Greek in the Literary Circles of Sidonius' Gaul

2023, Gallia docta? Education and In-/Exclusion in Late Antique Gaul (edited by Meurer, T. and V. Egetenmeyr )


This paper explores the place of Greek language and literature in the educational and intellectual world of Sidonius Apollinaris. The first part examines the direct evidence for Sidonius' knowledge of Greek, concluding that he knew Greek and was able to read and engage with Greek texts without the aid of a Latin translation. The second part of the paper focuses on the in-and exclusion of certain Greek authors and authorities in Sidonius' rhetorical lists of praise and asks what light this can shed on the educational communities of the Galli docti of Sidonius' age, and the shifting and evolving landscapes of learning in fifth-century Gaul.