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Obesity is a health and nutrition problems which often found in most societies around the world, even the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared obesity as a global epidemic, so it should be resolved. Based on the health profile Karanganyar regency in July 2012, the highest incidence of obesity in toddlers located at work area Health Center I Colomadu with prevalence by 47 toddlers. Obesity which is occurs in toddlers can not be separated from the role of family parenting, especially the one which applied by the mother. The purpose of this study to determine the correlation history of breastfeeding and weaning, feeding practices, socio-cognitive and mother's attitude towards the occurance of obesity in toddlers. This study uses a case-control approach. Study sample for the case group consist of 34 toddlers and for the control group also consist of 34 toddlers. The data was collected through interviews using questionnaires and 24-hour recall form. This study also perform direct measurement toward the body weight and height of the toddlers. Data analyzed using univariate and bivariate statistical Chi-square test (significance level 0.05) and the magnitude of risk with Odds Ratio (OR). The results of breastfeeding and weaning history (p = 0.000 and OR = 15.167), feeding practices (p = 0.028 and OR = 2.987), and maternal attitudes (p = 0.189 and OR = 2.012). It can be concluded that the history of breastfeeding and weaning and also feeding practices in toddlers showed a significant correlation with the incidence of obesity. While the sociocognitive and maternal attitudes about obesity in toddlers showed no significant correlation with the incidence of obesity.
This research takes headline about opportunity forecast analysis of activity opportunity and labour productivity in Kabupaten Lombok Barat 2010-2025. Analytical technique applied in studying this research is exponential trend analytical method depicting an movement of uptrend or downwards on a long term obtained from average of alteration from time to time and its(the value enough flattening (smooth) From here can be suggested that, Local Government Level Of II Kabupaten Lombok Barat need determine target which must be reached that observation of developer of business field sectors capable to can be made balance to with improvement of its(the labour productivity.
This study explains the Chinese policy towards the supply of oil in Sudan needs through CNPC. Tiongkok's cooperation with Sudan began when the Sudanese government to sell shares to the Chinese oil industry which was then managed by CNPC. Since managed by CNPC, Sudan's oil industry has been progressing. Tiongkok at present has become a major investor in Sudan's oil industry which is managed by CNPC. However, the political instability of the disturbing Sudan Sudan's oil production activities. The conflict has resulted in the shutdown of its oil production, and the attempt to blockade the oil pipeline by the Sudanese government. This makes Tiongkok as a major partner in the Sudanese oil industry was very worried. Therefore, Tiongkok as a major investor in Sudan's oil production need to secure investment to meet Tiongkok oil availability and ensure security of oil distribution is to get to Tiongkok. This study used a qualitative approach and the type of data used are secondary data. To know Tiongkok policy towards the energy supply needs of oil in Sudan through CNPC, this study uses the concept of energy security and foreign policy theory. Based on the preceding discussion, the results of this study concluded that, in order to secure its oil supply policy of the Tiongkok government to develop good and friendly neighbour diplomacy or the so-called great peripheral diplomacy and policy loan for oil diplomacy. In addition, the policies issued by CNPC based policies issued by the government. This is because CNPC is not only a Tiongkok national oil companies but also government organizations. President CNPC is a ministerial-level and stakeholders in CNPC is only the government. Afterward, Tiongkok to secure its oil distribution by providing loans to South Sudan to build an alternative pipeline route from Kenya and Uganda. Oil energy sector cooperation between the two countries Sudan is a long-term strategy for the Tiongkok government to maintain the availability of energy and CNPC consider their relationship with Sudan and South Sudan is not only limited to the such as economy , but geostrategic success in the search for energy supply needs.
Adelia Nava Syakinah, Imam Mukti, Nurdiansyah , 2025
Adelia Nava Syakinah Edison (520 042 013). Representation of Student Lifestyle Through Tiktok Social Media Video Shows at Pancasakti University. Lifestyle refers to the way of life of a person or group of people, including behavioral patterns, habits, preferences, and choices in various aspects of life. This includes eating styles, clothing, entertainment, physical activity, music preferences, values, and more. A person's lifestyle can reflect their identity, preferences, values, and aspirations. This study aims to understand how the lifestyle of students on Tiktok social media in general, as well as evaluate the factors that influence the lifestyle of students on TikTok social media. This study uses a qualitative research type because it is able to collect problems and reject something that is stated in the form of sentences formulated after studying something carefully and how to describe it clearly based on the facts that occur. The researcher will first discuss the findings about the lifestyle of students formed through the consumption of content on TikTok. This study found that there are several lifestyle elements that dominate among students, namely life hacks, fashion trends, self-development, academic activities, and entertainment, which are then influenced by factors such as social interaction, creative opportunities, the need for entertainment, the impact of algorithms, and the influence of influencers.
Brick, red brick and the brick light (Hebel) is the material that each has advantages and disadvantages, so we need a mature analysis in determining the best option. The wall material because all three have the same functions and specifications of the system of determining the right decision is to use AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Simply put AHP is often defined as a method of weighting the value of the comparison of the problems faced. To keep it refers to a special purpose project which includes factors of cost, time and quality, then these three factors used as assessment criteria. The aim of this research was to determine the best material choice. The study was conducted at a housing project in Surabaya maritime cottage housing is done by the Building Section. Results from this study is the weight of alternative value highest in red brick with a weight value of 0.501 (50%), then adobe 0.276 (27%) and light brick 0.223 (22%). Thus the recommended alternative is the use of red brick. ABSTRAK Batako, Bata merah dan Bata ringan merupakan material dinding yang masing-masing memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan, sehingga perlu dilakukan analisa yang matang dalam penentuan pilihan terbaik. Karena ketiga material dinding tersebut memiliki fungsi dan spesifikasi yang sama maka sistem penentuan keputusan yang tepat digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Secara sederhana AHP sering diartikan sebagai metode penentuan bobot nilai perbandingan dari persoalan yang dihadapi. Agar tetap mengacu pada tujuan khusus proyek yang meliputi faktor biaya, waktu dan mutu, maka ketiga faktor ini digunakan sebagai kriteria penilaian. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pilihan material terbaik. Penelitian dilakukan pada proyek pembangunan rumah diperumahan pondok maritim Surabaya yang dikerjakan oleh Building Section. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Bobot nilai alternatif tertinggi terdapat pada bata merah dengan bobot nilai 0,501 (50%), kemudian batako 0,276 (27%) dan bata ringan 0,223 (22%). Dengan demikian alternatif yang disarankan adalah menggunakan Bata merah.
This research aim to know the differences between hijaber teenagers and nonhijaber teenagers using statictic analyze methods which based upon measurement scale data of social interaction who did by fourty student of SMAN 16 Surabaya. In the social age of teenagers, they have mental's development in attitude development aspect by them self, the development of social attitude respons usual known as conformities and heterosexuality. Conformities are responses to the way of equality or balancing on group responses which that causes teenagers can being have some positives respons or negatives respons from theirs adaptation on groups. Conformities with negatives respons is like stealing, destructives activities, drugs etc. And the conformities with positive respons is like having many time with positives activities with his/her social groups (Santrock, 2004). The major changes of attitude and sexualities of teenagers are heterosexual development (Hurlock, 1991). They have development's experiences from can't like each others then being can like each others (in diferrents gender contextual). Many chances can they get in a huge social activity, which make them have a better knowledge of social activity. But, islam have some social interaction's rule between genders that is hijab sistem, which is made for prevents males negatives responses who attracted by stimulus of female's sexies body visual figure. In this research showed that has nothing differences of social interaction between hijaber teenager and non-hijaber teenager, it proved by result from independent sample T-Tes with SPSS 16 application shows significancy values at rate 0,653.
Efforts legal protection for victims of domestic violence, especially women can be given by law enforcement agencies and non-law enforcement agencies. But in fact a lot of the handling of domestic violence cases stalled in the middle of the street, so that the protection of the victim was not able to be implemented. Method used is the normative specification of descriptive research. The results showed that the legal protection for women as crime victims of Domestic Violence (domestic violence) in Semarang Polrestabes been well realized in accordance with the provisions of Law number 23 of 2004 on the Elimination of Domestic Violence, though not yet fully optimized. Obstacles encountered in providing legal protection for women victims of domestic violence in Polrestabes Semarang is particularly police PPA unit can not perform optimally because the victim's checks shut down and do not open and the revocation or prosecution of domestic violence cases at the time of the inspection process is still progress. Efforts to overcome the obstacles to granting legal protection to women victims of domestic violence in Polrestabes Semarang is providing understanding and counseling for victims and work in accordance with the procedure legislation.
Poverty is an economic problem we have yet to solve. There is a sustainable escalation in the number of Semarang poor citizen in recent years. Zakat, as moslem obligation once a person achieve nisab, has a promising potential to be one of the instrument in dealing poverty with its distribution method to empower productive economy. Number of moslem citizen in semarang has been increasing each year. Institution specialized in managing zakat is founded with the purpose to administere zakat fund, infak, sedekah so it will ensure the effectivity of zakat fund channeling. The aim of this study is to discover the source, the usage as well as the distributing mechanism of productive zakat managed by Badan Amil Zakat Kota Semarang. It is also being the goal of this study to analyze zakat productive fund's impact upon business revenue, business profit and household expenditure of the zakat recipient's household.
2. Apakah ekstrak etanol 70% daun srikaya (Annona squamosa L) dan daun sirsak (Annona muricata L..) sebagai penghambat Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) memiliki aktivitas antihipertensi ? 3. Apakah ekstrak etanol 70% dari daun yang memiliki aktivitas tertinggi dalam penghambatan ACE memenuhi parameter mutu ekstrak secara spesifik dan non spesifik? C. MANFAAT PENELITIAN 1. Memberikan informasi golongan metabolit sekunder yang terdapat pada simplisia dan ekstrak etanol 70% daun srikaya (Annona squamosa L.) dan daun sirsak (Annona muricata L..). 2. Memberikan informasi mengenai uji aktivitas penghambatan Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) dari ekstrak etanol 70% daun srikaya (Annona squamosa L.)dan daun sirsak (Annona muricata L..) sebagai antihipertensi. 3. Memberikan informasi pemeriksaan parameter mutu spesifik dan nonspesifik ekstrak etanol 70% dari daun yang memiliki aktivitas tertinggi dalam penghambatan Angiotensin Converting Enzyme(ACE). D. TUJUAN PENELITIAN 1. Mengidentifikasi golongan metabolit sekunder yang terdapat pada simplisia dan ekstrak etanol 70% daun srikaya (Annona squamosa L.) dan daun sirsak (Annona muricata L..). 2. Menguji aktivitas penghambatan Angiotensin Converting Enzyme(ACE) dari ekstrak etanol 70% daun srikaya (Annona squamosa L) dan daun sirsak (Annona muricata L..)sebagai antihipertensi. 3. Melakukan uji parameter mutu spesifik dan non-spesifik ekstrak etanol 70% dari daun yang memiliki aktivitas tertinggi dalam penghambatan Angiotensin Converting Enzyme(ACE).
The existence of competition new cyber café in a small covered area resulting in competition, so the cyber caffe should improve customer satisfaction for a customer / subscriber. Customer satisfaction levels according to Kotler is the feeling of someone after comparing the performance which he felt to his expectations.
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