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2018, Physical review
Operators dual to strings attached to giant graviton branes in AdS 5 ×S 5 can be described rather explicitly in the dual N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. They have a bare dimension of order N so that for these operators the large N limit and the planar limit are distinct: summing only the planar diagrams will not capture the large N dynamics. Focusing on the one-loop SU (3) sector of the theory, we consider operators that are a small deformation of a 1 2 −BPS multi-giant graviton state. The diagonalization of the dilatation operator at one loop has been carried out, but explicit formulas for the operators of a good scaling dimension are only known when certain terms which were argued to be small, are neglected. In this article we include the terms which were neglected. The diagonalization is achieved by a novel mapping which replaces the problem of diagonalizing the dilatation operator with a system of bosons hopping on a lattice. The giant gravitons define the sites of this lattice and the open strings stretching between distinct giant gravitons define the hopping terms of the Hamiltonian. Using the lattice boson model, we argue that the lowest energy giant graviton states are obtained by distributing the momenta carried by the X and Y fields evenly between the giants with the condition that any particular giant carries only X or Y momenta, but not both.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006
We study the one-loop anomalous dimensions of the Super Yang-Mills dual operators to open strings ending on AdS giant gravitons. AdS giant gravitons have no upper bound for their angular momentum and we represent them by the contraction of scalar fields, carrying the appropriate R-charge, with a totally symmetric tensor. We represent the open string motion along AdS directions by appending to the giant graviton operator a product of fields including covariant derivatives. We derive a bosonic lattice Hamiltonian that describes the mixing of these excited AdS giants operators under the action of the one-loop dilatation operator of N = 4 SYM. This Hamiltonian captures several intuitive differences with respect to the case of sphere giant gravitons. A semiclassical analysis of the Hamiltonian allows us to give a geometrical interpretation for the labeling used to describe the fields products appended to the AdS giant operators. It also allows us to show evidence for the existence of continuous bands in the Hamiltonian spectrum.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007
Mikhailov has constructed an infinite family of 1 8 BPS D3-branes in AdS 5 × S 5. We regulate Mikhailov's solution space by focussing on finite dimensional submanifolds. Our submanifolds are topologically complex projective spaces with symplectic form cohomologically equal to 2πN times the Fubini-Study Kähler class. Upon quantization and removing the regulator we find the Hilbert Space of N noninteracting Bose particles in a 3d Harmonic oscillator, a result previously conjectured by Beasley. This Hilbert Space is isomorphic to the classical chiral ring of 1 8 BPS states in N = 4 Yang-Mills theory. We view our result as evidence that the spectrum of 1 8 BPS states in N = 4 Yang Mills theory, which is known to jump discontinuously from zero to infinitesimal coupling, receives no further renormalization at finite values of the 't Hooft coupling.
Nuclear Physics B, 2004
The task of calculating operator dimensions in the planar limit of N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory can be vastly simplified by mapping the dilatation generator to the Hamiltonian of an integrable spin chain. The Bethe ansatz has been used in this context to compute the spectra of spin chains associated with various sectors of the theory which are known to decouple in the planar (large-N c) limit. These techniques are powerful at leading order in perturbation theory but become increasingly complicated beyond one loop in the 't Hooft parameter λ = g 2 YM N c , where spin chains typically acquire long-range (non-nearest-neighbor) interactions. In certain sectors of the theory, moreover, higher-loop Bethe ansätze do not even exist. We develop a virial expansion of the spin chain Hamiltonian as an alternative to the Bethe ansatz methodology, a method which simplifies the computation of dimensions of multiimpurity operators at higher loops in λ. We use these methods to extract previously reported numerical gauge theory predictions near the BMN limit for comparison with corresponding results on the string theory side of the AdS/CFT correspondence. For completeness, we compare our virial results with predictions that can be derived from current Bethe ansatz technology.
Nuclear Physics B, 2003
String solitons in AdS 5 contain information of N = 4 SUSY Yang-Mills theories on the boundary. Recent proposals for rotating string solitons reproduce the spectrum for anomalous dimensions of Wilson operators for the boundary theory. There are possible extensions of this duality for lower supersymmetric and even for non-supesymmetric Yang-Mills theories. We explicitly demonstrate that the supersymmetric anomalous dimensions of Wilson operators in N = 0, 1 Yang-Mills theories behave, for large spin J, at the two-loop level in perturbation theory, like log J. We compile the analytic one-and two-loop results for the N = 0 case which is known in the literature, as well as for the N = 1 case which seems to be missing.
We explore the non-perturbative physics of giant gravitons in type IIB string theory on the AdS 5 ⇥ S5 background in this thesis. The gauge theory dual is N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory with a U(N) gauge group. We diagonalise the one and two-loop dilatation operators acting on the restricted Schur polynomial basis. These operators are dual to a system of giant gravitons with strings attached. Hence, we present evidence for integrability in certain non-planar sectors of the gauge theory. In the second half of the thesis, we turn our focus to N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory with an SO(N) gauge group. In this case, the geometry of the dual gravity theory is AdS 5 ⇥RP 5. The non-planar physics of the SO(N) theory is distinct from that of the U(N) theory. To pursue the goal of searching for non-planar integrability in the SO(N) gauge theory, one might try to generalise the restricted Schur basis to the SO(N) case. We propose such a basis and evaluate their two-point functions exactly in the...
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015
We study a one parameter family of supersymmetric marginal deformations of N = 4 SYM with U(1) 3 symmetry, known as β-deformations, to understand their dual AdS × X geometry, where X is a large classical geometry in the g 2 YM N → ∞ limit. We argue that we can determine whether or not X is geometric by studying the spectrum of open strings between giant gravitons states, as represented by operators in the field theory, as we take N → ∞ in certain double scaling limits. We study the conditions under which these open strings can give rise to a large number of states with energy far below the string scale. The number-theoretic properties of β are very important. When exp(iβ) is a root of unity, the space X is an orbifold. When exp(iβ) close to a root of unity in a double scaling limit sense, X corresponds to a finite deformation of the orbifold. Finally, if β is irrational, sporadic light states can be present.
Physical Review D, 2005
In earlier work, N = (1, 1) super Yang-Mills theory in two dimensions was found to have several interesting properties, though these properties could not be investigated in any detail. In this paper we analyze two of these properties. First, we investigate the spectrum of the theory. We calculate the masses of the low-lying states using the supersymmetric discrete light-cone (SDLCQ) approximation and obtain their continuum values. The spectrum exhibits an interesting distribution of masses, which we discuss along with a toy model for this pattern. We also discuss how the average number of partons grows in the bound states. Second, we determine the number of fermions and bosons in the N = (1, 1) and N = (2, 2) theories in each symmetry sector as a function of the resolution. Our finding that the numbers of fermions and bosons in each sector are the same is part of the answer to the question of why the SDLCQ approximation exactly preserves supersymmetry.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2005
In the β-deformed N = 4 supersymmetric SU (N ) Yang-Mills theory we study the class of operators O J = Tr(Φ J i Φ k ), i = k and compute their exact anomalous dimensions for N, J → ∞. This leads to a prediction for the masses of the corresponding states in the dual string theory sector. We test the exact formula perturbatively up to two loops. The consistency of the perturbative calculation with the exact result indicates that in the planar limit the oneloop condition g 2 = hh for superconformal invariance is indeed sufficient to insure the exact superconformal invariance of the theory. We present a direct proof of this point in perturbation theory. The O J sector of this theory shares many similarities with the BMN sector of the N = 4 theory in the large R-charge limit.
Physical Review D, 2006
In this paper we continue analysis of the Matrix theory describing the DLCQ of type IIB string theory on AdS 5 × S 5 (and/or the plane-wave) background, i.e. the Tiny Graviton Matrix Theory (TGMT) . We study and classify 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 BPS solutions of the TGMT which are generically of the form of rotating three brane giants. These are branes whose shape are deformed three spheres and hyperboloids. In lack of a classification of such ten dimensional type IIb supergravity configurations, we focus on the dual N = 4 four dimensional 1/2, 1/4 and one 1/8 BPS operators and show that they are in one-to-one correspondence with the states of the same set of quantum numbers in TGMT. This provides further evidence in support of the Matrix theory.
The dilatation operator of planar N = 4 super Yang-Mills in the pure scalar SO(6) sector is derived at the two-loop order. Representation theory allows for eight free coefficients in an ansatz for the corresponding spin-chain hamiltonian acting on three adjacent scalar states. While four out of these follow from the known SU (2|3) sector two-loop dilatation operator, the remaining four coefficients are derived by diagrammatic techniques and a match to the known dimension of a length three primary operator. Finally, comments upon the use of this result for the evaluation of three-point structure functions of scalar operators at the one-loop order are given. arXiv:1106.0724v1 [hep-th] 3 Jun 2011 + c 5 + + c 6 + c 7 + + c 8 + + + Figure 1: Graphical representation of the SO(6) dilatation operator of .
In this paper we consider all consistent extensions of the AdS 5 × S 5 superalgebra, psu(2, 2|4), to incorporate brane charges by introducing both bosonic and fermionic (non)central extensions. We study the Inönü-Wigner contraction of the extended psu(2, 2|4) under the Penrose limit to obtain the most general consistent extension of the plane-wave superalgebra and compare these extensions with the possible BPS (flat or spherical) brane configurations in the plane-wave background. We give an explicit realization of some of these extensions in terms of the Tiny Graviton Matrix Theory (TGMT) which is the 0 + 1 dimensional gauge theory conjectured to describe the DLCQ of strings on the AdS 5 × S 5 and/or the plane-wave background.
We study light-cone gauge quantization of IIB strings in AdS 5 × S 5 for small radius in Poincare coordinates. A picture of strings made up of noninteracting bits emerges in the zero radius limit. In this limit, each bit behaves like a superparticle moving in the AdS 5 × S 5 background, carrying appropriate representations of the super conformal group PSU(2, 2|4). The standard Hamiltonian operator which causes evolution in the light-cone time has continuous eigenvalues and provides a basis of states which is not suitable for comparing with the dual super Yang-Mills theory. However, there exist operators in the light-cone gauge which have discrete spectra and can be used to label the states. We obtain the spectrum of single bit states and construct multi-bit states in this basis. There are difficulties in the construction of string states from the multi-bit states, which we discuss. A non-zero value of the radius introduces interactions between the bits and the spectrum of multi-bit states gets modified. We compute the leading perturbative corrections at small radius for a few simple cases. Potential divergences in the perturbative corrections, arising from strings near the boundary, cancel. This encourages us to believe that our perturbative treatment could provide a framework for a rigorous and detailed testing of the AdS/CFT conjecture, once the difficulties in the construction of string states are resolved.
Physical Review D, 2018
The spectrum of IIB supergravity on AdS5 × S 5 contains a number of bound states described by long double-trace multiplets in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory at large 't Hooft coupling. At large N these states are degenerate and to obtain their anomalous dimensions as expansions in 1 N 2 one has to solve a mixing problem. We conjecture a formula for the leading anomalous dimensions of all long double-trace operators which exhibits a large residual degeneracy whose structure we describe. Our formula can be related to conformal Casimir operators which arise in the structure of leading discontinuities of supergravity loop corrections to four-point correlators of half-BPS operators.
Nuclear Physics B, 2005
We study some of the properties of dual giant gravitons -D2-branes wrapped on an S 2 ⊂ AdS 4 -in type IIA string theory on AdS 4 × CP 3 . In particular we confirm that the spectrum of small fluctuations about the giant is both real and independent of the size of the graviton. We also extend previously developed techniques for attaching open strings to giants to this D2-brane giant and focus on two particular limits of the resulting string sigma model: In the pp-wave limit we quantize the string and compute the spectrum of bosonic excitations while in the semiclassical limit, we read off the fast string Polyakov action and comment on the comparison to the Landau-Lifshitz action for the dual open spin chain.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002
Semi-classical soliton solutions for superstrings in AdS 5 × S 5 are used to predict the dimension of gauge theory operators in N = 4 SU(N) SYM theory. We discuss the possible origin of scaling violations on the gauge theory side.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004
Certain correlation functions are computed exactly in the zero coupling limit of N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SU(N). A set of linearly independent operators that are in one-to-one correspondence with the half-BPS representations of the SU(N) gauge theory is given. These results are used to study giant gravitons in the dual AdS 5 × S 5 string theory. In addition, for the U(N) gauge theory, we explain how to systematically identify contributions coming from the boundary degrees of freedom.
Nuclear Physics B, 1998
We discuss the spectrum of states of IIB supergravity on AdS 5 × S 5 in a manifest SU (2, 2/4) invariant setting. The boundary fields are described in terms of N = 4 superconformal Yang-Mills theory and the proposed correspondence between supergravity in AdS 5 and superconformal invariant singleton theory at the boundary is formulated in an N = 4 superfield covariant language.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011
We derive five-dimensional super Yang-Mills theory from mass-deformed ABJM theory by expanding about S 2 for large Chern-Simons level K. We obtain the Yang-Mills coupling constant g 2 Y M = 4π 2 R/K. If we consider S 3 /ZK as a fiber bundle over S 2 then R/K is the circumference of the fiber. The value on the coupling constant agrees with what one gets by compactifying M five-brane on that fiber. For this computation we take R, K → ∞ while keeping R/K at a fixed finite value. We also study mass deformed star-three-product BLG theory at K = 1 and R → ∞. In that limit we obtain Lorentz covariant supersymmetry variations and gauge variations of a non-Abelian tensor multiplet.
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