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2000, NeuroImage
Visual attention can significantly influence both human neural activity and behavioral performance. In a pattern-detection task, fMRI was used to examine cortical activity in the primary visual cortex while subjects reported the presence or absence of a low-contrast pattern. The study found that trial-to-trial variability in the baseline fMRI response in the visual cortex was highly predictive of behavioral performance, with stronger responses correlating with better accuracy in pattern detection. These results suggest a relationship between attention and cortical activity that may enhance sensory signal processing.
Nature neuroscience, 2007
Classification methods show that the spatial pattern of a functional magnetic resonance imaging response across the cortex contains category information, but whether such patterns are used, or 'read out', in behavioral performance remains untested. We show that although the spatial pattern in both the retinotopic and lateral occipital cortex (LOC) in humans contains category information, only in the LOC is the pattern stronger for correct than for incorrect trials. Thus, some, but not all, spatial patterns are read out during task performance.
Journal of Vision, 2010
Electrophysiological and brain imaging studies have shown that different populations of neurons contribute to perceptual decision making. Perceptual judgment is a complicated process that has several subprocesses, including the final step of a discrete choice among available possibilities. Using the psychophysical paradigm of difference scaling combined with functional magnetic resonance imaging, we identify an area within a distributed representation that is consistently invoked in perceptual decision. Difference judgments based on visual (color, form, and motion) cues and auditory cues show that a population of neurons in the posterior banks of the intraparietal sulcus (PIPS) is consistently activated for perceptual judgment across visual attributes and sensory modalities, suggesting that those neurons in PIPS are associated with perceptual judgment.
Brain Research, 2007
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Human Brain Mapping, 2001
We have previously shown that event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (ER-fMRI) may be used to record responses to the rapid, interleaved presentation of stimuli in the three-stimulus oddball task. The present study examined the sensitivity of ER-fMRI responses to variations in the range of inter-stimulus intervals (ISIs, calculated as the time from the offset of one stimulus to the onset of the next stimulus) and the type of behavioral response task used. ISIs were varied between a wide ISI range (550-2,050 msec) and a narrow ISI range (800-1,200 msec), while maintaining a similar mean ISI (approximately 1 stimulus per sec) between experiments. The response task was varied between button press and subvocal target counting. Gradient echo, echo planar images were acquired for each of three experiments (wide ISI with button press, narrow ISI with button press, and wide-ISI with counting) in five subjects. Target stimuli generated increased fMRI signal in a wide range of brain regions. The use of a narrow ISI range generated a greater volume of subcortical activity and a reduced volume of cortical activity relative to a wide ISI range. The counting task generated a larger amplitude and longer lasting evoked response in brain regions that responded during all three experiments. Rare distractor stimuli evoked fMRI signal change primarily in orbitofrontal, ventral-medial prefrontal and superior parietal cortex. These results illustrate that although ER-fMRI is relatively insensitive as a technique to small variations in the timing of stimulus-evoked responses, it is remarkably sensitive to consequences such variations have for the topographic location and amplitude of neural responses to stimuli.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2003
The effect of task block arrangements on the detection of brain activation was investigated. Sessions of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) including the same number of two different task conditions but with different arrangements were compared. The two task conditions were, A) Ellipse-shaped black and white checkerboard flicker stimulation at 4.2 Hz covering the bilateral visual field, and B) the same flicker stimuli covering only the left visual field. In the rest blocks (0), the subjects looked at a fixation point. Four different task block arrangements were compared, 1) A0 (0A0A0A0) and B0 (0B0B0B0), 2) A0B0 (0A0B0A0B0A0B0), 3) AB0 (0AB0AB0AB0) and 4) AB (0ABABAB). Bilateral V1, V2, V3 and the left V5 were activated by condition A, and the right V1 and V2 by B. The activation in the left visual field by A0 was larger than in the other three conditions. In a differential analysis between conditions A and B, activation in the left V3 and V5 was declined by AB0 or AB. When rest blocks were located in the post-stimulus undershoot phase, the % signal change of the BOLD signal was emphasized, which caused augmented significance in the detection of the activity. It was indicated that the outcome of the activation map was influenced by the arrangement of task blocks, even though the same number of task blocks were repeated within the sessions. In fMRI studies, task conditions should be carefully compared within or across sessions considering the characteristics of hemodynamic response functions.
Cognitive Brain Research, 2003
Event-related fMRI was used to investigate the hypothesis that neural activity involved in response inhibition depends upon the nature of the response being inhibited. Two different Go/No-go tasks were compared—one with a high working memory load and one with low. The ‘simple’ Go/No-go task with low working memory load required subjects to push a button in response to green spaceships but not red spaceships. A ‘counting’ Go/No-go task (high working memory load) required subjects to respond to green spaceships as well as to those red spaceships preceded by an even number of green spaceships. In both tasks, stimuli were presented every 1.5 s with a 5:1 ratio of green-to-red spaceships. fMRI group data for each task were analyzed using random effects models to determine signal change patterns associated with Go events and No-go events (corrected P≤0.05). For both tasks, Go responses were associated with signal change in the left primary sensorimotor cortex, supplementary motor area (SMA) proper, and anterior cerebellum (right>left). For the simple task, No-go events were associated with activation in the pre-SMA; the working memory-loaded ‘counting’ task elicited additional No-go activation in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The findings suggest that neural contributions to response inhibition may be task dependent; the pre-SMA appears necessary for inhibition of unwanted movements, while the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is recruited for tasks involving increased working memory load.
Proceedings of the …, 1996
Journal of neurophysiology, 2000
Previous studies have found that the P300 or P3 event-related potential (ERP) component is useful in the diagnosis and treatment of many disorders that influence CNS function. However, the anatomic locations of brain regions involved in this response are not precisely known. In the present event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, methods of stimulus presentation, data acquisition, and data analysis were optimized for the detection of brain activity in response to stimuli presented in the three-stimulus oddball task. This paradigm involves the interleaved, pseudorandom presentation of single block-letter target and distractor stimuli that previously were found to generate the P3b and P3a ERP subcomponents, respectively, and frequent standard stimuli. Target stimuli evoked fMRI signal increases in multiple brain regions including the thalamus, the bilateral cerebellum, and the occipital-temporal cortex as well as bilateral superior, medial, inferior frontal, i...
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) are the two most popular non-invasive methods used to study the neural mechanisms underlying human cognition. These approaches are considered complementary: fMRI has higher spatial resolution but sluggish temporal resolution, whereas EEG has millisecond temporal resolution, but only at a broad spatial scale. Beyond the obvious fact that fMRI measures properties of blood and EEG measures changes in electric fields, many foundational studies assume that, aside from differences in spatial and temporal precision, these two methods index the same underlying neural modulations. We tested this assumption by using EEG and fMRI to measure attentional modulations of neural responses to stimuli of different visual contrasts. We found that equivalent experiments performed using fMRI and EEG on the same participants revealed remarkably different patterns of attentional modulations: event-related fMRI responses provided...
Frontiers in System Neuroscience, 2013
One characteristic of natural visual behavior in humans is the frequent shifting of eye position. It has been argued that the characteristics of these eye movements can be used to distinguish between distinct modes of visual processing . These viewing modes would be distinguishable on the basis of the eye-movement parameters fixation duration and saccade amplitude and have been hypothesized to reflect the differential involvement of dorsal and ventral systems in saccade planning and information processing. According to this hypothesis, on the one hand, while in a "pre-attentive" or ambient mode, primarily scanning eye movements are made; in this mode fixation are relatively brief and saccades tends to be relatively large. On the other hand, in "attentive" focal mode, fixations last longer and saccades are relatively small, and result in viewing behavior which could be described as detailed inspection. Thus far, no neuroscientific basis exists to support the idea that such distinct viewing modes are indeed linked to processing in distinct cortical regions. Here, we used fixation-based event-related (FIBER) fMRI in combination with independent component analysis (ICA) to investigate the neural correlates of these viewing modes. While we find robust eye-movement-related activations, our results do not support the theory that the above mentioned viewing modes modulate dorsal and ventral processing. Instead, further analyses revealed that eye-movement characteristics such as saccade amplitude and fixation duration did differentially modulate activity in three clusters in early, ventromedial and ventrolateral visual cortex. In summary, we conclude that evaluating viewing behavior is crucial for unraveling cortical processing in natural vision. Citation: Marsman JC, Renken R, Haak KV and Cornelissen FW (2013) Linking cortical visual processing to viewing behavior using fMRI. Front. Syst. Neurosci. 7:109.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2015
h i g h l i g h t s
Neuroimage, 2000
The results from a single functional magnetic resonance imaging session are typically reported as indicative of the subject's functional neuroanatomy. Underlying this interpretation is the implicit assumption that there are no responses specific to that particular session, i.e., that the potential variability of response between sessions is negligible. The present study sought to examine this assumption empirically. A total of 99 sessions, comprising 33 repeats of simple motor, visual, and cognitive paradigms, were collected over a period of 2 months on a single male subject. For each paradigm, the inclusion of session-by-condition interactions explained a significant amount of error variance (P < 0.05 corrected for multiple comparisons) over a model assuming a common activation magnitude across all sessions. However, many of those voxels displaying significant session-by-condition interactions were not seen in a multisession fixed-effects analysis of the same data set; i.e., they were not activated on average across all sessions. Most voxels that were both significantly variable and activated on average across all sessions did not survive a randomeffects analysis (modeling between-session variance). We interpret our results as demonstrating that correct inference about subject responses to activation tasks can be derived through the use of a statistical model which accounts for both within-and between-session variance, combined with an appropriately large session sample size. If researchers have access to only a single session from a single subject, erroneous conclusions are a possibility, in that responses specific to this single session may be claimed to be typical responses for this subject.
European archives of …, 1998
ceptible to the choice of control task (typically passive Canada N6A 5C2 viewing), the subject's strategy during the control task 2 Department of Psychology (e.g., vegetating versus attending to other things), and Harvard University the subject's state of mind during the scan (e.g., drowsi-Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 ness versus alertness). 3 Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences A major goal of the present study was to use a para-Massachusetts Institute of Technology metric load manipulation to disentangle the functions Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 of the cortical regions that have been shown to be acti-4 Massachusetts General Hospital NMR Center vated by both attention and eye movements (Corbetta, Charlestown, Massachusetts 02129 1998; Culham et al., 1998). While attention and eye movements are certainly tightly coupled, the nature of their relationship is highly debated (Klein, 1980; Klein Summary and Pontefract, 1994; Shepherd et al., 1986). In the most extreme view, covert attention can only be accom-We derived attention response functions for different plished by preparing a saccade to the attended location cortical areas by plotting neural activity (measured (Rizzolatti et al., 1994; Snyder et al., 1997). However,
Neuropsychologia, 2004
2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2018
In this paper, we investigate whether we can distinguish that a subject is making a correct or incorrect behavioral response by analyzing the fMRI data of localized brain regions, obtained from a feature-based attention experiment. For each subject, we first construct the feature vectors for each region of interest (including V1, MT or IPS1) from the fMRI signals. Second, we project the feature vectors onto a lower dimensional subspace using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), where the difference between two classes (correct vs. incorrect response) is maximized. Finally, we apply the Bayesian classifier to the projected data, and find that the classification accuracies corresponding to V1, MT and IPS1 are 87.2%, 90.8% and 81.7%, respectively, when all the trials are considered. Our analysis indicates that: when people make correct or incorrect responses, significant difference exists in the fMRI signals, especially in V1 and MT regions, and the difference can be effectively captured by the LDA-Bayesian classifier. We also prove that: when the original data are normally distributed, LDA, which aims to maximize the difference between different classes, is equivalent to the optimal Maximum Likelihood (ML) based classification method.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2003
Theories of perception have proposed a basic distinction between parallel pre-attentive and serial attentive modes of processing. However, chronometric measures are often ambiguous in separating parallel and serial processes. We have used the activity of attention-related regions of the human brain, measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging, to separate parallel from serial processes at the single-trial level in a visual quantification task. In this task, some have suggested the deployment of two qualitatively different processes, a fast parallel 'subitizing' for sets of one, two or three objects and a slow serial counting for larger sets. Our results indicate that attention-related regions of the posterior parietal and frontal cortices show a sudden increase in activity only from numerosity four onwards, confirming the parallelserial dichotomy of subitizing and counting. Moreover, using the presence or absence of attentional shifts, as inferred from the activation of posterior parietal regions, we successfully predict whether, on a given trial, subjects deployed a serial exploration of the display or a parallel apprehension. Beyond the subitizing/counting debate, this approach may prove useful to probe the attentional demands of other cognitive tasks.
Experimental Brain Research, 2006
Using an uncertainty paradigm and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) we studied the effect of nonspatial selective and divided visual attention on the activity of specific areas of human extrastriate visual cortex. The stimuli were single ovals that differed from an implicit standard oval in either colour or width. The subjects' task was to classify the current stimulus as one of two possible alternatives per stimulus dimension.
An experimental design for functional MRI (fMRI) is presented whose conceptual units of analysis are behavioral trials, in contrast to blocks of trials. This type of design is referred to as a trial-based (TB) fMRI design. It is explained how TB designs can afford the ability to: (1) randomize the presentation of behavioral trials and (2) utilize intertrial variance in uncontrolled behavioral measures to examine their functional correlates. A particular type of TB design that involves modeling trial-evoked fMRI responses with one or more shifted impulse response functions is described. This design is capable of discriminating functional changes occurring during temporally separated behavioral subcomponents within trials. An example of such a design is implemented and its statistical specificity, functional sensitivity, and functional specificity are tested.
NeuroImage, 2001
Attention is, in part, a mechanism for identifying features of the sensory environment of potential relevance to behavior. The network of brain areas sensitive to the behavioral relevance of multimodal sensory events has not been fully characterized. We used event-related fMRI to identify brain regions responsive to changes in both visual and auditory stimuli when those changes were either behaviorally relevant or behaviorally irrelevant. A widespread network of "context-dependent" activations responded to both task-irrelevant and task-relevant events but responded more strongly to task-relevant events. The most extensive activations in this network were located in right and left temporoparietal junction (TPJ), with smaller activations in left precuneus, left anterior insula, left anterior cingulate cortex, and right thalamus. Another network of "context-independent" activations responded similarly to all events, regardless of task relevance. This network featured a large activation encompassing left supplementary and cingulate motor areas (SMA/CMA) as well as right IFG, right/left precuneus, and right anterior insula, with smaller activations in right/left inferior temporal gyrus and left posterior cingulate cortex. Distinct context-dependent and context-independent subregions of activation were also found within the left and right TPJ, left anterior insula, and left SMA/CMA. In the right TPJ, a subregion in the supramarginal gyrus showed sensitivity to the behavioral context (i.e., relevance) of stimulus changes, while two subregions in the superior temporal gyrus did not. The results indicate a role for the TPJ in detecting behaviorally relevant events in the sensory environment. The TPJ may serve to identify salient events in the sensory environment both within and independent of the current behavioral context.
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