Philosophy: In defense of the narrow conception

In >Philosophy< I gave an outline of the subject on about sixty pages. It may seem preposterous to give the present version of philosophy in so limited a space in view of the 2500 years of its history and the many volumes Plato and Aristotle, Thomas of Aquino, Descartes, Kant and Wittgenstein have filled. In my proposal I invested a narrow conception by beginning with the clarification of the concept of philosophy. First, I hold that methodically philosophy was >reflective conceptual clarification< from the start, even if in its beginnings and for significant periods of its development it has materially been framed metaphysically. Secondly, I replaced this metaphysical framing by borrowing from Wittgenstein: The material object of philosophy I take to be an overview over the basic concepts of our understanding. Thirdly, I restricted the responsibility of philosophy centrally to the fundamental concepts of every-dayunderstanding, part of which has traditionally been called analysis of categories. Even if the narrow conception is clear, it certainly is in need of a defense by reasons.