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Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 2017
This study attempted to prove the influence of the use of the word square in teaching vocabulary at MTsN I South Tangerang City, i.e., to prove students' ability of two classes, before and after using the learning model of word square in teaching learning vocabulary. The research is descriptivequantitative using the experimental method. The sample of this study was the students of VIII-8 and VIII-11 class in the academic year of 2016-2017. Data collection techniques were observation, interview, vocabulary test, and questionnaire for students of the experimental class. Based on the results of data analysis, the average score of the experimental class was 16,11 and the average score of the control class was 10,65. The score of to was 2,70 and the score of tt was 1,67; then, to was greater than tt. Thus, the use of learning model of word square in teaching vocabulary was significantly effective.
İÜİFD yılda iki sayı olarak yayımlanan uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir. İÜİFD'de yayımlanan yazıların bilimsel ve hukukî sorumluluğu yazarlarına aittir. Yayımlanan yazıların bütün yayın hakları İÜİFD'ye ait olup, izinsiz olarak kısmen veya tamamen basılamaz, çoğaltılamaz veya elektronik ortama taşınamaz.
AL ITQAN: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an
Laduni science is an extraordinary event that can be said to be beyond human behavior and this can be proof that Allah knows everything. In addition, it is also a reminder for us that even though humans have intelligence, they still cannot reveal all the secrets of God Almighty. Actually there is no definite theory to arrive at knowledge of laduni science, because it depends entirely on who will provide knowledge about the science. In contrast to science which is included in the category of exact knowledge, it is largely determined by one's perseverance. The more diligent and diligent in learning, the smarter and gain a lot of knowledge. And we will discuss in this article the basics of laduni science education in the interpretation of the Qur'an. Among them are verses and hadiths that discuss laduni science and comments by Sufis about laduni education.
Journal of Language Intelligence and Culture, 2020
The Suggestopedia method consists of a series of recommendations based on the education of the science of suggestion described by Lozanov that suggestion is "science relating to the study of the effects of organizational irrationality and the unconscious, or both," which respond to people continuously. Then the problems in this study: (2) How effective is the use of the Suggestopedia method to develop speaking skills in aspects of pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence structure, and fluency. The research methodology used in this study is quantitative empirical and qualitative analysis. Then the researchers restricted the experimental and control groups to the E-6 class in the Arabic intensive program at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang for the 2013-2014 academic year with 36 students. The researcher used the analysis of the T-test to reveal the results of the pre-test and post-test. And the results of this study were: (1) the results of t0 in the pronunciation aspect of the experimental group 51.63 this value is greater than the control group that is 0.129 (2) the results of t0 on aspects of the experimental group vocabulary 24,713 this value is greater than the control group that is 1.193. (3) the results of t0 in the sentence structure aspect of the experimental group 8.36 this value is greater than the control group that is 0.383 (4) the results of t0 in the smoothness aspect of the experimental group 8.475 this value is greater than the control group 0 (5) results of t0 in the pre-test and post-test experimental group was greater by 22.695 than in the control group that was 0.968.
Mazahib, 2017
The problem of incest, including its incidence among Muslim societies, is one of the major legal cases faced by lawyers in Malaysia. Incest cases are often hidden because they are considered a disgrace of the family and society that cannot be forgiven. As a result, justice for the victims is difficult to enforce, and the case continues to occur because the law is considered not able to ensnare the perpetrators (deterrence effect). One researcher found that among the causes of incest is the ignorance of Islamic law in everyday life, especially in applying the values of "isti'dzān" (asking for permission). The concept of "isti'dzān can keep the soul and human behavior from falling into social problems. This is because the private territory (space and time) of family members, who live in the same house, including their modesty in dressed in the house, has been regulated by Shari`a in such a way. This paper is an analysis of the legal philosophy of the concept of "isti'dzān" in relation to the incidence of sexual intercourse, and the possibility of its application among Malaysian Muslim society. This paper concludes that applying the concept of asking permission to enter the private territory of family members living in the home is important to maintain the honor of each family member. This is very likely applied in Malaysian Muslim society through religious education on "isti'dzan" in schools or places of worship. With "isti'dzan" and keeping the modesty at home, it is expected that incidents of sexual intercourse can be prevented.
Maǧallaẗ Al-Mūa’riẖ Al-ʿarabī (Print), 2022
The subject of the study is one of the historical and civilized topics that serve the historical researcher, the intellectual, the ordinary reader, and others alike. The printing of various publications is one of the manifestations of civilization and societal advancement, and a mean of progress, intellectual, and cultural movement, through which the cultural and intellectual extent of identify development in the societies can be measured whenever and wherever. Despite the late printing appearance in general in the city of Makkah, and its limited capacity and equipment, especially in the Ottoman as well as the Hijazi Hashemite eras, it reflected however the extent of Makka people desire to work on developing their intellectual, cultural, and scientific sides, especially during the period of scientific study of this research, where the religious, scientific, and cultural revolution emerged in printing of publications that Makkah Al-Mukarramah enjoyed then. Thus, printing and publications took a slow and gradual development serving the religious, cultural, and educational process in the Ottoman and the Hashemite Hijaz eras. However, during the reign of King Abdul Aziz, who ruled Makkah in 1343 AH/1924 AD, the situation of printing and publications began to develop rapidly and with visible, steady steps that were legally and administratively considered. King Abdul Aziz began working on how to develop printing and publications, which was manifested by issuing royal
Learning strategies are essential in learning. On the other hand, learning styles are also an essential step in learning activities that have a positive relationship with learning outcomes. this study aims to uncover various student strategies in learning Arabic based on their learning styles. This research is qualitative research, with the research subjects being 20 students of UPB Group 22 in 2019. The data collection instruments in this study were questionnaires and interviews. The data processing techniques in this descriptive analysis research are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. This study indicates that students' learning strategy with a visual learning style tendency is that they need to see things visually to make it easier to understand and understand so that they are more comfortable learning with the use of colors, lines, and shapes. Students with visual tendencies remember what they see more than what they hear and prefer reading rather than being read. The learning strategy of auditory students is to rely more on hearing to receive information and knowledge so that students in this type will find it easier to remember what they hear than what they see, prefer to read with sound, and find it difficult to do tasks involve visuals. Finally, the learning strategy of students with a kinesthetic learning style is learning by involving movement. They find it easier to learn something, not just reading, but also practicing it by doing it or touching particular objects.
ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam, 2021
The science of hadith, the accuracy factor (ḍabt) of memorization and notes, greatly determines the validity of the hadith, in addition to the trustworthiness factor of a narrator (râwî). The impact of such a strict application of the ḍabt, affects the attitudes and habits of hadith experts, such as the time, place, and special performance of the râwî. Its purpose is to further boost the accuracy of memorizing a hadith. For example, a narrator when narrating a hadith smile, then the act of smiling is also recorded by the student. He also imitates the style of his teacher smiling when narrating the hadith. This act is passed down from generation to generation, which is known as chain-related (musalsal) hadiths. However, the type of musalsal hadith does not automatically make the hadith ṣaḥîḥ. Even some musalsals are weak; some are even unauthentic. Indonesian hadith experts who studied in Mecca (al-ḥaramayn), participated in enlivening the narration and writing books on the musalsal ...
Lisanan Arabiya: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2021
Umde dini tetkikler dergisi, 2019
Studia Quranika, 2020
Huruf Journal, 2023
Râyah Al-Islâm : jurnal ilmu Islam, 2022
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
Waqāʾiʿ Tārīẖiyyaẗ, 2023
Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial, 2022
Ijaz Arabi, 2018
Studia Islamika, 2020
Al Mi'yar: Jurnal Ilmiah Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban