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2021, Ezikov svât
The paper is provoked by the rejection and falsification of the messages of the Istanbul Convention in Bulgaria and other post-communist countries which caused a wave of homophobia. The author tries to prove that neither in the communist period nor in the post-communist period a real emancipation of women was achieved, the theme of homosexuality was a taboo (in the communist period), over-presented in the first decade of the transition and later stigmatize by the rise of the populist nationalistic discourse. During the communist period, the so called "Unions of the fighters against fascism" turned into the male clientelistic networks granted with many privileges and marginalizing female antifascists. The critical discourse analysis of the press (1976) reveals male dominance and silencing of women playing mostly a decorative role. After the democratic changes the same male actors (nomenclature and former state security officers) benefited from the privatization, but the so called "mugs" (wrestlers) presented the new masculinity in the media: women were extremely sexualized and the new femininity was presented by the prostitutes and the girls in the entertaining industry, the professional women were rarely mentioned. The second part of the paper is a gender analysis of the lexical and grammatical system of the Bulgarian language. The analysis of the dominating metaphors reveals the means of male dominance in the everyday speech. Although the Slav languages have morphemes to denote women's professions the media discourse prefers the male forms as more prestigious. The definite article and the plural forms serve to emphasise the male forms and to provide their euphony.
The paper is provoked by the rejection and falsification of the messages of the Istanbul Convention in Bulgaria and other post-communist countries which caused a wave of homophobia. The author tries to prove that neither in the communist period nor in the post-communist period a real emancipation of women was achieved, the theme of homosexuality was a taboo (in the communist period), over-presented in the first decade of the transition and later stigmatize by the rise of the populist nationalistic discourse. During the communist period, the so called "Unions of the fighters against fascism" turned into the male clientelistic networks granted with many privileges and marginalizing female antifascists. The critical discourse analysis of the press (1976) reveals male dominance and silencing of women playing mostly a decorative role. After the democratic changes the same male actors (nomenclature and former state security officers) benefited from the privatization, but the so called "mugs" (wrestlers) presented the new masculinity in the media: women were extremely sexualized and the new femininity was presented by the prostitutes and the girls in the entertaining industry, the professional women were rarely mentioned. The second part of the paper is a gender analysis of the lexical and grammatical system of the Bulgarian language. The analysis of the dominating metaphors reveals the means of male dominance in the everyday speech. Although the Slav languages have morphemes to denote women's professions the media discourse prefers the male forms as more prestigious. The definite article and the plural forms serve to emphasise the male forms and to provide their euphony. Въведение Подтик да напиша тази статия ми даде отхвърлянето и фалшифицирането на посланията на Истанбулската конвенция 1 в претендиращия за патриотичен публичен дискурс като заплашваща устоите на семейството, пропагандираща хомосексуалност, гей бракове и всичко това обобщено от плашещата дума джендър (англ. gender-род), разграничаваща биологичен пол (sex) от социален пол (gender). Джендърът разграничава социалната полова идентичност на жените и мъжете от биологичната и включва и сексуалните малцинства. Да се твърди, че чистачката и собственичката на компания поради общия си биологичен пол имат една и съща социалнополова идентичност е неоснователно, колкото и да се твърди, че жените в Саудитска Арабия и САЩ имат също еднакви полови идентичности. Поразително е, че в Конвенцията (около 30 страници) само веднъж и само в един абзац се употребяват думите "социален пол" (gender) и "сексуална ориентация", докато в останалата част се поставя основната цел: "Да защитава жените от всички форми на насилие, преследва и премахва насилието над жени и домашното насилие". Конвенцията посочва уязвимите групи, които могат да са обект на социална дискриминация и насилие: Без всякаква дискриминация, основана на пол, цвят на кожата, социален пол, раса, език, религия, политически или други убеждения, национален или социален произход, принадлежност към национални малцинства, имуществено състояние, рождение, сексуална ориентация, идентичност, основана на пола, възраст, здравословно състояние, увреждания, семейно положение, статут на мигрант или бежанец, или на друг статут 2 .
Этот текст затрагивает некоторые аспекты языкового сексизма - дискриминации по признаку пола в языке. В частности, обсуждается мужской род, который в славянских языках отождествляется с общечеловеческим. Однако, выступая в таком качестве, формы мужского грамматического рода провозглашают мужчину как "норму" и исключают из дискурса женщину, делая ее "невидимой" в языке и обществе. Языковой сексизм выступает как одно из проявлений системы отношений, угнетающих женщин, а не мужчин. Разработки, представленные в этой статье, включены в монографию "Семантика пола: репрезентация гендерных отношений во фразеологии" (Вильнюс: Издательство Европейского гуманитарного университета, 2014).
Женският род в съвременния български език и в новогръцкия език. // Aut inveniam viam, aut faciam. Сборник в чест на чл.-кор. проф. д.ф.н. Стоян Буров. Велико Търново: Университетско издателство "Св. св. Кирил и Методий", 2019
The article examines the state of the grammatical category of gender in Modern Bulgarian and Modern Greek languages. Remarkable changes have occurred in the morphological and syntactic structure of the two Balkan languages throughout their centuries-long history. The grammatical category of gender exhibits a high degree of stability and conservatism against the background of all developmental processes in the Bulgarian and Greek nominative and verbal systems, its state barely altered since Proto-Indo-European times. This study pays special attention to the feminine gender and tendencies playing an impact on it, predominantly the so called masculinisation in Modern Bulgarian when juxtaposed with Modern Greek.
Slavic Linguistics. XVI international Congress of Slavists. Belgrade, August 20-27, 2018. Reports of the Russian Delegation, 2018
В статье анализируются лексико-фразеологические, фольклорные и этнографические материалы с целью реконструкции концепта «любовь» в патриархальном обществе, его языке и культуре. Любовь как понятие многоаспектное в данном случае ограничивается сферой человеческих отношений (любовь между мужчиной и женщиной), отчасти с включением типичных для народной культуры мифологических представлений о связи человека с умершим супругом и/или демоническим персонажем. Концепт «любовь» (и предикат любить) хорошо изучен, например, применительно к современному русскому языку (работы Ю. Д. Апресяна, Анны А. Зализняк [Апресян 2000б; Зализняк 2006] и др.). Общеславянские корни «любви», семантические связи «любовной лексики» и мотивационные модели исследованы С.М. Толстой и М. Якубович [Толстая 2012а; 2012б; Jakubowicz 2000]; понятие «любить» с точки зрения семантических универсалий описано А. Вежбицкой [Wierzbicka 1971]. Немалое число работ посвящено лингвокультурологическому анализу концепта «любви», чаще всего в сопоставлении с данными европейских языков [Вильмс 1997; Кузнецова 2006]. Этнолингвистического анализа концепта «любовь» с комплексным изучением языковых, фольклорных и этнографических материалов, насколько нам известно, пока что не проводилось. В полном объеме и в общеславянском контексте в рамках статьи охватить концепт «любовь» не представляется возможным, поэтому мы ограничимся Ирина Александровна Седакова, Институт славяноведения РАН (Москва) Авторская работа выполнена по гранту РФФИ № 18-512-76003 «Лингвистическая и этнокультурная динамика традиционных и нетрадиционных ценностей в славянском мире» в рамках Программы ERA.Net.RUS Call 2018 (проект #472-LED-SW). Выражаю благодарность российским и болгарским коллегам за помощь с полевыми материалами.
Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University
Аннотация. В статье излагаются некоторые особенности русской и болгарской ментальности на примере одного из ключевых слов обеих культур-лексемы счастье. Понятие счастья занимает одну из центральных областей аксиологического сознания человека. Лингвокультурный подход исследования позволяет выявить специфику национальной ментальности русских и болгар в эмоциональной области понятия счастья. В работе сопоставляются данные этимологических, толковых, синонимических словарей двух языков, а также контекстуальное употребление слов счастье и щастие. Выводы основаны на результатах анализа и сопоставления в двух культурах вышеупомянутых языковых фиксаций рассматриваемых лексем. Ключевые слова: ментальность, ключевое слово, счастье, щастие, лексико-семантическое поле, синоним, синонимический ряд, лингвокультурный подход исследования.
Ezikov Svyat volume 18 issue 2, 2020
The present paper examines some aspects of the interaction between diminutivity and gender of personal nouns (especially ones formed with the suffix -che) in contemporary Bulgarian (for the present, the augmentatives are not an object of our study). The author demonstrates the existence of a correlation between the semantics of neuter nouns and diminutives. It is emphasized that neuter nouns for professions or posts are not used regarding children because, as a rule, those professions or posts are only performed or occupied by adults. Aside from the semantics, stylistic features of diminutives, such as their expressiveness are also examined (I agree with the authors who put stress on the pejorativity of the nouns with the suffix -che). I use examples of informal written language (the sources are two Facebook groups) and informal spoken language (the difference between both forms of language is that with the written one the rules are a little more strictly observed). I reach the conc...
Од демедикализација до истополови бракови: поновата историја на хомосексуалноста и трансродовоста на Западен Балкан, 2021
Оваа книга е, пред сè, наменета за сите оние кои ги интересира хронологијата на развојот на правно-политичкиот однос на општеството и на државата кон ЛГБТИ-заедниците на Западен Балкан, од моментот кога хомосексуалноста престанала да се смета за болест до денешен ден, триесет години подоцна. Ја пишувавме во стил што не е академски (гер. Fachbuch), туку повеќе може да се одреди како публицистички (гер.Sachbuch). Сепак, имајќи предвид дека нашиот приод кон работата го засновавме на собирање литература, архивска граѓа и документација, ги почитувавме сите научни стандарди за подготовка на една ваква книга. Нашата намера не беше да понудиме оригинално научно дело, туку книга која го собира знаењето од претходните 30 години и на тој начин нуди избран поглед на минатото. Станува збор за прегледна книга која им овозможува на читателите/ките да се запознаат со главните идеи, но и со авторите/ките кои подлабоко се занимавале со одредени теми, прашања и проблеми. Изворите што ги користевме се наведени по секое поглавје.
Slavic ethnic groups, languages and cultures in the modern world
Based on the relevant foreign and domestic research and references, this article aims to offer an insight into the most prominent former and current studies in the field of language and gender studies. In this paper we attempt to present the research that shaped the field known as language and gender studies. When it comes to unequal treatment of women in society and language alike, there have been some positive changes since the seventies, especially in the Western countries. The reality is somewhat different in the Serbian society, due to the influence of persistent patriarchal norms. Moving forward in the field and searching for new and fresh research topics seems to have brought the things right back at the start. The question of male power over women and the role that gendered language plays in that process is no longer the central issue of sociolinguistic studies. Hence, some of the most prominent authors from the field are urging to turn the focus back on the issue of gender ...
Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського, 2020
The paper deals with the maiden axiological portrait reconstructed on the materials of folk songs recorded by different scholars from the Bulgarian migrants in Ukraine. The Bulgarian ethnical minority has been existing in Ukraine since the end of the 18th century. The members of the present-day Bulgarian ethnical community are the descendants of migrants from the Bulgarian lands had been annexed by the Ottoman Empire. These migrants had settled in the Southern Ukrainian prairies in present Odesa, Mykolaiv and Zaporizhzhia regions. Some settlements had been also founded in the Crimea. Now the Ukrainian Bulgarians speak their native language and preserve their traditions, including the authentic folklore. This archaic mode of the lingual activity could help researchers to revive some peculiarities of the national worldview as a whole and the values hierarchy as an element of this national world image. The author analyzes texts of the songs and the aim is to reveal any stereotyped expressions, metaphors and comparisons in these texts. Several signs of the Bulgarian ethnic culture holding the potential to form the traditional image of the Bulgarian girl are in focus of the research. In addition to it, the article provides an analysis of accomplishments and values perceived as key factors in creation of the female ideal. Analyzing the traditional Bulgarian maiden portrait in the migrants’ folk songs leads us to the conclusion that there are some exclusively important values of a “valid” girl in the Bulgarian linguistic worldview. The lingual modes of expression varies from lexemes and phrases (the girl’s symbolic name, derived from something positive in the traditional culture) to the expanded descriptions of a maiden’s look (white skin, black eyes, fair hair, slim waist, childness etc.) and her behavior, skills, talents.
Класика и канон в руската литература. Поглед от ХХІ век. С., 2024., 2024
Bulgarian Language, 2019
Статията представя наблюдения върху функционирането на феминативите в полски, руски и български. Разглеждат се в съпоставителен план феминалните названия за лица по признака професия, длъжност или степен и се представят някои характерни за всеки един от трите езика практики при назоваването на лица от женски пол. Установява се, че в съвременния период употребата на фемина-тиви в полски, руски и български не е равностойна и симетрична. Анализираният лексикален материал показва, че открояващата се до неотдавна значителна меж-дуезикова асиметрия по отношение на образуването на феминални названия нама-лява, но за сметка на това се запазва практиката за използване на маскулинни фор-ми за назоваването на лица от женски пол (особено в официална комуникация). Посочените тенденции се проявяват и в трите езика, но в по-силна степен в пол-ски и руски, а по-слабо в български. Ключови думи: феминативи, полски език, руски език, български език, езикова асиметрия, съпоставително изследване, андроцентризъм FEMINITIVES IN POLISH, RUSSIAN AND BULGARIAN
In this article is presented a thesis about the nature of anticulture and counterculture as opposed to culture in the life of the society. Anticulture, like culture, has its prototypical representatives -- heroes or bearers -- and their distinctive features become coded in the semantic structures of language when others speak about them and they speak about themselves. Four lexical loans borrowed in the Bulgarian language at different times during its history are discussed here and their meanings are analyzed as embodiments of the three main senses ascribed to the bearer of the Bulgarian anticulture during last nine centuries -- as "bastard", "son of a bitch", and figuratively as "root sucker".
Yearbook of the Law Department
The Bulgarian Constitutional Court (CC) finds it necessary to differentiate between the concept “sex” and the concept “gender” in the Istanbul Convention within its preliminary constitutional control. As the second one is fundamental for the convention and the CC sees a problem with it, the CC concludes that the convention is in contradiction with the Bulgarian Constitution. Furthermore, in November 2021 in an interpretation decision the CC states that the under the Constitution the Bulgarian concept relates only to the meaning of “sex”, in its biological meaning. The way in which the CC operates with the terms “sex” and “gender” brings to the fore serious deficits in Bulgarian legal discourse resulting from the total lack of any feminist jurisprudence and the isolation from the contemporary debates on the gender-based inequalities and injustices.
Between English and Bulgarian. Selected papers, 2019
Selected articles organized in five sections: English and Bulgarian in Contact and Contrast, English, Bulgarian, Language and Translation, In the Eyes of the Other: English Studies in Bulgaria and Bulgarian Studies in England.
Ezikov svât/Ezikov svât, 2024
Българите направиха нещо за света чрез богомилите. Това, което изнесоха българите, е принципът на свободата.
Балканската историографија и современите предизвици. Зборник на трудови од Mеѓународниот научен симпозиум одржан по повод 70 години од основањето на Институтот за национална историја – Скопје (Скопје, 9 – 10 ноември 2018 година), 2021
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to make a review of the methods and forms of theoretical interpretations of the “sworn virgins”, a type of female celibacy combined with partial or total gender inversion unique to the Balkans, in contemporary Balkan historiography and ethnography. The ethnographic landscape of the phenomenon is found in pre-modern patriarchal communities in the northern parts of Albania and Monte Negro. The “Balkan sworn virgins” are first noticed and “researched” by western pilgrims in the 19th century. Since then, discussions about the sworn virgins have developed in two realms, mostly dominated by the “western gaze”: the “bourgeois vogue of romantic primitivism”, in the 19th century; and the neoromantic discourse of the European paternalism towards “third world countries”, in the 20th century. Interpretations of the phenomenon, done by researchers based in academic institutions on the Balkans, advance in the 20th century, taking a special interest in the gender dimension of the phenomenon.
Психосемантичний зміст поняття сексуальності в мовній свідомості дорослих Psychosemantic Content of the Concept of Sexuality in the Language Consciousness of Adults, 2020
Introduction. The article presents the results of psycho-linguistic study of the representation in the linguistic consciousness, psychosemantic and psychological content of the relative neologism «sexuality» formed in the conditions of natural Psychosemantic Content of the Concept of Sexuality... 311 © Shevtsov Andrii & Hupalovska Viktoriia transcultural semiosis. Herein the author's own definition of the phenomenon of sexuality was formulated. The aim of the study is to research the semantic content of the concept of «sexuality», to analyze the existing definitions, to accentuate the concept of sexuality. On the basis of the results of psycho-linguistic and psychosemantic studies to formulate author's own definition. Research Methods & Techniques. The psycho-linguistic methods were used: (a) extended word association experiment; (b) modified semantic differential method; (c) modified incomplete sentence method. Results. The extended word association experiment has shown that in the linguistic consciousness of the student's youth (20-22 years), in the understanding of sexuality, most often there exist semantic associates to «sexy» (28,27%) calqued from the American English. In the associative field of persons the age of early adulthood, who have grown up in the conditions of natural linguistic semiosis, where there was no meaning of «sexy», other verbal reactions prevail, namely trust, openness, safety, reason, a man. The modified unfinished sentence method revealed that the psychosemantic understanding of sexuality in men and women has both common and distinct features. Conclusions. The living word represents the cognitive-discursive activity of the individual and the society. Sexuality as a product of natural linguistic semiosis and as a psychological phenomenon is not reduced to sexual physicality. Being the part of a holistic self-concept and a meaningful identity, the concept of sexuality reaches the mental-spiritual level and is actively present in the linguistic consciousness of the adult. Therefore, sexuality functions on the physical, psycho-emotional and mental-spiritual levels and is considered in at least biological, psychological (psycholinguistic) and cultural aspects.
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