Hypergeometric Functions over Finite Fields

2015, arXiv (Cornell University)

8.2. A Pfaff-Saalschütz evaluation formula 8.3. A few analogues of algebraic hypergeometric formulas 9. Quadratic or Higher Transformation Formulas 9.1. Some results related to elliptic curves 9.2. A Kummer quadratic transformation formula 9.3. The quadratic formula in connection with the Kummer relations 9.4. A finite field analogue of a theorem of Andrews and Stanton 9.5. Another application of Bailey cubic transformations 9.6. Another cubic 2 F 1 formula and a corollary 10. An application to Hypergeometric Abelian Varieties 11. Open Questions and Concluding Remarks 11.1. Numeric observations 12. Appendix 12.1. Bailey 3 F 2 cubic transforms 12.2. A proof of a formula by Gessel and Stanton References Index