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Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab, 2020
This study aims to critic the concepts of classical and modern Arabic linguists about sentences which they term differently including: number, kalam, tarkib (sentence, phrase). Their differences are inseparable from polemics, especially in providing boundaries and terms used, both in the classical and modern eras. For example the polemic on the use of terminology and the number and meaning of both, whether synonymous or not, which then affects the elements that build it. This study uses a literature study (library research) with content analysis and hermeneutic approaches. This research found that basically the differences in Arabic experts both in the classical and modern eras were not substantive, but rather as editorial debates, technical terminology, and partial.The old grammarian tended to be complicated in providing a definition of sentence compared to contemporary Islamic scholar, it was easier to explain about this sentence.
Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2019
شكّل الدين العام تحدياً كبيراً امام الدول النامية والمتقدمة على حدٍ سواء ، وهو ما جعل الاهتمام يدور حول الحدود المثلى (عتبة الدين) له ، والعوامل المحددة له. تبحث الدراسة في بيان اثر الدين المصرفي العام على الاحتياطي الاجنبي وعمل الاحتياطي الاجنبي كقيد على عملية الدين المصرفي (جزء من الدين الداخلي) للمدة (2017-2004) ، اضافة الى ايجاد نوع وطبيعة العلاقة بينهم وفق فرضيات الدراسة ، التي تؤكد على وجود علاقة عكسية بين الدين المصرفي العام والاحتياطي الاجنبي ، اذ استندت الدراسة في ذلك الى بيانات القطاع المصرفي العراقي ، التي اظهرت تمتع العراق باحتياطي اجنبي يتناسب مع المعايير الدولية، بل انه يحافظ على احتياطي مبالغ فيه. وان البنك المركزي العراقي لا يمكنه التحكم بالطلب او عرض الاحتياطي ، بل انه يدير هذا الاحتياطي. تبين ايضاً اعتماد العراق بشكلٍ كبير على الايرادات النفطية في استدامة دينه ، اي ان زيادة المورد النفطي يعمل على استدامة الدين المصرفي العام. ساهمت المؤسسات غير المصرفية بعملية الدين الداخلي (دائرة رعاية القاصرين والهيئة الوطنية للمتقاعدين) ، وساهم البنك المركزي العراقي بعملية الدين ...
9 Seit 2003 finden dank der Unterstützung der ägyptischen Altertümerverwaltung jährlich archäologische Feldforschungen auf dem Gebel Assiut al-gharbi, dem im Westen der Stadt Assiut gelegenen Kalksteinberg, statt. Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler sowie Studierende aus Europa, Afrika und Asien erforschen die 5000 jährige Geschichte des Berges und der Stadt Assiut (alle Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des Unternehmens sind am Ende dieses Textes aufgeführt). Das „Asyut Project“ wird von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft als Langzeitvorhaben gefördert und stellt eine Kooperation der Freien Universität Berlin, der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und der Universität Sohag dar. Im folgenden werden die Gründe, die zu diesem Projekt führten, skizziert.
حولیة کلیة الدراسات الإسلامیة و العربیة للبنین بالقاهرة, 2019
This research handles Imam Juwainy's objective thinking based upon interpreting the legal texts inserted in the Imam's original books. Those books included a variety of expressions referring to Islamic legal objectives, introduced in diverse molds containing objective phrases and statements closely related to practical applications where the legal objectives of the financial policy within the state came into force. Accordingly, it has become dutiful to save the spare capital of the treasury as well as diversifying the sources of public income. In addition, the general expenditure is not done haphazardly but it has its definite channels with their specified amounts. Such issues have proved that the legal objectives have their role in preserving and preventing the religious and mundane interests of the nation from any inflicted harm.
Ijaz Arabi, 2018
The Departments of Arabic are established in universities with the aim of raising the standard of Arabic Studies in higher institutions and with the objective of researching into the problems of Arabic language and literature in order to find solutions to them. The purpose of this article is to assess the current state of Arabic in Nigeria and examine the contributions of the Departments of Arabic in Nigerian universities to the spread and development of Arabic, its pedagogy, its challenges, its curriculum development as well as the problems and prospects of the Departments. Structurally, the paper is divided into four sections. While the first section discussed the growth and development of Arabic learning in the Departments of Arabic in Nigerian universities, the second section examined the achievements of the Departments. The third section was devoted to the investigation of the problems that face the Departments while proffering solutions to them. The fourth and last section concluded the study. The study found that the Departments of Arabic have contributed immensely to raising the standard of Arabic and its culture in Nigeria though its curricula did not accommodate the needs of the present time. The paper suggested, among other things, that Arabic curricula should be updated to cater for the needs of the present time. It also recommended that universities in Arab countries should endeavour to have Academic Linkages and Educational Collaborations with Nigerian universities as well as with other universities in non-Arab countries in order to facilitate student and staff exchange, research and resource sharing and thereby enhance, promote and deepen the theory and practice of Arabic Studies as crucial academic discipline in the community of world universities and global knowledge economy.
مجلة البحوث الإعلامیة, 2021
مجلة الدراسات التاريخية والاجتماعية
Umde dini tetkikler dergisi, 2019
Bu makale, Mu'tezile ve Eş'âriye fırkalarının kendi ilk kaynakları üzerine yapılan genel bir incelemedir. Kelam ilminin usulüne göre, ilmi bir konu hakkında araştırma yaparken tek bir kaynaktan veya fırkanın/ mezhebin düşüncesinden beslenmek doğru ve mümkün değildir. Dolayısıyla makalede adı geçen her fırkanın kurucusu ile birlikte fırkaya etkisi olan ilk
AHKAM : Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, 2017
Borrowing is a transaction that has been taking place from the earliest human civilisation. Islam encourages its followers to lend others who need it and promises big reward. Islam prohibits any exploitation of people in difficulty by asking for more than what has been borrowed, in any form, either in the form of additional money or in services. In current modern era, someone cannot escape from Bank as an institution that provides a product of lending money to their customers. However, the compensation of the loan is the Bank requires additional payment in some percentage on top of the capital that being borrowed as per defined in the loan agreement when customer pay off the loan, either paying with cash or instalment. The Bank will apply a charge to the borrower when the repayment of the instalments or the pay off is overdue. There are also additional charges such as administration fee that is charged to the customers. DOI: 10.15408/ajis.v17i2.6235
Learning strategies are essential in learning. On the other hand, learning styles are also an essential step in learning activities that have a positive relationship with learning outcomes. this study aims to uncover various student strategies in learning Arabic based on their learning styles. This research is qualitative research, with the research subjects being 20 students of UPB Group 22 in 2019. The data collection instruments in this study were questionnaires and interviews. The data processing techniques in this descriptive analysis research are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. This study indicates that students' learning strategy with a visual learning style tendency is that they need to see things visually to make it easier to understand and understand so that they are more comfortable learning with the use of colors, lines, and shapes. Students with visual tendencies remember what they see more than what they hear and prefer reading rather than being read. The learning strategy of auditory students is to rely more on hearing to receive information and knowledge so that students in this type will find it easier to remember what they hear than what they see, prefer to read with sound, and find it difficult to do tasks involve visuals. Finally, the learning strategy of students with a kinesthetic learning style is learning by involving movement. They find it easier to learn something, not just reading, but also practicing it by doing it or touching particular objects.
المجلة المصریة لعلوم المعلومات
Studia Quranika, 2020
Tafsir Ilmi" is a new characteristic of "tafsir" which was famous in this era. There are many contemporary problems of "tafsir ilmi". It is required a thought of contemporary scholar whose able to solve it. He is Yûsuf Al-Qardhâwî who has devoted his thought to solve it. He is specialist in jurisprudence but it was not in authority of Al-Qur'an and tafsir. Eventhough, he has researched in tafsir ilmi and owned several works in Al-Qur'an and tafsir. This research shows that Yûsuf Al-Qardhâwî's thought in tafsir ilmi (especially ontological aspect) comprehends: First, existence of "tafsir ilmi" and "i'jaz ilmi"; Second, the reality of "tafsir ilmi" and "i'jaz ilmi"; Third, the connection between "tafsir ilmi" and "i'jaz ilmi"; Fourth, Yûsuf Al-Qardhâwî's position in dialectics of tafsir ilmi.
Iraqi Journal of Architecture and Planning, 2018
يعد المعلم الديني أحد أهم العناصر المكونة للمدن الدينية ومنها المدن العربية الاسلامية والتي تشكل احد مكونات الهيكل العمراني، إذ تبرز اهمية المعلم الديني من خلال الانتماء الديني (الروحي) لشاغلي المدن، كما تعد من العناصر العمرانية المميزة والمعرفة للهوية العمرانية، والتي رسمت الصورة الذهنية لبنية المدن الدينية في ذاكرة الناس الجمعية. إذ اعتمد البحث دراسة المخطط في المدن الدينية وتحديداً المدينة العربية الاسلامية؛ لأهميتها الدينية ووضوح أثر العامل الديني في نشأتها وتخطيطها، ومن خلال استعراض الدراسات السابقة التي تناولت تحليل المدينة العربية الاسلامية حددت المشكلة البحثية: "بوجود قصور معرفي حول الدور التنظيمي للمعالم الدينية في تخطيط المدينة العربية الاسلامية"، وعليه صيغت فرضية البحث: بان للمعالم الدينية دوراً تنظيمياً في تخطيط المدينة العربية الاسلامية، بأثره على الارتباطات المحورية وعلى المستويين الشمولي والموضعي. عرف البحث المعالم الدينية بأنها: الشواخص أو العناصر العمرانية ضمن مخطط المدينة التي تمتاز بهيئة شكلية حاضرة في ذاكرة الناس الجمعية، والتي تتمثل بدور العبادة بشكل ع...
المجلة العلمیة للبحوث التجاریة, 2004
Studia Islamika, 2020
This article aims to find a scientific argument for the differences in rasm ‘Uthmānī between Indonesian’s muṣḥaf and Madinah’s muṣḥaf. Some people claim that rasm ‘Uthmānī of the Madinah’s muṣḥaf is the most proper compared to the Indonesian’s muṣḥaf. Through the comparison of the differences in both muṣḥafs based on the two books of al-Muqni‘ by al-Dānī and Mukhtaṣar al-tabyīn by Abū Dāwud Sulaymān, both have basics of similarity. The difference in the writing of rasm ‘Uthmānī in the Indonesian’s muṣḥaf and the Madinah’s muṣḥaf in general only lies in the difference in their affiliation in the two major schools in this discipline that were written in the 5th century Hijri by al-Dānī and Abū Dāwud. This article proves that differences in rasm ‘Uthmānī are common in terms of transmission, and the claim that the rasm of Madinah’s muṣḥaf is the most correct of rasm ‘Uthmānī is a mistake.
Journal of Language Intelligence and Culture, 2020
The Suggestopedia method consists of a series of recommendations based on the education of the science of suggestion described by Lozanov that suggestion is "science relating to the study of the effects of organizational irrationality and the unconscious, or both," which respond to people continuously. Then the problems in this study: (2) How effective is the use of the Suggestopedia method to develop speaking skills in aspects of pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence structure, and fluency. The research methodology used in this study is quantitative empirical and qualitative analysis. Then the researchers restricted the experimental and control groups to the E-6 class in the Arabic intensive program at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang for the 2013-2014 academic year with 36 students. The researcher used the analysis of the T-test to reveal the results of the pre-test and post-test. And the results of this study were: (1) the results of t0 in the pronunciation aspect of the experimental group 51.63 this value is greater than the control group that is 0.129 (2) the results of t0 on aspects of the experimental group vocabulary 24,713 this value is greater than the control group that is 1.193. (3) the results of t0 in the sentence structure aspect of the experimental group 8.36 this value is greater than the control group that is 0.383 (4) the results of t0 in the smoothness aspect of the experimental group 8.475 this value is greater than the control group 0 (5) results of t0 in the pre-test and post-test experimental group was greater by 22.695 than in the control group that was 0.968.
Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial, 2022
This research paper aims to study the "temporary endowment" (Waqf Muaqqat) and its role in activating social financing in Islamic banking in Malaysia, such as the oriental study in the light of the purposes of Islamic law. This article has adopted the qualitative method in its research which correlates to the theorization and regulation of the concepts of the issues in hand in their different dimensions which is jurisprudence, Maqasid, and banking. For the case study "Maybank Islamic" has been selected for viewing and assessing the various aspects related to the said topic. The study also included interviews with some experts of Islamic banking in Malaysia. The study has stemmed the following conclusions and recommendations, which are as follows: 1) Islamic banks have a significant role in intermediating between both the sources of voluntary social financing and the deprived classes of the society, 2) Bank endowments (Waqf) through May Islamic Bank has shown 2
حولیة کلیة الدراسات الإسلامیة و العربیة للبنین بالقاهرة, 1992
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