GP-GPU Accelerated Supercomputing


The latest trend introduced in Supercomputing processor technology is the introduction of General Purpose Graphical processing Unit or GP-GPU. These new variety of non-standard processors ever since their introduction in the late 80's have undergone tremendous change in their internal architecture, memory interface, Hardware Abstraction(HAL) and feature set. This new technology grew rapidly with the emerging gaming market and better interconnection standards and soon surpassed the processing strength of general purpose x86 processors with the introduction of DirectX 9 Shader technology. By mid 2000s this power was realized to be harness able with the introduction DirectX 11 API and compatible shader hardware. These cheap consumer level processors were capable of generating a combined processing power in excess of 1 Teraflop in 2 007, which reached to 4.7 Teraflops by 2012. This power was achieved within the ordinary computers, with power requirements of less than 800 watts and costs under $800. Soon GPU manufacturers released their own SDKs to allow programmers to make use of this computation power within their own applications, two mainly notable being the AMD-Stream APP SDK and the NVidia CUDA SDK[3].