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2010, Computing Research Repository - CORR
In this report, we propose a quick survey of the currently known techniques for encoding a Boolean cardinality constraint into a CNF formula, and we discuss about the relevance of these encodings. We also propose models to facilitate analysis and design of CNF encodings for Boolean constraints.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007
Motivated by the performance improvements made to SAT solvers
In this paper, we propose a new encoding of the cardinality constraint n i=1 xi b. It makes an original use of the general formulation of the PigeonHole principle to derive a formula in conjunctive normal form (CNF). Our PigeonHole based CNF encoding can be seen as a simple way to express the semantic of the cardinality constraint, that can be defined as how to put b pigeons into n holes. To derive an efficient CNF encoding that ensures constraint propagation, we exploit the set of symmetries of the PigeonHole based formulation to derive an efficient CNF encoding of the cardinality constraint. More interestingly, the final CNF formula contains is b×(n−b) variables and clauses and belongs to the well-known Reverse-Horn tractable CNF formula, which can be decided by unit propagation. Our proposed PigeonHole based encoding is theoretically compared with the currently well-known CNF encoding of the cardinality constraint.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 2017
In this paper, we propose to deal with the encoding of cardinality constraints ∑ n i=1 x i b into conjunctive normal form. We consider the one proposed recently (Jabbour et al., 2014) based on pigeonhole problem. Then, we show that even if the number of clauses of the CNF based encoding is in O(b × (n − b)) , the number of literals of resulting formula can be much more higher: O(b(n − b) 2). To decrease the complexity in terms of number of literals, we propose a compact representation of some clauses of the encoding. Our approach allows to have a quadratic encoding in terms of literals while maintaining the same complexity in terms of clauses and additional variables. An experimental evaluation is performed to show the competitiveness of the new encoding. 2 TECHNICAL BACKGROUND AND PRELIMINARY DEFINITIONS 2.1 Preliminary Definitions and Notations A Boolean formula F in Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) is a conjunction of clauses, where a clause is
In the satisfiability domain, it is well-known that a SAT algorithm may solve a problem instance easily and another instance hardly, whilst these two instances are equivalent CNF encodings of the original problem. Moreover, different algorithms may disagree on which encoding makes the problem easier to solve. In this paper, we focus on the CNF encoding of cardinality constraints, which states that exactly k propositional variables in a given set are assigned to true. We demonstrate the importance of the semantics of the SAT variables in the encoding of this constraint. We implement several variants of the CNF encoding in which the close semantic variables are grouped. We then examine these new encodings on problems generated from diagnosis of discrete-event system. Our results demonstrate that both stochastic and systematic SAT algorithms can now solve most of the problem instances, which were unreachable before (Grastien et al. 2007). These results also indicate that, on average cases, there is an encoding that suits well both SLS and DPLL algorithms.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2018
In the encoding of many real-world problems to propositional satisfiability, the cardinality constraint is a recurrent constraint that needs to be managed effectively. Several efficient encodings have been proposed while missing that such a constraint can be involved in a more general propositional formulation. To avoid combinatorial explosion, Tseitin principle usually used to translate such general propositional formula to Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF), introduces fresh propositional variables to represent sub-formulas and/or complex contraints. Thanks to Plaisted and Greenbaum improvement, the polarity of the sub-formula Φ is taken into account leading to conditional constraints of the form y → Φ, or Φ → y, where y is a fresh propositional variable. In the case where Φ represents a cardinality constraint, such translation leads to conditional cardinality constraints subject of the present paper. We first show that when all the clauses encoding the cardinality constraint are augmented with an additional new variable, most of the well-known encodings cease to maintain the generalized arc consistency property. Then, we consider some of these encodings and show how they can be extended to recover such important property. An experimental validation is conducted on a SAT-based pattern mining application, where such conditional cardinality constraints is a cornerstone, showing the relevance of our proposed approach.
Constraints, 2011
We introduce Cardinality Networks, a new CNF encoding of cardinality constraints. It improves upon the previously existing encodings such as the sorting networks of in that it requires much less clauses and auxiliary variables, while arc consistency is still preserved: e.g.
Abstract. Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems (QCSPs) are CSPs in which some variables are universally quantified. For each possible value of such variables, we have to find ways to set the remaining, existentially quantified, variables so that the constraints are all satisfied. Interest in this topic is increasing following recent advances in Quantified Boolean Formulae (QBFs), the analogous generalisation of satisfiability (SAT). We show that we can encode QC-SPs as QBFs.
We study the computational complexity of Boolean constraint satisfaction problems with cardinality constraint. A Galois connection between clones and co-clones has received a lot of attention in the context of complexity considerations for constraint satisfaction problems. This connection fails when considering constraint satisfaction problems that support in addition a cardinality constraint. We prove that a similar Galois connection, involving a weaker closure operator and partial polymorphisms, can be applied to such problems. Thus, we establish dichotomies for the decision as well as for the counting problems in Schaefer’s framework.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2022
One of the possible approaches for solving a CSP is to encode the input problem into a CNF formula, and then use a SAT solver to solve it. The main advantage of this technique is that it allows to benefit from the practical efficiency of modern SAT solvers, based on the CDCL architecture. However, the reasoning power of SAT solvers is somehow "weak", as it is limited by that of the resolution proof system they use internally. This observation led to the development of so called pseudo-Boolean (PB) solvers, that implement the stronger cutting planes proof system, along with many of the solving techniques inherited from SAT solvers. Additionally, PB solvers can natively reason on PB constraints, i.e., linear equalities or inequalities over Boolean variables. These constraints are more succinct than clauses, so that a single PB constraint can represent exponentially many clauses. In this paper, we leverage both this succinctness and the reasoning power of PB solvers to solve CSPs by designing PB encodings for different common constraints, and feeding them into PB solvers to compare their performance with that of existing CP solvers.
BoolVar/pb v1.0 is an open source java library dedicated to the translation of pseudo-Boolean constraints into cnf formulae. Input constraints can be categorized with tags. Several encoding schemes are implemented in a way that each input constraint can be translated using one or several encoders, according to the related tags. The library can be easily extended by adding new encoders and / or new output formats. It is available at
In the encoding of many real-world problems to propositional satisfiability, the cardinality constraint is a recurrent constraint that needs to be managed effectively. Several efficient encodings have been proposed while missing that such a constraint can be involved in a more general propositional formula. To avoid combinatorial explosion, the Tseitin principle usually used to translate such general propositional formula to Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF), introduces fresh propositional variables to represent sub-formulas and/or complex contraints. Thanks to Plaisted and Greenbaum improvement, the polarity of the sub-formula Φ is taken into account leading to conditional constraints of the form y → Φ, or Φ → y, where y is a fresh propositional variable. In the case where Φ represents a cardinality constraint, such translation leads to conditional cardinality constraints subject of the present paper. We first show that when all the clauses encoding the cardinality constraint are augmented with an additional new variable, most of the well-known encodings cease to maintain the generalized arc-consistency property. Then, we consider some of these encodings and show how they can be extended to recover such important property. An experimental validation is conducted on a SAT-based pattern mining application, where such conditional cardinality constraints are a cornerstone, showing the relevance of our proposed approach.
A translation is proposed of conjunctions of literals of the forms x = y \ z, x = y \ z, and x ∈ y, where x, y, z stand for variables ranging over the von Neumann universe of sets, into unquantified Boolean formulae of a rather simple conjunctive normal form. The formulae in the target language involve variables ranging over a Boolean field of sets, along with a difference operator and relators designating equality, nondisjointness and inclusion. Moreover, the result of each translation is a conjunction of literals of the forms x = y \ z, x = y \ z and of implications whose antecedents are isolated literals and whose consequents are either inclusions (strict or non-strict) between variables, or equalities between variables. Besides reflecting a simple and natural semantics, which ensures satisfiability-preservation, the proposed translation has quadratic algorithmic time-complexity, and bridges two languages both of which are known to have an NP-complete satisfiability problem.
This paper introduces a new CNF encoding of pseudo-Boolean constraints, which allows unit propagation to maintain generalized arc consistency. In the worst case, the size of the produced formula can be exponentially related to the size of the input constraint, but some important classes of pseudo-Boolean constraints, including Boolean cardinality constraints, are encoded in polynomial time and size. The proposed encoding was integrated in a solver based on the zChaff SAT solver and submitted to the PB05 evaluation. The results provide new perspectives in the field of full CNF approach of pseudo-Boolean constraints solving.
Mathematical Programming, 1999
A mathematical programming model may contain qualitative as well as quantitative elements. One may, for example, wish to combine a rule base with numerical constraints. This raises the issue of how to represent logical constraints in inequality form so that they have a useful linear relaxation. We provide a simple recursive procedure that generates a convex hull description of any logical condition that can be written as a "cardinality rule", which seems to be a form that occurs often in practice. A cardinality rule asserts that if at least k of the propositions A 1 , . . . , A m are true, then at least of the propositions B 1 , . . . , B n are true. The main result of the paper is that the procedure in fact provides a convex hull description.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on …, 2001
We investigate cardinality constraints of the form M,! K, where M is a set and is one of the comparison operators\=,", or\": a model of such a constraint is required to contain\ exactly, at most", or\ at least", respectively, K elements of M. Applications dealing with ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009
We introduce Cardinality Networks, a new CNF encoding of cardinality constraints. It improves upon the previously existing encodings such as the sorting networks of in that it requires much less clauses and auxiliary variables, while arc consistency is still preserved: e.g., for a constraint x1 + . . . + xn ≤ k, as soon as k variables among the xi's become true, unit propagation sets all other xi's to false. Our encoding also still admits incremental strengthening: this constraint for any smaller k is obtained without adding any new clauses, by setting a single variable to false.
We present an approach to propagation-based SAT encoding of combinatorial problems, Boolean equi-propagation, where constraints are modeled as Boolean functions which propagate information about equalities between Boolean literals. This information is then applied to simplify the CNF encoding of the constraints. A key factor is that considering only a small fragment of a constraint model at one time enables us to apply stronger, and even complete, reasoning to detect equivalent literals in that fragment. Once detected, equivalences apply to simplify the entire constraint model and facilitate further reasoning on other fragments. Equi-propagation in combination with partial evaluation and constraint simplification provide the foundation for a powerful approach to SAT-based finite domain constraint solving. We introduce a tool called BEE (Ben-Gurion Equi-propagation Encoder) based on these ideas and demonstrate for a variety of benchmarks that our approach leads to a considerable reduction in the size of CNF encodings and subsequent speed-ups in SAT solving times.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011
We present an approach to propagation based solving, Boolean equi-propagation, where constraints are modelled as propagators of information about equalities between Boolean literals. Propagation based solving applies this information as a form of partial evaluation resulting in optimized SAT encodings. We demonstrate for a variety of benchmarks that our approach results in smaller CNF encodings and leads to speed-ups in solving times.
CoLogNet Publications, 2002
Many constraint satisfaction problems (csp's) are formulated with 0/1 variables. Sometimes this is a natural encoding, sometimes it is as a result of a reformulation of the problem, other times 0/1 variables make up only a part of the problem. Frequently we have constraints that restrict the sum of the values of variables. This can be encoded as a simple summation of the variables. However, since variables can only take 0/1 values we can also use an occurrence constraint, e.g. the number of occurrences of 1 must be k. Would this make a difference? Similarly, problems may use channelling constraints and encode these as a biconditional such as P ↔ Q (i.e. P if and only if Q). This can also be encoded in a number of ways. Might this make a difference as well? We attempt to answer these questions, using a variety of problems and two constraint programming toolkits. We show that even minor changes to the formulation of a constraint can have a profound effect on the run time of a constraint program and that these effects are not consistent across constraint programming toolkits. This leads us to a cautionary note for constraint programmers: take note of how you encode constraints, and don't assume computational behaviour is toolkit independent.
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