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2016, Journal of advances in natural sciences
Oil was extracted from the seed of Cassia sieberiana Lusing soxhlet apparatus. The oil yield was 9.26±0.01% and the colour of the seed oil was dark yellow. The results of the physico-chemical analysis revealed the following; acid value, iodine value, saponification value, peroxide value, relative density and refractive index of 0.35±0.01 mgKOH/g , 135.60 ±0.10 gI2/100g, 235.62 ±0.01 mgKOH/g, 1.8 ±0.10meq H2O2 , 0.8185±0.00 (g/cm3) and 1.4415 ±5.77 respectively indicating the suitability of the seed oil for pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications.
Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 2015
The fatty acid composition of the underutilised Cassia abbreviata seed oil was determined using gas chromatographic methods. C. abbreviata seeds yielded 9.53% of yellowish-green oil consisting mainly of oleic acid (37.8%), palmitic acid (26.5%), linoleic acid (26.7%), stearic acid (4.1%) and elaidic acid (2.1%). The oil was solid at room temperature, had a saponification value of 376.16 mg KOH/g and an iodine value of 26.48 g I2/100g oil. The fatty acid composition and saponification value of the C. abbreviata seed oil suggest that it may find application in both cosmetic and pharmaceutical natural product formulations.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2018
Cassia obtusifolia is a medicinally important plants belonging to the family of Fabaceae. It has been used extensively by ayurvedic practitioner and also reported to contain anthraquinones and flavonoids, these constituents are well documented to possess anti-inflammatory activity. The fatty acid compositions of the petroleum ether extract of seeds of this plant were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometer. 4 compounds were identified from the extract of seeds (99.98%) and they are palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid of methyl ester. Among all fatty acids of linoleic acid showed the highest concentration (50.65%).
In the present study the crude oil and defatted seed cake were analyzed to calculate phenolics, flavonoid, totaltocopherol and DPPH activity for two locations. The C. fistula had highest phenolics 12.0±0.0 mgGAE/g, flavonoids content 2.9±0.0 mgCAE/g, total tocopherol 185.6 mg/g and carotenoids was 131.0 mg/kg. The maximum antioxidant activity was 83% and in terms of IC 50 value was 0.041±0.0 mg/ml. The fatty acids profile shown that the significant amount of fatty acids were linoleic and oleic acid.
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 2007
The oil composition of Cassia alata seed collected from three different districts of Bangladesh was investigated. All the seed samples contain about 3.2 % oil. The triglyceride component of the oil varied from 91.5 to 92.0 % diglyceride from 3.4 to 3.9 % and monoglyceride from 1.5 to 2.1 %. The lipid components were almost the same in all the samples, the neutral lipid accounted for over 93 % of the total lipids present. The analysis of the fatty acid composition showed 25.6 % oleic acid, 45.5 % linoleic acid, 18.7 % palmitic acid, 3.5 % stearic acid, 3.4 % arachidic acid and 3.2 % behenic acid. Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. 41(1-2), 83-88, 2006
Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 2017
In the present study the crude oil and defatted seed cake were analyzed to calculate phenolics, flavonoid, totaltocopherol and DPPH activity for two locations. The C. fistula had highest phenolics 12.0±0.0 mgGAE/g, flavonoids content 2.9±0.0 mgCAE/g, total tocopherol 185.6 mg/g and carotenoids was 131.0 mg/kg. The maximum antioxidant activity was 83% and in terms of IC 50 value was 0.041±0.0 mg/ml. The fatty acids profile shown that the significant amount of fatty acids were linoleic and oleic acid.
Journal of Science and Mathematics Letters, 2018
Cassia tora is a leguminous plant belonging to the family Fabaceae and are used for the treatment of lepsory, psoriasis, ringworm, ulcers, skin diseases and as a laxative and antiasthenic. The preliminary phytochemical screening of the ethanolic extract of Cassia tora was carried out using standard methods while the nutritional values were studied for moisture content, ash content, crude lipids, crude fibre, crude protein and carbohydrates. The preliminary phytochemical analysis of the leaves indicated the presence of anthraquinones, flavonoids, steroids/triterpenoids, fats, tannins, alkaloids, carbohydrates, phlobatannins and glycosides. The proximate analysis of the leaves revealed that it contained crude fat 6.01%, crude fibre 7.54%, moisture 10.23%, ash content 15.01%, crude protein 27.34% and carbohydrate 33.69%. Cassia tora leaves could be a potential source of nutritional and mineral elements that may be useful in nutrition. The phytochemicals observed in this study explained the medicinal action of the plant encountered in its therapeutic uses. The study demonstrated that, Cassia tora leaves could serve as an important source of nutrition and ethno medicine for animals and humans.
Recently Proximate analysis and phytochemical analysis and nutrient analysis of seeds of Cassia tora L. from the campus of Government Vidharbha Institute of Science and Humanity, Amravati had been investigated. The seeds sample contained tannin, saponin, protein, steriods, terpenoids, carbohydrate, alkaloids, flavonoids and glycosides. Proximate analysis of moisture, ash, fat amd mineral analysis of calcium, magnesium, iron, nitrogen and solubility were check. The values of it is moisture (56%), cold water (52%), hot water (54%), 1%NaOH (43%), 1%HCl (61%), benzene +alcohol (35%), ash content (17%). These results indicate that the seeds of these Cassia tora L. contains mineral and nutrients elements that will be useful in nutrition. Also the existence of some phytochemicals like tannin, saponin and steroids illustrated medicinal action of the plant in its therapeutic uses. The result of their phytochemcial screening could justify the observed activities and validate their use in herbal medicine.
Records of Natural …
The volatile constituents identified from the leaves of two Nigerian plants are being reported. The oil samples were obtained from the studied plant species by hydrodistillation using a Clevenger apparatus and then subsequently analyzed for their constituents by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The quantitatively significant constituents of the leaf oil of Cassia alata (Linn.) Roxb., (Fabaceae) were 1, 8-cineole (39.8%), β-caryophyllene (19.1%) and caryophyllene oxide (12.7%). Limonene (5.2%), germacrene D (5.5%) and α-selinene (5.4%) constituted the other significant compounds present in the oil. The sunflower oil, Helianthus annuus L., (Asteraceae) was rich in α-pinene (16.0%), germacrene D (14.4%), sabinene (9.4%) and 14-hydroxy-α-muurolene (9.0%).
The phytochemical screening, proximate composition, mineral elements and quantitative assay of anti-nutrients of the seeds of Cassia hirsute have been evaluated. The brown seeds have pungent smell and are bitter and unpleasant to taste. The phytochemical screening indicated the presence of alkaloids, tannins, saponins, phenols, sterols, triterpenes, glycosides and carbohydrates; phlobatannins and flavonoids were absent. The proximate composition of the seeds was 8.7% moisture, 7.7% ash, 7.0% fat, 10.5% protein, 13.2% fibre and 52.9% carbohydrate with estimated caloric value of 316.20 kCal/100g sample. The mineral elements determined in the seeds include K, Ca, Na, Fe, Mg and P, heavy metals such as Pb, Cr and Cu were not present. The antinutrient assay revealed that the total tannins, oxalate and phytic acid contents were high but hydrocyanic acid was not detected.
The chemical composition of the essential oils from leaves, bark and wood of Cassia bakeriana Craib. was determined by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Alcohols, aldehydes and fatty acids were the major components in leaf and bark oil, while wood essential oil was rich in fatty acids. Terpenes such as linalool, (E)-nerolidol and phytol were present in low concentrations. The antimicrobial activity against aerobic and anaerobic oral bacteria was evaluated using the microdilution method, as was the cell viability test carried out with Vero cells. The oils from leaves and bark showed high antimicrobial activity, with minimum inhibitory concentrations between 62.5 and 125 μg·mL−1 for most of the tested bacteria, including Streptococcus mutans, the main etiological agent of dental caries. Leaves oil displayed the lowest cytotoxic effect (EC50 of 153 μg·mL−1), while wood oil exhibited the highest toxicity to Vero cells. C. bakeriana oils are thus a source of biologically active compounds against aerobic and anaerobic oral microorganisms. This study is the first report on the chemical composition, antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of C. bakeriana.
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 2007
The oil obtained from the seeds of Cassia sophera Linn was analyzed by GC-MS and a total of 42 compounds have been identified. The major constituents are palmitic acid (22.82 %), linoleic acid (8.32 %), elaidic acid (19.16 %), stearic acid (9.86 %), 5-isopropyl -6-methyl-3-heptyne-2,5-diol (6.44 %), undecyl lauric acid (6.61 %), oleic acid (2.1 %), arachidic acid (3.57 %) and 3α, 7β-dihyodxy -5β, 6β-epoxycholestane (5.9 %).
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Standardization and quality control of herbal products used for the development of medicinal materials is important. The objective of the present study is to standardize the Cassia surattensis seed extract. Various chromatographic and spectral fingerprinting techniques, and heavy metal analysis and microscopy of seed were used to standardize the C. surattensis seed. The findings of the current study can be useful to progress and surge further scientific investigation on the seeds of this species. Pharmacognostic investigation of the fresh and anatomical sections of the seeds of C. surattensis was carried out. Pharmacognostic evaluation confirmed the authenticity of the seeds which involved parameters like gross morphology, microscopy of the seeds and functional group analysis by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The chromatographic and spectroscopic evaluation provided the qualitative and semi quantitative information about the main active constituents present in the s...
The objective of the study was to investigate phytochemical analysis, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of seeds of different extracts of Cassia glauca as well as their fatty acid composition of petroleum ether extract. All extract were tested for presence of phytoconstituents i.e., alkaloid, carbohydrate, sterols, proteins, amino acids, saponin, and phenolic compounds in different extracts. Antimicrobial activity was done by well diffusion method at a concentration of 200 mg/ml. Antioxidant activity was done by DPPH method at a different concentration 50 µg/ml to 500 µg/ml. GCMS Analysis was done for petroleum ether extract with the help of PERKIN ELMER CLARUS-500 model coupled with CLARUS-500 Mass spectrometer. Phytochemical analysis showed the presence of alkaloid, carbohydrate, sterols, proteins, amino acids, saponin, and phenolic compounds in different extracts. Methanol extract was the richest extract for tested phytoconstituents. Different fatty acids were present in pet...
Cassia alata is a pan tropical shrub. It has been reported to have medicinal activities like laxative effect and active against ringworm, skin diseases and ulcer. The leaf extract of this plant has shown antibacterial activity. In this study, seed oil extracted from Cassia alata , was studied for Antibacterial, Thrombolytic and Cytotoxic activity by using in vitro techniques. Chloroform extract of the seed oil was tested for Antibacterial activity using disc diffusion method and that extract showed potent antibacterial activity against both Gram(+) and Gram(-) bacteria. DMSO extract of the seed oil was tested for Brine shrimp lethality bioassay using Brine shrimp nauplii. The LC 50 of DMSO extract of Cassia alata seed oil was found to be 250µg/ml, indicates that the oil has moderate pharmacological action. The DMSO extract of the seed oil was also tested for in vitro thrombolytic activity. The extract showed reasonable thrombolytic activity against negative control (water).Further investigation on the plant is required to confirm their pharmacological activity and thereby utilizing them as useful medicinal plant.
Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2013
CITATIONS 2 READS 158 5 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Multidisciplinary approach in the search of new molecules of natural origin with antiparasitic and antitumoral activity, mainly sesquiterpene lactones View project publication View project Prabodh Satyal University of Alabama in Huntsville 57 PUBLICATIONS 118 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research
Cassia singueana (Delile) Lock from the family Fabaceae is a well-known medicinal plant that grows abundantly in Nigeria and other African countries, and has long been used in the treatment of various ailments including malaria and other infectious diseases. The present study aimed at assessing the composition, and bioactivity of the essential oil of the flowers of C. singueana collected from Nigeria. The essential oil was extracted by hydrodistillation and the chemical composition was analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) coupled with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and GC coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The bioactivity of the oil was determined using the brine shrimp lethality assay, agar diffusion antimicrobial test, the 2, 2-diphenylpicrylhydrazyl, metal chelation, and superoxide anion antioxidant assays. The essential oil yield and the percentage of identified compounds were 1.58% and 97.91%, respectively. More than 20 compounds were identified. The major component was...
Qualitative determination of chemical and nutritional composition of Cassia occidentalis, an underexploited crop seed in Nigeria, was carried out. Seeds of C. occidentalis were found to be rich in crude protein, carbohydrate, and mineral elements. Mineral analysis of C. occidentalis showed the seed as good source of antioxidant micronutrients such as iron, calcium, potassium, sodium and magnessium. The phytochemical screening of the seed showed the presence of carbohydrate, terpene, steroid, sugar and tannins. Alkaloids, saponnins and glycosides were absent. Although the oil has a very low peroxide value and high iodine value, it cannot be recommended for consumption because of the low yield as well as its repulsive odour. The seed, however, can serve as a cheap source of protein, energy, as well as antioxidant micronutrients supplements in both man and animal.
Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2019
Objective: The present study aim was to analyze quantitatively and qualitatively the phytochemicals as well as the investigating the physicochemical properties from seeds of and its chloroform and ethanol extracts. Cassia hirsuta Materials and Methods: In this the physico-chemical evaluation, ash values viz., total ash, acid insoluble ash and water soluble ash, sulphated ash, and extractive values viz., alcohol soluble extractive value, water soluble extractive and chloroform soluble extractive value, and loss on drying were determined. Preliminary phytochemical screening where done for presence of carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids, glycosides, alkaloids, phytosteroids, flavonoids, saponins and tannins and phenolic compounds, and total phenolic content was estimated by Folin Ciocalteu's method and total flavonoid content was measured with the aluminium chloride colorimetric assay. In results it was Results: found that the seed contains various phytochemicals were present in its ethanol and chloroform extracts. The total phenolic content in the ethanol and chloroform extracts were found 13.7±0.4187 and 7.367±0.2987 mg of gallic acid equivalent weight/g of extract respectively and the concentration of flavonoids in plant ethanol and chloroform extracts of were found 114.6±13.33 and 99.56±11.6 mg of quercetin equivalent weight/ g of extract respectively. Cassia hirsuta Conclusion: The present study concludes that the seeds of have the potential to act as a source of useful Cassia hirsuta drugs because of presence of various phytochemical constituents and high concentration of phenolic and flavonoid compounds.
In the present study the total and the defatted alcoholic extracts of seeds of Cassia tora Linn. (Leguminosae) were screened for hepatoprotective activity using adult Wister albino rats (120-170 g) as the experimental animals. Hepatic injury caused by carbon tetra chloride, was analyzed through estimation of AST, ALT, ALB and platelets in blood samples taken from the veins of orbital plexus of each animal as well as the histopathological examination of the liver.The effects of the extracts were comparable with standardhepatoprotective drug Silymarin. On the other hand GC-MS analysis was performed on the fatty acid composition of the lipoidal fraction for the seeds. The separated fatty acids were converted to their methyl ester and then subjected to the analysis.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2019
Ethnomedicinal importance: Cassia sieberiana, mostly found in Africa has been used in traditional medicine as purgative, diuretic, analgesic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory agent and many others for decades. This review focusses on discussions about its traditional therapeutic benefits, Ethnopharmacological studies, pharmacological, toxicological and phytochemical relevance. Materials and Methods: Electronic database such as PubMed, SciFinder, Science Direct, Google Scholar, Excerpta database and Springer were used in the search for filtered investigations on Cassia sieberiana. Results: The results from the various studies on Cassia sieberiana gave a detailed understanding of its constituents which serves as evidence for its therapeutic and safety importance as well as a source of novel compounds with therapeutic effects. Conclusion: This review on Cassia sieberiana is significant not only in providing a comprehensive data for continuous research but also will show untapped areas in ...
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