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Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin, puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang tela melimpahkan rahmat dan hidayahnya sehingga dapat menyelesaikan penulisa penelitian skripsi yang berjudul "Implementasi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 7 Tahun 2021 Dalam Pengembangan Umkm Di Kawasan Dieng Banjarnegara". Sholawat dan salam senantiasa kami ucapkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW yang senantiasa kami harapkan syafaatnya di yaumul qiyamah. Penulisan skripsi ini digunakan sebagai syarat untuk memeroleh gelar sarjana Strata 1
The Regional People's Legislative Assembly, hereinafter referred to as the Regional People's Legislative Assembly (DPRD), is a representative institution of the regional people as an element of local government administration Legally and politically the DPRD has a strategic position in implementing development policies in the regions. The magnitude of the roles, functions and authorities of the legislature invites many elements of society to enter as members of the council, notary positions and many Land Acquisition Authorities who are left behind to follow the legislative election procession. As a first step, a notary and enter into the party membership, and follow all the procedures of scaling, to then be elected by the community to become members of the council. Notaries in exercising their right to sit on behalf of the community as members of the Council, also regulated in Law No. 7 of 2017 on General Elections, are said to have made a statement willing not to practice as notaries and officials of the land deed (hereinafter referred to as PPAT). From this it can lead to issues of provisions contained in Articles 3 and 17, namely dual positions. This study aims to determine the relationship of notary to leave with a substitute notary in the perspective of Law Number 30 Year 2004 regarding Position Notary. Article explaining, among other things, article 33, on this matter Notary, a Notary substitute has the same authority related to the making of authentic deeds made. The research approach used is normative juridical, which will be qualitatively analyzed normative against secondary data. The theory used by the author is the theory of authority, theory of responsibility and theoretical justice. If you look at the explanation and analyze from the articles of article regarding the Notary Substitute, the Article which explains, among others, article 33, regarding this Notary, the Notary substitute has the same authority regarding the making of authentic deeds made. The authority of notary and substitute notary is based on Article 15 of Law Number 2 Year 2014 concerning Notary Position. The authority of a substitute notary commences from the grant of a notary protocol until the expiry of the appointment period based on the decision of the Notary Supervisory Board. Procedures concerning notary leave with a substitute notary may result in a conflict of interest that may affect the independence of a notary who is not allowed to take sides, this is due to 2 (two) factors namely the rules themselves and the political factor. Procedures concerning notary leave with a substitute notary may result in a conflict of interest that may affect the independence of a notary who is not allowed to take sides, this is due to 2 (two) factors namely the rules themselves and the political factor. The solution is to reinforce the terms of nomination of legeslative members, not just to not practice (leave) but with the resignation as a notary or PPAT and release all attributes (nameplate, practice office, and so on).
ABSTRAK Peran petugas rekam medis dalam implementasi BPJS sangat penting, yaitu sebagai pengumpul dan pengolah data pasien. Dalam melaksanakan perannya tersebut, petugas rekam medis masih mengalami banyak permasalahan di lapangan, terutama terkait dengan klasifikasi dan kodefikasi penyakit serta masalah terkait yang notabene menjadi bagian terpenting dalam sistem pem biayaan pasien BPJS. Kurangnya sosialisasi dan pendampingan dari pihak BPJS, pemerintah terkait, ataupun perguruan tinggi menjadi salah satu penyebab munculnya berbagai permasalahan di lapangan. Sosialisasi dan pendampingan dari perguruan tinggi yang mempunyai rencana dan solusi dapat meminimalkan masalah utama yang terkait dengan implementasi BPJS. Klasifikasi dan kodefikasi penyakit serta masalah terkait di Puskesmas Dlingo I, Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta tidak hanya dilakukan oleh petugas perekam medis, tetapi dilakukan juga oleh bidan, perawat, dan nutrisionis. Hal itu disebabkan beban kerja perekam medis relatif ti...
Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 menit (1 X pertemuan) A. Kompetensi Inti 3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, procedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
Kalimat syahadat merupakan kalima yang menjadi "modal" pertama untuk menjadi seorang muslim. Bahkan kalimat ini menjadi rukun Islam pertama.
Perspektif keperawatan anak merupakan landasan berfikir bagi seorang perawatanak dalam melaksanakan pelayanan keperawatan terhadap klien anak maupun keluarga.
This study was based on the realization that, the students are people who are steeped in the teachings of Islam. With that being religious teachings they learned, it will make intelligent students of spiritually. Spiritual intelligence possessed of students is expected to shape the personality of students. Issues raised in this study is the relationship between spiritual intelligence with personality students of al-Hidayah Boarding School in Karangsuci Purwokerto. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between spiritual intelligence with personality Al Hidayah Boarding School students Karangsuci Purwokerto or not. This type of research is a field research with quantitative approach to examine the population or a particular sample. The sample was 111 students. Data collection techniques used in this study are observations, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. While data analysis is by using Product Moment Correlation analysis. Based on the research conducted, the conclusion about the relationship between spiritual intelligence with personalitystudents of Al Hidayah Boarding School Karangsuci Purwokerto, namely 1) The calculation result obtained Rxy around 0,729 or (Rxy = 0.729). 2) The result of that has been found (Rxy = 0,729) then consulted with the value of r table (rt) contained in the table of product moment. It can be known by using the test significance level of 5% and 1%. 3) test significance level of 5% were Rxy value greater than the value of rt or (0.729 > 0.195). Test significant level of 1% Rxy is greater than the value of rt or (0.729 > 0.256). The authors propose the hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, Ha, which reads " There is Relationship Between Spiritual Intelligence With Boarding School Pupils personality AlHidayah Karangsuci Purwokerto " is acceptable as truth.
Rene Descartes filsuf berkebangsaan prancis pernah menyampaikan sebuah risalah yang terkenal "aku berpikir maka aku ada". Dalam bahasa latin diktum ini kemudian dikenal dengan istilah ‘cogito ergo sum’. Descartes ingin menyampaikan bahwa dengan berpikir maka eksistensi manusia diakui kehadiran sekaligus keberadaanya. Namun jika Descartes hadir pada zaman ini, mungkin dirinya akan menambah atau bahkan mengubah pendapatnya, “Aku ada, karena Aku menggunakan jejaring sosial” ! Karena konteks zaman abad ke 21, telah menyebabkan eksistensi dan kehadiran seorang manusia baru diakui ketika dirinya hadir dan menjadi bagian dari dunia jejaring sosial
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