Dvorkin I. Philosophy of Dialogue: a historical and systematic introduction. // Judaica Petropolitana. № 13. (2020), pp. 6-24.


The question about the philosophy of dialogue can be answered in three complementary senses: historical, systematic, and applied. The philosophy of dialogue arose in the 1920s in Germany and Russia. The works of Rosenzweig, Buber, Ebner, Bakhtin should be mentioned as the most important works introducing the philosophy of dialogue as a special line of thought. However, dialogical ideas have been expressed before. We consider the works of Hermann Cohen written in 1902–1918 to be a particularly important source of the philosophy of dialogue. Later, the philosophy of dialogue was significantly developed in the works of E. Levinas in France and V. Bibler in the Soviet Union. This philosophical current was studied and developed by scholars and thinkers in Germany, Israel, USA, Russia and other countries. In a systematic sense, the philosophy of dialogue can be viewed as a kind of “first philosophy” that interprets reality as a dialogue of persons. The philosophy of dialogue deals with first, second and third persons singular, and first person plural and their relationships. Reality is understood as a dynamic process of interpersonal relationships. Speech and language are interpreted not as a way of formulating thoughts, but as a fundamental carrier of interpersonal relations. The philosophy of dialogue is formulated by its creators as a language, speech or grammatical philosophy. Since reality is interpreted in it as an interpersonal process, the philosophy of dialogue ives rise to original understanding of the nature of space, time, causality, biological, mental and social life. The philosophy of dialogue removes the contradiction between the humanities and natural sciences; it also forms new methods of historical research. Considering the interpersonal process fundamental, the philosophy of dialogue becomes an important foundation of edagogy both in theoretical and practical dimensions.