Feeling-Into the Civic Body: Affect, Emotions and Moods

2022, Springer eBooks

Affect, emotions and moods all play an important role in social and political life. They motivate, excite, colour experience, are core to communication, help us perceive value and inform our judgements (including those of a moral sort). This chapter accounts for the energising role of feelings in relation to false information throughout the civic body. Using feelings as a catch-all term to describe affects, emotions and moods, as well as reactions to stimuli we may not be aware of, we start by charting the trajectory of the role of feelings in understanding citizen-political communications. Their persuasive importance was recognised millennia ago and this has been recognised anew in recent decades with the advent of neuroscience and the understanding that emotions are important for decisions and judgements. Many studies address how governments can try to best manage public feeling, and hence behaviour, and we highlight three main mechanisms: discursive, decision-making based and datafied. Claims that we live in a post-truth condition are prevalent, with appeals to emotion and personal belief argued to be more influential in shaping public opinion than objective facts. While the relative importance of emotion and facts in everyday life is difficult to ascertain, we demonstrate that the media from which people would normally derive their facts (namely, news media and social media) have become more emotionalised and affective. We suggest that we live in an informational environment that is