Maternal Morbidity

2016, The professional medical journal

April 1 st 2012 to Sep 30 th 2012. Methods: The data was collected on pre-designed pro-forma by the researcher. Tools and techniques were analyzed through SPSS version 15. Results The Following results were drawn by the study: The mean age of enrolled participants was 32.5±4.7 years, mean parity was 3.8±1.4 and mean gestational age was 34.7±2.9 weeks. The frequency of morbidly adherent placenta was 23.7%, postpartum hemorrhage 21.9%, blood transfusion >4 47.2% and cesarean hystrectomy was 12.3% cases. Conclusions: It is concluded from this study that morbidly adherent placenta was 23.7%, postpartum hemorrhage 21.9%, blood transfusion >4 47.2% and cesarean hystrectomy was 12.3% cases.