Channel avulsion in Jiadhol River of Brahmaputra basin

2015, International journal of scientific research


Jiadhol river system is one of the most dynamic rivers flowing out of the foothills of Himalaya in Arunachal Pradesh and joining mighty Brahmaputra in Dhemaji district of Assam. This river has created flood havoc in the District of Dhemaji due to frequent avulsion over the decades. The focus of this study is to understand the pattern of channel avulsion in the Jiadhol River. For the analysis the data on river planform are collected from the survey of India toposheets and a number of satellite imageries.The time series of river planform is used to analyze the pattern of channel avulsion. The analysis shows that before 1973, the Jiadhol River had tendency to shift from west to east, from 1973 to 1993 the shift was from east to west and after 1993 till present time the channel avulsions are from west to east. The distance between the new and the old course has reduced over time.