Ethical Issues in NanoBiotech


Bionanotechnology, nanobiotechnology and nanobiology are terms that refer to the intersection of nanotechnology and biology. The subject is one that has only emerged very recently, nanobiotechnology serve as blanket terms for various related technologies. Nanoethics "concerns ethical and social issues associated with developments in nanotechnology". Nano biotechnology represents a rapidly growing field of interest and has a wide variety of applications. However, as with nanotechnology and biotechnology, bionanotechnology does have many potential ethical issues associated with it. Nano2Life ELSA (2006) board has identified some potential issues more specific to nanobiotechnology. Because of the wide gap between the basic science and many of the still speculative predictions, nanobiotechnologies are presented in a future oriented way, which itself poses the first ethical challenge. The ethical issues concerned with nanobiotechnologies are related to Health, Safety, Medical, Legal, Social and Environmental issues. Other ethical issues include Governance of Research, Economic Displacements, Anthropological Aspects and Transhumanists. Most issues on nanobiotechnology are still at its infancy and inconclusive. Thus, nanobiotechnologies act as enabling technologies that widen and sharpen the impact of existing issues. The current paper deals with an analysis of research students’ perspectives concerning ethical issues associated with nanotechnology research. The study reveals that issues related to Medical field (40%) is the first ethical challenge in nanobiotechnology followed by Environmental issues (30%), Health and Safety issues (20%) and Societal issues (10%). Most of the respondents believe that nanobiotechnology will pose more risks (50 - 90%) to human health rather than benefits (25%). Therefore, it is important to encourage ethics researchers to produce quality research proposals on ethical issues and to have the public involved in the discussion of the social impact of nanotechnology.