selection should be performed directly on these models. We present a method and a case study on how model-based regression testing can be achieved in the context of autonomous robots. The method uses information from several domain-specific languages for modeling the robot's context and configuration. Our approach is implemented in a prototype tool, and its scalability is evaluated on models from the case study.
This paper presents the lessons learned from six years of experiments with planetary rover prototypes running the Service Oriented Robotic Architecture (SORA) devel-oped by the Intelligent Robotics Group (IRG) at NASA Ames Research Center. SORA relies on proven software methods and technologies applied to the robotic world. Based on a Service Oriented Architecture and robust mid-dleware, SORA extends its reach beyond the on-board robot controller and supports the full suite of software tools used during mission scenarios from ground control to remote robotic sites. SORA has been field tested in numerous scenarios of robotic lunar and planetary explo-ration. The results of these high fidelity experiments are illustrated through concrete examples that have shown the benefits of using SORA as well as its limitations.
2015 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2015
To implement fault tolerant autonomy in future space systems, it will be necessary to integrate planning, adaptive control, and state estimation subsystems. However, integrating these subsystems is difficult, time-consuming, and error-prone. This paper describes Intelliface/ADAPT, a software testbed that helps researchers develop and test alternative strategies for integrating planning, execution, and diagnosis subsystems more quickly and easily. The testbed's architecture, graphical data displays, and implementations of the integrated subsystems support easy plug and play of alternate components to support research and development in fault-tolerant control of autonomous vehicles and operations support systems. Intelliface/ADAPT controls NASA's Advanced Diagnostics and Prognostics Testbed (ADAPT), which comprises batteries, electrical loads (fans, pumps, and lights), relays, circuit breakers, invertors, and sensors. During plan execution, an experimentor can inject faults into the ADAPT testbed by tripping circuit breakers, changing fan speed settings, and closing valves to restrict fluid flow. The diagnostic subsystem, based on NASA's Hybrid Diagnosis Engine (HyDE), detects and isolates these faults to determine the new state of the plant, ADAPT. Intelliface/ADAPT then updates its model of the ADAPT system's resources and determines whether the current plan can be executed using the reduced resources. If not, the planning subsystem generates a new plan that reschedules tasks, reconfigures ADAPT, and reassigns the use of ADAPT resources as needed to work around the fault. The resource model, planning domain model, and planning goals are expressed using NASA's Action Notation Modeling Language (ANML). Parts of the ANML model are generated automatically, and other parts are constructed by hand using the Planning Model Integrated Development Environment, a visual Eclipse-based IDE that accelerates ANML model development. Because native ANML planners are currently under development and not yet sufficiently capable, the ANML model is translated into the New Domain Definition Language (NDDL) and sent to NASA's EUROPA planning system for plan generation. The adaptive controller executes the new plan, using augmented, hierarchical finite state machines to select and sequence actions based on the state of the ADAPT system. Real-time sensor data, commands, and plans are displayed in information-dense arrays of timelines and graphs that zoom and scroll in unison. A dynamic schematic display uses color to show the real-time fault state and utilization of the system components and resources. An execution manager coordinates the activities of the other subsystems. The subsystems are integrated using the Internet Communications Engine (ICE), an object-oriented toolkit for building distributed applications.
Software and Systems Modeling, 2021
Model-driven engineering (MDE) addresses central aspects of robotics software development. MDE could enable domain experts to leverage the expressiveness of models, while implementation details on different hardware platforms would be handled by automatic code generation. Today, despite strong MDE efforts in the robotics research community, most evidence points to manual code development being the norm. A possible reason for MDE not being accepted by robot software developers could be the wide range of applications and target platforms, which make all-encompassing MDE IDEs hard to develop and maintain. Therefore, we chose to leverage a large corpus of open-source software widely adopted by the robotics community to extract common structures and gain insight on how and where MDE can support the developers to work more efficiently. We pursue modeling as a complement, rather than imposing MDE as separate solution. Our previous work introduced metamodels to describe components, their in...
Volume 3: 28th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Parts A and B, 2008
In order to expedite the research and development of robotic systems and foster development of novel robot configuration, it is essential to develop tools and standards that allow researchers to rapidly develop, communicate, and compare experimental results. This paper describes the Mobility Open Architecture Simulation and Tools Framework (MOAST). The MOAST framework is designed to aid in the development, testing, and analysis of robotic software by providing developers with a wide range of open source robotic algorithms and interfaces. The framework provides a physics-based virtual development environment for initial testing and allows for the seamless transition of algorithms to real hardware. This paper details the design approach, software architecture and specific module-to-module interfaces.
Software and Systems Modeling
Multi-robot systems are increasingly deployed to provide services and accomplish missions whose complexity or cost is too high for a single robot to achieve on its own. Although multi-robot systems offer increased reliability via redundancy and enable the execution of more challenging missions, engineering these systems is very complex. This complexity affects not only the architecture modelling of the robotic team but also the modelling and analysis of the collaborative intelligence enabling the team to complete its mission. Existing approaches for the development of multi-robot applications do not provide a systematic mechanism for capturing these aspects and assessing the robustness of multi-robot systems. We address this gap by introducing ATLAS, a novel model-driven approach supporting the systematic design space exploration and robustness analysis of multi-robot systems in simulation. The ATLAS domain-specific language enables modelling the architecture of the robotic team and...
2020 IEEE 13th International Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (ICST), 2020
Robotic systems are increasingly a part of everyday life. Characteristics of robotic systems such as interaction with the physical world, and integration of hardware and software components, differentiate robotic systems from conventional software systems. Although numerous studies have investigated the challenges of software testing in practice, no such study has focused on testing of robotic systems. In this paper, we conduct a qualitative study to better understand the testing practices used by the robotics community, and identify the challenges faced by practitioners when testing their systems. We identify a total of 12 testing practices and 9 testing challenges from our participants' responses. We group these challenges into 3 major themes: Real-world complexities, Community and standards, and Component integration. We believe that further research on addressing challenges described with these three major themes can result in higher adoption of robotics testing practices, more testing automation, and higher-quality robotic systems. Index Terms-robotics testing; testing challenges; qualitative study;
Procedia Computer Science, 2019
Robotic technology helps humans in different areas such as manufacturing, health care and education. Due to the ubiquitous revolution, today's focus is on mobile robots and their applications in a variety of cyber-physical systems. ROS is a wll-known and powerful middleware that facilitates software development for mobile robots. However, this middleware does not support assuring properties such as timeliness and safety of ROS-based software. In this paper we present an integration of Timed Rebeca modeling language with ROS to synthesize verified robotic software. First, a conceptual model of robotic programs is developed using Timed Rebeca. After verifying a set of user-defined correctness properties on this model, it is translated to a ROS program automatically. Experiments on some small-scale case studies illustrates the applicability of the proposed integration method.
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