Husserl ve Dilthey’da Bilinç ve Anlam Sorunu

2018, Kaygı (Bursa)

This study compares Husserl's transcendental phenomenology to Dilthey's methodological hermeneutics in context of the problems of the consciousness and the meaning. In this context, it's tried to show that Husserl has hermeneutical dilemmas like that Dilthey has phenomenological ones. In this respect, it tries to answer the following problems. What is the hermeneutical and phenomenological dilemma of the transcendental phenomenology and methodological hermeneutics? Where are the limits of Husserl's and Dilthey's epistemological attempts? Can these attempts answer the problem of relation between language and world? This study, which has two basic headings, firstly claims that Husserl's notions of the consciousness and the meaning have lack of the categories of the historicity and the individuality. Thus he cannot explain that the understanding has hermeneutical conditions. Secondly, it tries to show that Dilthey's concepts of the consciousness and the meanings have lack of the phenomenological intentionality. Thus he cannot see that appearing the meaning in expression has the phenomenological conditions. Eventually, this study asserts that Gadamer and Heidegger surpass the both of Husserl's and Dilthey's dilemmas. In this regard, it indicates that the crisis, which put on the agenda by two thinkers, is actually belonging to the life not to the scientific methodology.