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2019, Geometriae Dedicata
Consider the Fano scheme F k (Y) parameterizing k-dimensional linear subspaces contained in a complete intersection Y ⊂ P m of multi-degree d = (d 1 ,. .. , ds). It is known that, if t := s i=1 d i +k k − (k + 1)(m − k) 0 and Π s i=1 d i > 2, for Y a general complete intersection as above, then F k (Y) has dimension −t. In this paper we consider the case t > 0. Then the locus W d,k of all complete intersections as above containing a k-dimensional linear subspace is irreducible and turns out to have codimension t in the parameter space of all complete intersections with the given multi-degree. Moreover, we prove that for general [Y ] ∈ W d,k the scheme F k (Y) is zero-dimensional of length one. This implies that W d,k is rational.
Archiv der Mathematik, 2020
We consider the Fano scheme F k (X) of k-dimensional linear subspaces contained in a complete intersection X ⊂ P n of multi-degree d = (d 1 ,. .. , ds). Our main result is an extension of a result of Riedl and Yang concerning Fano schemes of lines on very general hypersurfaces: we consider the case when X is a very general complete intersection and Π s i=1 d i > 2 and we find conditions on n, d and k under which F k (X) does not contain either rational or elliptic curves. At the end of the paper, we study the case Π s i=1 d i = 2.
Mathematische Annalen, 1992
Kodai Mathematical Journal, 2016
In this paper we propose and prove an explicit formula for computing the degree of Fano schemes of linear subspaces on general hypersurfaces. The method used here is based on the localization theorem and Bott's residue formula in equivariant intersection theory.
Beiträge Zur Algebra Und Geometrie / Contributions To Algebra And Geometry, 2016
Given a 0-dimensional subscheme X of a projective space P n K over a field K , we characterize in different ways whether X is the complete intersection of n hypersurfaces. Besides a generalization of the notion of a Cayley-Bacharach scheme, these characterizations involve the Kähler and the Dedekind different of the homogeneous coordinate ring of X or its Artinian reduction. We also characterize arithmetically Gorenstein schemes in novel ways and bring in further tools such as the module of regular differential forms, the fundamental class, and the Jacobian module of X. Throughout we strive to work over an arbitrary base field K and keep the scheme X as general as possible, thereby improving several known characterizations.
Manuscripta Mathematica, 1997
Let X, Y C P~ be closed subvarieties of dimensions n and m respectively. Proving a Bezout theorem for improper intersections Stiickrad and Vogel [SVo] introduced cycles vk "= vk(X, Y) of dimension k on XNY and/~k on the ruled join variety J := J(X, Y) of X and Y which are obtained by a simple algorithm..In this paper we give an interpretation of these cycles in terms of generic projections Pk : pN ~ pn+m-k-l. For this we introduce a relative ramification locus R(Pk, X, Y) of Pk which is of dimension at most k and generalizes the usual ramification cycle in the case X = Y. We prove that this cycle is just Vk for 0 < k < dimXCIY-1. Moreover, the cycles flk+l (for -1 < k < dimXCtY-1) may be interpreted geometrically as the cycle of double points of Pk associated to the closure of the set of all (x : y) in the ruled join J such that (pk(x) : Pk(Y)) is in the diagonal A~,+~_k_: of j(pn+m-k-1, p'n+m-k-1).
Communications in Algebra, 2001
Developing a previous idea of Faltings, we characterize the complete intersections of codimension 2 in P n , n ≥ 3, over an algebraically closed field of any characteristic, among l.c.i. X, as those that are subcanonical and scheme-theoretically defined by p ≤ n − 1 equations. Moreover, we give some other results assuming that the normal bundle of X extends to a numerically split bundle on P n , p ≤ n and the characteristic of the base field is zero. Finally, using our characterization, we give a (partial) answer to a question posed recently by Franco, Kleiman and Lascu ([4]) on self-linking and complete intersections in positive characteristic.
Mathematische Annalen, 1991
Let V be a (n+ 1)-dimensional vector space. Let G=G(r, V) be the Grassmann variety. Let X__ G be a generic complete intersection of type (m 1, m 2 ..... mk) in G. In this paper we study the Hilbert scheme of X. Let Ho be an open irreducible subset of the Hilbert schemes of X which parametrizes smooth irreducible projective subvarieties. Suppose that ~o ~ Ho is the corresponding universal family of subvarieties. Let F: ~o ~ X be the natural map and Y= Im (F). Suppose that Z is a general member of the family Ho. We show that Nz/x | Cz(1) is generated by its sections. Let m = m 1 + m2 +... + mk and mo be the least integer such that H~174 Then we show that Codimx Y>m+mo-n-1. In particular, if m => dim X + n + 1, then every smooth projective subvariety of X is of general type. This gives a generalization of a result of Clemens about curves on generic hypersurfaces in [1]. We also obtained results which shows that the Hilbert scheme of X is smooth at those points corresponding to low degree smooth rational curves. (See 2.7 for the precise statement.)
Journal of The Mathematical Society of Japan, 1990
We say that a property holds for a general complete intersection if it holds for all complete intersections belonging to some Zariski open dense subset of the Hilbert scheme of complete intersections of given dimension and multidegree.
Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 1985
Let X and Y be any pure dimensional subschemes of Pn k over an algebraically closed field K and let I(X) and I(Y) be the largest homogeneous ideals in K[x0,…, xn] defining X and Y, respectively. By a pure dimensional subscheme X of Pn k we shall always mean a closed pure dimensional subscheme without imbedded components, i.e., all primes belonging to I(X) have the same dimension.
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1998
Mathematische Annalen, 1985
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 1991
Abhyankar, S.S., S. Chandrasekar and V. Chandru, Intersection of algebraic space curves, Discrete Applied Mathematics 31 (1991) 81-96.
International Mathematics Research Notices, 2014
Let X be a Fano variety of index k. Suppose that the non-klt locus Nklt(X) is not empty. We prove that dim Nklt(X) ≥ k − 1 and equality holds if and only if Nklt(X) is a linear P k−1 . In this case X has lc singularities and is a generalised cone with Nklt(X) as vertex.
Nagoya Mathematical Journal
Let h1(u),…, hk(u) be Laurent polynomials of m-variables and letbe a non-degenerate complete intersection variety. Such an intersection variety appears as an exceptional divisor of a resolution of non-degenerate complete intersection varieties with an isolated singularity at the origin (Ok4]).
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1986
V is a complete intersection scheme in a multiprojective space if it can be defined by an ideal I with as many generators as codim(V ). We investigate the multigraded regularity of complete intersections scheme in Pn×Pm. We explicitly compute many values of the Hilbert functions of 0-dimensional complete intersections. We show that these values only depend upon n,m, and the bidegrees of the generators of I. As a result, we provide a sharp upper bound for the multigraded regularity of 0-dimensional complete intersections.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1976
The concept of a generalized complete intersection (GCI) of affine schemes is introduced. The proofs of the following theorems are then
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series, 2014
Let k be an arbitrary field, the purpose of this work is to provide families of positive integers A = {d 1 , . . . , d n } such that either the toric ideal I A of the affine monomial curve
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