On p-quasi-hyponormal operators

2007, Linear Algebra and its Applications


A Hilbert space operator A ∈ B(H) is said to be p-quasi-hyponormal for some 0 < p 1, A ∈ p − QH , if A * (|A| 2p − |A * | 2p)A 0. If H is infinite dimensional, then operators A ∈ p − QH are not supercyclic. Restricting ourselves to those A ∈ p − QH for which A −1 (0) ⊆ A * −1 (0), A ∈ p * − QH , a necessary and sufficient condition for the adjoint of a pure p * − QH operator to be supercyclic is proved. Operators in p * − QH satisfy Bishop's property (β). Each A ∈ p * − QH has the finite ascent property and the quasinilpotent part H 0 (A − λI) of A equals (A − λI) −1 (0) for all complex numbers λ; hence f (A) satisfies Weyl's theorem, and f (A *) satisfies a-Weyl's theorem, for all non-constant functions f which are analytic on a neighborhood of σ (A). It is proved that a Putnam-Fuglede type commutativity theorem holds for operators in p * − QH .