O textiel / “infotexto” e a enunciação editorial

2022, Entrepalavras


In the field of Digital Discourse Analysis proposed by the linguist Marie-Anne Paveau (2021), the notion of text is questioned, once the native digital text, endemic from the digital ecosystem, requires a differentiated perspective, being the result of a composition of language and technology. The author claims that traditional Linguistics still applies knowledge and methods attached to printed texts when studying the digital environment, while the native digital text requires a vision guided by the technical dimension involved. Mayeur & Paveau (2020) suggest the use of the textiel notion, which contemplates a continuum between technique and language, embedding computer factors. This paper aims to present this proposal and, from this context, to reflect upon the complexity that involves the on-line text. We entail the notions of editorial enunciation and architext (JEANNERET; SOUCHIER, 1998) and the implication of those instances, which involve human and nothuman enunciators, for the study of on-line texts.