Dimensions 2023

2023, Dimensions, vol 58


The Editor then uses a double blind peer review process to review the manuscripts. That is, the names and academic affiliations of the authors and information identifying schools and colleges cited in articles are removed from the manuscripts prior to review by members of the Editorial Board, all of whom are published professionals, committed to second language education at research universities. Neither the author(s) nor the reviewers know the identity of one another during the review process. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two members of the Editorial Board, and one of the following recommendations is made: "accept as is, " "request a second draft with minor revisions, " "request a second draft with major revisions, " or "do not publish. " The Editor then requests second drafts of manuscripts that receive favorable ratings on the initial draft. These revised manuscripts are reviewed a second time before a final decision to publish is made. The Editor of Dimensions 2023 invited prospective authors at all levels of language teaching to submit original work for publication consideration without having to commit to presenting a paper at the annual meeting of the Southern Conference on Language Teaching. Starting as a conference proceeding under the name Dimension with the organization's inception in 1967, the journal has long been the official peer-reviewed journal of SCOLT that annually publishes national and international authors. Recognizing the plurality of dimensions of teaching and learning languages represented by authors in the journal, the Board voted to change the journal's name to Dimensions in 2023. Contributing authors' research findings and pedagogical implications are shared at the SCOLT conference opening ceremony with attendees and beyond. To improve visibility of the authors' work, the Board voted to publish the journal on the SCOLT website in an open access format for all publications from 2003 to present. SCOLT Dimensions is indexed with the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) database sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education that connects 12 million users-researchers, educators, policy makers, and students from 238 countries. ERIC metric biannual reports indicate that Dimension articles are being viewed or downloaded over 6,000 times