Regenerative endodontics: An overview

2017, Journal of Indian Academy of Dental Specialist Researchers


The advancement of science and technology has huge positive impacts on the present day world. It has contributed immensely to every aspect of our lives, including the medical and dental care. The treatment concepts that were once perceived to be imaginative are today considered achievable. Even though millions of teeth are saved by root canal therapy every year, still, a significant number is rendered unrestorable and doomed to extraction. Thus, an alternative restorative therapy, which may substitute natural teeth, other than root canal therapy is needed. One biological approach to restore tooth structure is a regenerative endodontic procedure, where tissue engineering principles are applied. The field of tissue engineering has literally exploded during the past decade. The first is revascularization, where a new pulp tissue is expected to grow into the root canals from the remaining tissues exist apically in the root canal. The second includes tissue engineering where the replacement of the diseased pulp with a healthy tissue that is able to revitalize the tooth and restore dentin formation process.