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Proceedings of INTED2015 Conference 2nd-4th March 2015, Madrid, Spain
8 pages
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A personal innovative micro-project has been implemented by the authors at Primary School level (year 4) during the last two years. The driving question of this project started asking ourselves how can we make our students to learn and fix in their minds a large list of irregular verbs to be memorized in a much more funny and attractive way. To obtain positive results the Project Based Learning Methodology has been implemented and one of the main targets consisted in fostering meaningful learning, collaborative work and critical thinking. Moreover, it can be asserted that throughout this micro-project an important contribution to the development of the eight main basic competences established in the European Framework of Reference for Languages has been included. Learners act as active agents in the teaching and learning process so that key words and concepts are clearly settled down from the very first moment they start thinking about their personal tool-kit project. The first part of this essay is devoted to explain and reassure some theoretical concepts about PBL and the authentic need to include this methodology in the National Curriculum. The second level of this essay pays attention to the different phases in which this micro-project has been developed and real examples are provided. This micro-project can be named as a Cross-Curricular Project because different subjects as the English subject, Arts and Crafts, Main Language, etc. are involved in the different phases that have been designed to implement it. A lot of creative work and the teachers guide acting as a coach helped learners to make a very personal and innovative project. Last but not least, all data collected throughout this experience will be discussed and some considerations and critical reflections will be pointed out to reinforce the authors’ first hypothesis about the benefits of implementing PBL in the classrooms.
Journal of English Language Teaching Innovations and Materials (Jeltim)
This research aimed to validate the authenticity and usefulness of Irregular Verb Game as a teaching tool in learning past tense irregular verbs in English language class. This research involved an English teacher and students of grade eight at SMPN 3 Salatiga, Kabupaten Sambas. The research method was development which consists of three phases: analyzing, designing, and developing. For the analysis phase, the researcher used interview sheets to obtain the data that highlights teacher and students’ needs in teaching and learning. The design phase focused on designing the contents and layout of the product. The development phase generated the product, tried it out, and got teacher’s validation by using assessment rubric. The first part of the result of this research was a complete design of the product. The layout of the design had 3 main parts: intro, inside house, and outside house. The contents included a visual dictionary, pronunciation function, and simple quizzes. The second pa...
Journal of Linguistics/Jazykovedný casopis
Corpus linguistics is one of the most dynamic and rapidly developing areas of modern linguistics. It affects all areas of linguistics, including methodology of teaching foreign languages, translation and other linguistic disciplines. Corpus linguistics has had a direct impact on teaching foreign languages. However, in general, it remains a marginal method in teaching. Analysis of publications on the subject allows us to conclude that very few studies are long-term and aimed at working with schoolchildren. This article proposes a model for the development of sustainable interest among high school students in online corpora as sources of linguistic information, including the initiation stage in the form of project work in mini-groups to study well-known sayings with the consequent stage aiming at completing tasks supplementing the main textbook on a regular basis. The organization of project work addressing the corps of 11th grade students of the Natural Science Lyceum at Peter the Gr...
Project-based learning (PBL) or project-based instruction is an instructional approach designed to give students the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through engaging projects set around challenges and problems they may face in the real world. The article presents content and language integrated learning where subjects are taught through the medium of a foreign language. The authors differentiate the aims of language learning and subject content learning. There are also two main types of assessment in project based learning. The article gives examples of tasks dealing with subject content in project based learning lesson. There are some recommendations in lesson planning. The author makes conclusion about language teacher’s role and subject teacher’s role in integrated learning.
A case study of PBL in a School Linguistic Project in Fundamentos de enseñanza y aprendizaje para una educación universal, intercultural y bilingüe Editors: Amor, M.I, Osuna, M y Pérez, E., 2018
Resumen La iniciativa de promover un proyecto lingüístico a nivel de centro es muy reciente en Andalucía. Comenzó en el curso académico 2013-14 con la selección de algunos centros educativos propuestos por los centros de profesorado para pilotar dicha propuesta. Al ser un proyecto de tres años de duración, únicamente existen 24 colegios y 26 institutos con un proyecto lingüístico completo en la actualidad. Algunos autores como Trujillo (2015) afirman que el desarrollo de un proyecto lingüístico es una oportunidad de cambio para el centro educativo. El objetivo fundamental es desarrollar la competencia comunicativa del alumnado en distintas lenguas, incluida la lengua materna. Es esencial hallar los métodos de aprendizaje más eficaces para el contexto del alumnado en cuestión. Los participantes de este estudio son 490 alumnos y 32 profesores procedentes de un centro de Educación Infantil, Primaria y Primer ciclo de Educación Secundaria ubicado en una ciudad española de tamaño medio. Esta investigación pone de relieve las ventajas de utilizar métodos más centrados en el alumno como el Aprendizaje por Proyectos (Mergendoller, 2013) que el tradicional Presentación, Práctica y Producción (PPP) en adquisición de lenguas. Siendo conscientes de las limitaciones que conlleva el empezar un proyecto de estas características para muchos docentes, este estudio puede ser de gran ayuda para docentes e investigadores no sólo para comprender cómo el alumnado puede desarrollar mejor su competencia lingüística sino también para solventar problemas y dificultades propias de la puesta en marcha de este tipo de proyectos. Palabras clave: proyecto lingüístico; aprendizaje cooperativo; aprendizaje basado en proyectos; enseñanza de idiomas. Abstract The initiative of promoting a linguistic project in schools is very recent in Andalusia. It started in the academic year 2013-14 with the selection of a few schools proposed by teacher training centers in order to pilot this activity. Being a three years project, there are only 24 Primary schools and 26 Secondary schools with a complete linguistic project nowadays. Some authors suggest the development of a linguistic project in a school is an opportunity to change (Trujillo, 2015). In fact, the main aim is to promote innovative ideas to develop students' communicative competence in different languages including the mother tongue. It is essential to find the most effective methodologies suitable for students' learning contexts. Participants in our study are from a middle size Spanish city, 490 students and 32 teachers in an Andalusian Preschool, Primary and Secondary school. This recent study pays special attention to Project Based Learning (Mergendoller, 2013), showing advantages of this method over the traditional Present, Practice and Produce (PPP) for language acquisition. Being conscious of the constraints involved in the task of starting such a big project for many teachers, this study can be of great help for practitioners and researchers not only to understand how learners can better develop their linguistic competence but also to solve difficulties and lessen worries in the first year of implementation.
Even though gamification has been lingering for years now, its popularity has been rising ever since. In fact, across disciplines and contexts, the amplification of 21 st century learning has been giving gamification a special place in education. There are numerous studies conducted on the use of gamification among school children, university students or even trainee teachers. Coincidentally, all of these studies have shown that gamification does impact their learning. Hence, as harmless as it seems, any teachers who are not equipped with such knowledge on the benefits of gamification may hinder their learners and themselves from reaching their utmost teaching and learning experience especially when it comes to grammar learning among the younger pupils. Considering this thought in mind, this research was conducted to prove that the use of Kahoot! helps the Year 3 pupils in retaining the English Irregular verbs. This quasi-experimental designed research gathered data from a sample of 35 Year 3 pupils using the pre-test and post-test results. The findings which were analysed descriptively using sample t-test showed that pupils' performances in the post-test improved over the use of Kahoot! in classroom. In conclusion, this research provides an insight on number of ways that gamification can actually impacted the pupils' learning; especially in terms of memory retention. It also works as a stepping stone for more researches to study on the effectiveness of using Kahoot! in tackling any part of learning especially among the younger learners.
Архив научных исследований, 2020
The collection of scientific papers available on Materials of the XVIII International scientific and practical Conference Modern views and research June | 2020 CONTENTS AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES 1. Reyimov Nietbay, Reymov Omirbay, Reymova Feruza-Improvement of water situations in the areal region 2. Materials of the XVIII International scientific and practical Conference Modern views and research June | 2020 CONTENTS 35. Kuldasheva Zebo-The Affecting factors on consumers' online shopping behavior: The case of Uzbekistan 36. Kurbanova Oysha Beknazarovna-The use of speech forms in the development of speech compartments of students in grades 10-11 37. Sagdullaeva L.Kh.-On the theoretical basis for the development of curiosity in preschool age 38. Azatbaeva Miyasar Satbaevna-Efficiency of Power Point Presentations in learning a language 39. Obidova Orasta Azamovna-The role of religious-philosophical teachings in the struggle against destructive ideas 40. Orakbaeva Gullala Orakbaevna, Eshmuratova Amina Togyzbaevna-The issue of educating bad behaviour youngs 41. Sherzod Primov-The pedagogical bases of developing communicative comptence of teachers 42. Soliyeva Khavaskhon Omonovna-Art as a special means of education 43. Toshpulatov D.A.-The peculiar semantic features of commercial terms used in foreign economic relations and the method of teaching through modern technologies 44. Yusubbayeva Nilufar, Yo'ldashev Asadbek, Kholmurotova Ravshanoy-Using modern information and communication technologies in education 45. Yusubbayeva Nilufar, Yo'ldashev Asadbek, Kholmurotova Ravshanoy-Writing in foreign language classes and to teach to express an opinion in writing PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES 46. Abduraufova Umida,Nurmattova Madina,Matjanova Bakhtigul Saparbay qizi-Several elements of reading and writing 47. Abidova Zilola Xabibullaevna, Hudoyarova Ziyoda Maratovna-The study of the syntactic structure of a sentence in the history of linguistics 48. Allanazarova Mohira Bakhtiyor qizi-The country allah said to alpomish children. 49. Amriddinova N.Sh-Invariational and differential features as the most important condition of system organization of phraseological field. 50. Babayeva komila Rishatovna, Toshmurodova muhabbat Nazaralievna-Importance of acquiring euphemisms from fiction in learning process Materials of the XVIIi International scientific and practical Conference Modern views and research June | 2020 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE IMPROVEMENT OF WATER SITUATIONS IN THE AREAL REGION Reyimov Nietbay-Candidate of Agricultural sciences, Associate professor of Nukus branch Tashkent state agrarian university Reymov Omirbay-2nd yaer master of the Nukus branch Tashkent state agrarian university Reymova Feruza-Assistant at Karakalpak state university Absract.The Republic of Karakalpakstan is located at the very end of the Amu Darya River, in the lower reaches of the central sprinkler of Central Asia. Low water often occurs in the region. The volume of the main climate control source, the Aral Sea, decreases every year. Therefore, it is necessary to combine efforts to overcome the consequences of the Aral Sea disaster and improve the socioeconomic situation in the Aral Sea region, solve the water and environmental problems of the region, taking into account the common interests of neighboring and neighboring countries.
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2014
The Brazilian educational system demands, more and more, pedagogical practices which encourage the students to get really involved with the learning process and also that have them develop the ability of establishing relation between what they learn in school and what happens in everyday life. Thus, it is not possible to accept a teaching practice which requests from the students, for example, memorization of big nomenclature lists, which will never be used in daily communication. Onwards this belief, came the idea of creating a work proposal guided by interdisciplinarity. The objective is to show how a Basic Education teacher can work with the figure of speech concept in a playful, meaning, efficient and mainly interdisciplinary way, which is a modern slope of the educational field nowadays, but it is not present so commonly within Brazilian schools.
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Teknosastik, 2018
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Scientific Journal "International Philological Journal", 2021
Naukovij vìsnik Mukačìvsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu, 2022
Lingwistyka Stosowana/ Applied Linguistics/ Angewandte Linguistik, 2016