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2019, Lark Journal of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Social Sciences…
24 pages
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معظم المعلومات عنهم ترد من مصادر معادية لهم، وخاصة المُسجّل في العهد القديم، ومنها مثلا سفر نحميا وعزرا والمكابيون وغيرها. كما أن يوسفوس يشير إليهم بشكل معاد تماماً. أما كتابات السُمَرة أنفسهم فهي متأخرة ومنها مثلا كتب الأيام، الثاني والثالث (تولده)، والرابع (يسوع)، والخامس (شلشه)، والسادس (أبو الفتح) المكتوب بالعربية. أن العقيدة السامرية هي منحى يهودي يتقاطع أحيانا مع بعض ما يرد في العهد القديم ويختلف مع الربانيين في أمور كثيرة على سبيل المثال، السمرة لا يعترفون سوى باسفار موسى الخمسة، وكذلك يمارس السمرة التعبد في جبل جرزيم (تل الرأس)، ويقدمون الحمل كأُضحِيَّةِ في عيد الفصح، اضافة إلى ذلك يمتلكون تقويماً خاص بهم، ولديهم طقوسهم الدينية الخاصة بهم، ولايعترفون بالتلمود، ومن خلال هذا الدراسة نحاول ان نوضح وبشكل مختصر ابرز ماتتميز به تلك الطائفة العريقة الموغلة في القدم قدم التاريخ.
قضايا سياسية
لخصوصية مدينة سامراء الحضارية والدينية والديموغرافية انعكاسها البين على الرؤى الهوياتية لحوزة سامراء التي احتفظت بخصوصيتها من بين الحوزات العلمية الشيعية الاخرى، فقد ادركت المرجعيات الدينية مركزية سامراء واهميتها في الاطار الديني والوطني وضرورة مراعاة خصوصية المدينة كضامن مهم للوحدة الوطنية والتعايش المجتمعي، ومن خلال ذلك ارست حوزة سامراء اسس الخط الوطني في مسار المرجعية الدينية الشيعية، وقد حمل هذا الادراك رؤية استشرافية مستبصرة جسدتها احداث ما بعد عام2003 لا سيما عقب تفجير المرقدين الشريفين في 2006، والتي بينت ان سامراء تشكل مركز العصب في بنية المشروع الوطني العراقي وهويته الوطنية.
Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, 2020
This paper dealt with the subject of sustainable agricultural development in Sudan, whereby it mentioned the importance and status of the agricultural sector in Sudan to the citizens and the whole world. Sudan represents the food basket of the Arab, Islamic and African world and is one of the dependable countries in achieving world food security. The paper also addressed the types of agriculture in Sudan and the arrangement of agricultural crops grown in Sudan and its position on the global map of agricultural products. The data of this research has been collected from the sources and references that dealt with these aspects in addition to the reports available at various authorities, especially the Sudanese Governmental bodies represented in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Sudan, and materials, reports, studies and researches published in the World Wide Web (Internet). This paper concluded that Sudan has many geographical components that can make it a pioneer in the ...
Wahyuni Pratiwi, 2020. A Teacher's Efforts to Overcoming the Anxiety of Luwu MTsN Students in Learning Arabic Language, Thesis of Arabic Education Study Program, Tarbiyah Department, Palopo State Islamic Institute (IAIN). Supervised by (I) Muhaemin (II) Mawardi This study aims to: (1) Find out how students' anxiety in facing Arabic learning in MTsN Luwu. (2) Find out what factors are behind the anxiety of students in learning Arabic in MTsN Luwu. (3) Find out what efforts are made by the teacher in overcoming student anxiety in learning Arabic in MTsN Luwu. The subjects of this research were the Arabic language teachers and the eighth grade students' of MTsN Luwu in class VIII 2. The method of data collection were observation, interview and documentation. And qualitative data analysis were data reduction, data presentation, and data inference.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2017
In this article an assessment was made on the religious life of Syrian refugees whose number increases everyday in Turkey. A comparison has been made on religious perceptions of Syrian refugees, religious life, and religious perceptions in Turkey and Syria. Religious life in Turkey in terms of its differences and similarities with their religious life, post migration interactions and refugees' integration processes are questioned. In this study it is aimed to determine similarities and differences of religious life and the role of religion during the integration process of two different societies sharing mutual beliefs. The article is important in order to emerge the role and impact of religion for social integration, to observe different interpretations of religion in different societies, and to form a better communication between two societies. Qualitative methodology and interview method are used in this study. In that sense, data of the study came from interviews held with Syrian refugees and their microsociological level experiences. It is concluded that religion is differentiated among different societies in terms of meaning and practice.
عمران للعلوم الإجتماعية و الإنسانية
The Social Studies, 2017
Despite significant advances in the study of the social structure of the Beidan, knowledge of the lamalmin(2) (craftsmen) remains relatively modest. This paper attempts to rectify this gap by highlighting some problematic issues related to the origins of the Beidan craftsmen, who over the ages have formed one of the components of the Saharan tribal society. It also considers the problems raised by the categorizations that they have been subject to. The paper concludes that the Lamalamin, in as much as they formed a virtually closed class, had also a relationship with Bedouin Saharan tribal society that determined their social origins. The findings thus reveal how social status, can sometimes go beyond the constraints of genealogy and profession.
الخرقة التي تكون فوق جميع الملابس، والظاهر أنها كانت من صوف. وتسمى كذلك: "لباس الفتوة"، و"المرقعة" و"الدلق"، ويكون من قطعة واحدة أو مرقعًا، ويسمَّى "بالدلق المرقع" في هذه الحال، وإذا كان من ألوان مختلفة يسمى "الدلق الملمع".
AL ITQAN: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an
Laduni science is an extraordinary event that can be said to be beyond human behavior and this can be proof that Allah knows everything. In addition, it is also a reminder for us that even though humans have intelligence, they still cannot reveal all the secrets of God Almighty. Actually there is no definite theory to arrive at knowledge of laduni science, because it depends entirely on who will provide knowledge about the science. In contrast to science which is included in the category of exact knowledge, it is largely determined by one's perseverance. The more diligent and diligent in learning, the smarter and gain a lot of knowledge. And we will discuss in this article the basics of laduni science education in the interpretation of the Qur'an. Among them are verses and hadiths that discuss laduni science and comments by Sufis about laduni education.
Malaysian Journal Of Islamic Studies (MJIS), 2020
The study aimed to shed light on the manifestations of mercy in women's social rights in Islam and see the situation of women in ancient civilizations. This study belongs to the pattern of studies estimating the situation based on the analytical inductive approach. It is one of the most important methods of scientific research, and the inductive approach relies on scientific observation, whereby texts and opinions related to the social rights of women are traced and then analyzed and inferring aspects of mercy in them in order to reach a complete perception of this study. The results of the study showed that the Islamic religion is the only one that strengthened the position of women, honored them, and gave them all their rights completely in a way that suits her natural fit compared to the situation of women in other civilizations. The researcher concluded that compassion is a basic principle with all the meanings of charity and softness away from the hardship in our true relig...
Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 2021
The research employed a research and development method modified from Borg and Gall, consisting of needs assessment, design, and development. The research objectives were to portray the material of teaching Arabic written in class ten at Islamic senior high school and design a model of enrichment material graded and used independently for the students who graduated from public junior high schools. The study showed that the students who graduated from public junior high school and continued study to Islamic senior high school must be assisted by an enrichment material for their independent study because the existing material did not match their previous knowledge. In this research, a model of teaching material was designed based on three characteristics; first, readability is the main character of supporting teaching material. Secondly, grammar and daily culture made it easier to grab meaning and were thirdly graded and comprehensive. The teaching material was accompanied by audio ma...
experiences of windows in other countries. Furthermore, the audit process deployed in other countries can also be adapted to suit the Islamic Window context. Creating awareness that Islamic banking is one of the most important means for the advancement of the national economy in general and works to ensure the preservation and development of money as one of the five necessities of Islamic Shariah. Thus, the attitude of other communities toward the Islamic banking system could change positively.
Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2013
المستخلص أهتمت الدراسة بمتغيرين رئيسين هما ابعاد التوزيع، وولاء الزبون واختارت الباحثة اجراء دراستها على عينة من الصحف العراقية متمثلة بصحف (الصباح، المدى، والبينة الجديدة ) لطبيعة هذا المنتج الذي لا يتجاوز عمره الساعات الاولى من الصباح واعتماد نجاحه كلياً على قاعدة جماهيرية رصينة، وبعد ان تمت دراسة ابعاد المتغيرين المتمثلة بـ (الكلفة، المرونة، ووقت التسليم) ابعاداً للتوزيع و (تسويق العلاقة، تصور الزبون، تجربة الزبون، العلامة التجارية، وجودة المنتج) ابعاداً لولاء الزبون على وفق المشكلة التي تم تحديدها في تساؤلات عدة مطروحة تلخصت في مدى وعي الادارة بأهمية التوزيع ووقت التسليم بالذات في نجاحها، ومدى اهمية ولاء الزبون في استمرار الصحيفة مستهدفة بذلك الوقوف على واقع واليات التوزيع في الصحف المبحوثة، توصلت الدراسة الى ان وقت التسليم هو البعد الاكثر تاثيرا في بناء ولاء الزبون، وعلى الرغم من وعي الادارة بذلك الا ان هناك تلكؤ في ضبط اوقات تسليم الصحف، اضافة الى ضعف في اليات بناء ولاء الزبون لها والمحافظة عليه ، بناءً على ذلك وضعت الباحثة بعض التوصيات لتحسين الواقع العملي .
Hespéris-Tamuda, 2016
This article deals with the delicate problem posed by the Jewish spatial inscription in a large city like Fez, with a view to anticipating the hasty assimilations by which all the problems related to the history of the Jews of Morocco are interpreted. We adopted an approach combining the identification of the ancient Jewish presence in Fez and the questioning of the urban identity of the Mellah: the morphology of this ethnically and culturally particular neighborhood, the physical elements that constitute it, the multiple interactions which connect it with its environment, and the principles applicable in its edification.
Kur'an imlası / تهجئة و ترقيم القرآن / Spelling (Punctuation) of the Qur'an. Lütfen -okuduğunuzda- resmi mushaf ve diğer tercümelerle karşılaştırınız. Please -when you read- compare with the offical mushaf and other translations. Mushaf metni ve tercümeler üzerinde sürekli çalışılmaktadır. Bu nedenle son sürümler esas alınmalıdır. There is constant work on the mushaf text and translations. Therefore, the latest versions should be taken as a basis.
Imlā is in the high position among the branches of language. It constitutes an important foundation for written language. Errors in imlā can result in many problems and lead to errors in understanding sentence because of its unclear meaning. Students who are not Arabic speakers encounter many problems when learning this realm. Therefore, it is needed an appropriate method to adapt students language ability with their language level. This study aims to explain several methods of teaching Imla for non Arabic speakers. The suggested method here is adjusted with the four types of imlā, namely: Imlā Manqūl, Imla Manżūr, Imla Masmū’ and Imla Ikhtibāri. Besides it is provided with applicative examples in the teaching of imlā based on certain stages that should be taken by a teacher. Thus the teaching can be carried out pleasantly and satisfy all students needs in the lesson.This study uses the method of al-waşfi al-taḩlīli, a method that describes the problems that occur, by analyzing the...
Learning strategies are essential in learning. On the other hand, learning styles are also an essential step in learning activities that have a positive relationship with learning outcomes. this study aims to uncover various student strategies in learning Arabic based on their learning styles. This research is qualitative research, with the research subjects being 20 students of UPB Group 22 in 2019. The data collection instruments in this study were questionnaires and interviews. The data processing techniques in this descriptive analysis research are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. This study indicates that students' learning strategy with a visual learning style tendency is that they need to see things visually to make it easier to understand and understand so that they are more comfortable learning with the use of colors, lines, and shapes. Students with visual tendencies remember what they see more than what they hear and prefer reading rather than being read. The learning strategy of auditory students is to rely more on hearing to receive information and knowledge so that students in this type will find it easier to remember what they hear than what they see, prefer to read with sound, and find it difficult to do tasks involve visuals. Finally, the learning strategy of students with a kinesthetic learning style is learning by involving movement. They find it easier to learn something, not just reading, but also practicing it by doing it or touching particular objects.
Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector, 2018
This research paper attempts to study the architectural orientations of some Egyptian architectural pioneers during the second half of the 20th century, and research in the field of study indicates the lack of research and scientific messages that dealt with the pioneers of Egyptian architecture and their history and architectural results compared to the international architecture, which led to the control of Western thought on Egyptian architectural work. Hence the need to study the architectural trends of the Egyptian architects during the second half of the twentieth century, and the classification of the architectural thought of some Egyptian architects from the analysis of some of their architectural products. Therefore, the research recommends the creation of a national architectural and engineering archive of an independent national institution dedicated to the work of Egyptian architects, with the aim of dealing with architectural figures and highlighting their most important intellectual orientations through architectural courses.
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