Envisioning Information

1991, Cartographic Perspectives


Number 10, Summer 1991 "select all" and copy it to the clipboard with Command-C (38 C>. You can now exit Sigmn Edit, and, using paste, dump the text into Textmnker using Command-V (3€ V). When in TL'xtmnki!r click on the Do lllustrator button and save your file (perhaps with a unique extension such as "xxx.illu to mark it as an 11/rtslrntor file). You can now open it from within ll/11strntor as you would an ordinary lllustralor document. (If you prefer to work in FreeHn11d, save the ll/11strator document as an Adobe 1.1 file, quit l/111slralor and open your 1.1 file from Frei•Hnmf.) The Temple Cart Lab recommends 1..ceping the names off to one side of your map and grabbmg them as needed for placement on the map. ln summary, Tcxlmnker is an easy to use and straightforward way of converting text done ma \.Vordprocessing package into something that 11/ustrntor or Freehand can handle. While 1l ca nnot handle formatting or editing at this time, these operations can be performed in your word processor or in t1111slrntor/ FreeHn11d without too much trouble. Cartographers\\ ho wish lo obtain Tcxtmaker can download it from the publicly available Macintosh archi\•cs maintained at Stanford. You will need to "anonymous" FTP to and change directories to the info-mac/ card directory and download it usmg "get." The file will be in bmhex format and must be converted before use.