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This study intended to investigate the language learning strategies used by learners of English as a foreign language, aiming to find the amount of strategies and the domain differences of the strategies used; to reveal the link between strategy use and success levels; and to find out the difference in strategy use between genders and its influence on their achievement in English. 257 (153 male, 104 female) students from Atılım University English Preparatory School participated in the study. At the time of the study all the participants were in the same proficiency level, and were distributed to different classes of the same level. The data were gathered through strategy inventory for language learning (SILL) of Oxford (1990), which was translated to Turkish by Cesur and Fer (2007). v The instrument, based on Oxford's (1990) classification of the language learning strategies, is composed of 50 items in six subscales. The participants responded to the inventory before the end of the level they were in. The data were analyzed through SPSS (15.0) to find the relationship of language learning strategies, gender and achievement in learning the target language. To reveal the interconnections between these factors, independent t-tests and an ANOVA test, along with post hoc procedures were performed on the gathered data. The findings of the study revealed that use of language learning strategies are positively effective in success in English, that females were significantly more successful than males in terms of achievement tests, and that they used more language learning strategies in learning English. Depending on the statistical results, it is discovered that there is a significant connection between gender, language learning strategies and achievement in English.
Language learning strategies are a key factor in language learning; thus, significant efforts have been made to The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between choice of learning strategies and frequency of their use and level of proficiency in English. The results revealed that Iranian high school learners employed learning strategies with medium frequency; meta-cognitive strategies were the most frequent, while cognitive strategies were the least frequent. The use of le examined using a T-test. Proficient learners showed significantly more strategy use, as well as more use of meta-cognitive and social strategies. According to the results, females used learning strategies more frequently than males.
International Journal of Integrated English Language Teacing (IJIELT), 2016
This research focuses on comparing the language learning strategies preference between male and female students at State Senior High School 12 Pekanbaru. The aim of this research is to find out the language learning strategies of male students of the tenth grade at State Senior High School 12 Pekanbaru, to find out the language learning strategies of female students, and to find out whether there is or no a significant difference on language learning strategies preference between male and female students. A total of 90 male and 90 female students were participated in this research. They were taken from 45% of the total population. By using Simple Random Technique, 9 male and 9 female students were randomly taken from each class. The data were collected by using adapted SILL questionnaire version 7.0 translated to Bahasa Indonesia. By using Independent sample t-test formula on SPSS version 17 the collected data were analyzed. The findings show that both male and female students language learning strategies preference were Metacognitive Strategies, and there is no significant difference on the language learning strategies preference between male and female students in learning English at State Senior High School 12 Pekanbaru. Based on the data analysis, the researchers concluded that there is no significant difference on the language learning strategies preference between male and female of the tenth grade students at State Senior High School 12 Pekanbaru in learning English. Keywords: Language Learning Strategies, Preference, Gender, Adapted SILL Questionnaire version 7.0, Senior High School.
RumeliDE Journal of Language and Literature Studies, 2020
This study aimed to examine the relationship between the second language learning strategy use, academic major, gender and grade level. 252 Bosnian university students studying in Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in the study. The research data were collected from two inventories: an individual background questionnaire and the Strategy Inventory of Language Learning (SILL) (Oxford, 1990). To analyze the data, the descriptive quantitative method was used. Descriptive and referential statistics were reported by taking gender (males vs females), academic major (education vs engineering vs economics) and grade levels ( freshmen, sophomores vs juniors) as the variables. The results indicated that the males employed different types of strategies more frequently than the females. In terms of the academic majors, statistically significant differences were found: The students majoring in economics preferred memory, compensation and social strategies while students majoring in engineering preferred affective, metacognitive and cognitive ones more. Students majoring in the field of education preferred all the strategy types the least. The grade level was found to be statistically insignificant on the use of the language learning strategies of the Bosnian university students. The results provided significant practical and pedagogical implications regarding language learning and teaching, understanding the role of individual differences in language education. Keywords: Academic major, Bosnian context, gender, grade level, language learning strategies
Aligarh Journal of Linguistics, 2022
This study examined the gender variation in using language learning strategies (LLSs) by the foreign postgraduate students studying at two universities in India. It explored the influence of gender on the choice of strategies while writing academic essays in English and also investigated the impact of instructing LLS on the writing proficiency based on gender. An intervention study was conducted on 100 foreign postgraduate students (49 males and 51 females) who are non-native speakers of English. An adapted version of Oxford's (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and a writing activity were administered as research instruments. The results demonstrated that gender does not affect the overall use and preferences of language learning strategies when writing in English except in one category, namely, monitoring and evaluation, as females indicate employing them more often than males. In addition, it revealed that gender plays no role in the impact of LLSs instruction on the students' writing performance. The results suggest that students' LLSs might be affected by other cultural or individual factors apart from gender, which can be used to interpret the differences, if they exist, in strategies preferred by male and female learners in other studies.
In Viet Nam and many other nations, people tend to make general assumptions about language learning like that “Females are better at language learning than males”, “Languages are females’ subjects”. Those assumptions have caused a negative impression on males about language learning. As a result, there is a remarkable worldwide inequality in the number of male and female English majors. Are females really superior to males in language learning? Do their different ways in language learning play an important role in their success? If the differences in learning methods are said to be responsible, their learning strategies may account for their different level of success in language learning. Those questions inspired the author to determine whether there are any significant differences in learning strategies due to gender. The paper first synthesized previous research to have an overview of learning strategies males tend to prefer and those that females favour. Then, from the awareness...
This research study investigates the learning strategy use by adopting survey method. One hundred and ten male (72.7%) and female (27.3%) EFL Turkish students participated in this study. They were selected randomly from five levels of proficiency, namely, beginner, , pre-intermediate, intermediate and upper-intermediate. The number of participants from each level was 22 students. A self-reported inventory, Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) (ESL/EFL Version) developed by , was used to determine the participants' perceived strategy use.
Given that most of the existing studies of strategy use in learning EFL concerned adult learners, this study focused on elementary and middle school students. Having tested a significant number of children and early adolescents (N = 1302) from a wide range of school grades (4th to 9th), this study explored the differentiation of learning strategies use and preferences across grade and age (9 to 16 years), gender and perceived proficiency in learning EFL. It has found that, in general, the frequency of use declined as students grow older but their strategy preferences remained the same. Only the use of compensation strategies was reported to increase with proceeding age. Also, no differentiation in frequency of the compensation strategies use was noticed between genders, as was found in the other five strategy categories. Regarding the interaction of age with gender, females consistently outperformed males in the reported strategy use, in all grade levels and categories except for the social. Students' most preferred category of strategies was the metacognitive and least preferred was the memory. Finally, a significant relationship between strategy use and perceived level of English language proficiency was found, with high-level students using strategies more frequently than intermediate and low-level students.
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 2008
A learning style is a preferred way of acquiring knowledge and processing information. Learning styles may differ depending on gender, age, or culture. Niles (1995) in his study “Cultural Differences in Learning Motivation and Learning Strategies” studied the cultural impact on learning strategies and found considerable differences between culturally different students. Providing evidence for the relationship between culture and learning strategy preference and use, this study aims at examining the use and preference of language learning strategies of Turkish students while they are learning English.
Journal of Language and Education
Learning efficacy can be substantially improved through the frequent use of learning strategies, whose practicality has been confirmed through extensive research. Thus, the purpose of the current study is to contribute to this wealth of research by determining whether learning strategies are significant predictors of students’ achievement in learning English as a foreign language (EFL) as well as by exploring strategy awareness and variations in strategy use by gender, grade level, and overall grade point average (GPA) among 206 high school students. The results indicated that cognitive strategies are significant positive predictors, while memory and affective strategies are significant negative predictors of students’ achievement in foreign language learning. Moreover, the findings revealed a significant impact of overall GPA and an insignificant impact of gender and grade level on the use of strategy subtypes, with the most frequently used strategies being metacognitive and the le...
Many factors would influence the type and frequency of use of language learning strategies some of which are gender, year of study and father's level of education. This study encompassed Bachelor's degree students of English Literature studying at the 196 with regard to gender, year and father's educational qualifications. One of the instruments used was the Strategy Inventory For Language Learning (SILL ESL/EFL version) for gauging the use of effective learning strategies used by students. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was performed to see if there were significant differences in the use of direct vs. indirect strategies and the 6 strategy categories among students of different groups. It came to light that year of study affects students' use of strategies in that students of first year made the greatest use of meta-cognitive strategies and indirect strategies; however, Iranian students' gender and father's educational qualifications did not have much impacts on the use of LLSs. Moreover, Iranian students of all groups were high users as far as meta-cognitive strategy was concerned.
Issues in Language Studies
Unemployment among the Malaysian public universities’ graduates due to their inability to communicate proficiently and accurately in English language with proper pronunciation has been a concern among various parties. One possible method to address such issue is to look at how these graduates learn and improve their command of English language. Language learning strategies (LLS) is one of the prominent variables that can affect their language learning process. With that in view, this study investigated the LLSs used by the first year undergraduates in a Malaysian public university. It also examined the relationship between language learning strategies based on gender. The survey utilised the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) by Oxford (1990) on 535 male and 1173 female respondents. Data obtained were analysed using descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA and chi-square test. Finding revealed that females employed more strategies if compared to males. The research...
This research was aimed at finding the language learning strategies dominantly applied by male and female students of English study program academic year 2014/2015, then describing them in genders’ perspective. Also, this research was aimed at knowing the correlation between language learning strategies and TOEFL score achievement. This research was mixed method research with triangulation design convergence model. To collect the data, some instruments were used, such as, (1) questionnaire, (2) interview, and (3) documentation. To analyze the data, some techniques were used, as follow, (1) data reduction, (2) data display, (3) data transformation, (4) data correlation, (5) data consolidation, and (6) data integration. The population of this research was 51 students who enrolled in TOEFL training. The results showed that: (1) Cognitive strategy is the strategy dominantly applied by both male and female in learning the target language. (2) Indirect strategies included as the strategie...
The current study aimed at investigating the use of foreign language learning strategies among 178 students at Birzeit University enrolled in the English Communication course of B2, 2203. Besides, the study examined the relationship between participants' gender and their foreign language learning strategy use. Oxford's taxonomy for language learning strategies (1990) was utilized. In this taxonomy, language learning strategies are classified into the following six main categories: cognitive, memory, metacognitive, compensation, social and affective-strategies. A questionnaire comprising Oxford's taxonomy for second language learning strategies (1990) was used as an instrument for surveying the language learning strategies.. The overall strategy used by the whole sample was found to be located in the medium range of strategies used. While metacognitive strategies were reported as the most utilized strategies by the participants. Affective strategies registered the lowest use by them. The results of the t-test indicated no statistically significant difference in the participants' use of different learning approaches with respect to the gender variable. Conclusions and pedagogical implications of the results were discussed.
The current study aimed at investigating the differences between male and female Iranian students in using different learning strategies. The participants of the study included 60 Iranian EFL students (30 male and 30 female) in Islamic Azad University in Larestan branch. The results of this study revealed that the frequency of using different learning strategies were different for the students. In this case, memory strategies were the most frequent and cognitive strategies were the least frequent strategies used by the students. However, there were significant differences between male and female students in the use of different learning strategies. In fact, female students were the ones who were using language learning strategies more often.
The purpose of this study is to assess the language learning strategies used by English Language Teaching students in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Oxford's Stratetegy Inventory Language Learning (SILL) was conducted to investigate the differences between male and female university students in BiH.The study also explores the effect of gender on strategy choice of university students in BiH in the ELT departments. The more we discover about the language learning strategies, the more we influence the performance of language learners. This study contributes to further implications for research on language learning strategies, material design and teacher education.
Studying the use of language learning strategies in terms of learner's variables like proficiency and gender has been the focus of a growing body of research in an endeavour to find out any possible relation between them. The present study attempts to shed light on such a relationship as far as EFL Iraqi learners are concerned. For this purpose , Oxford's Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) (1990) is manipulated. The results which are based on the descriptive statistics indicate that the EFL Iraqi learners are medium strategy users. The most frequently used strategies are Metacognitive strategies and the least frequently used ones are Compensation strategies.. One way ANOVA Test shows that Learners with better EFL proficiency report using the overall strategy and each of the six categories of strategy significantly more frequently than learners with lower EFL proficiency do. The study reveals no significant gender differences among overall strategy use.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Learning strategies are steps taken by students to enhance their own learning. Strategies are especially important for language learning because they are tools for active, self-directed involvement, which is essential for developing communicative competence (Oxford, 1990). Language learning strategies also enable students to gain a large measure of responsibility for their own progress. This study aims to determine undergraduates' language learning strategies and relationship with gender. The participants of the study were composed of 120 undergraduates from different departments and attending in English preparation class. To determine undergraduates' language learning strategies, the data were collected using "Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL)", originally developed by Oxford (1990) and Turkish bilingual equivalence, validity and reliability of which carried out by Cesur and Fer (2007), was used. The analysis of independent samples of t-test was conducted to clarify the language learning strategies of undergraduates in terms of gender. The results reveal that significant differences were found in undergraduates' language learning strategies relating to gender. These findings and implications for educational researchers and the significance of such individual differences in language learning strategies were discussed
This study was an attempt to investigate the learning strategy use of monolinguals and bilinguals in approaching English as a foreign language. It is also an attempt to compare the strategy use of male and female bilinguals. For this purpose, 60 junior and senior students including 30 Persian-speaking monolinguals (15 males and 15 females) and 30 Kurdish-Persian speaking bilinguals (15 males and 15 females) were selected from among Iranian EFL learners studying English Literature at Ilam State and Azad universities. They were asked to fill out Oxford’s (1980, 1990) 50-item version of the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL). After data were gathered, descriptive statistics for the strategy use of monolinguals and bilinguals were calculated. The result of the independent t-test revealed that there wasn’t any significant difference between the two groups in their strategy use. Also, the use of separate t-tests for the six categories strengthened this conclusion and no significant difference was found between the two groups regarding the six categories of the SILL. The results of the chi-square test also indicated that there was not any significant difference in the strategy use for individual items between the two groups except for three items. After that, running the independent t-test showed that the difference between male and female bilinguals’ strategy use was statistically significant in favor of male bilinguals. The use of separate t-tests for the six categories of the SILL indicated that the strategy use was again statistically significant in favor of male bilinguals. Then, the use of chi-square test showed that for 12 items on the SILL the difference between the strategy use of male and female bilinguals was statistically significant in favor of males. Keywords: Language Learning Strtaegies, Monolingual, Bilingual
JINoP (Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran)
Gender difference can be assumed as an individual difference generally existing and catching attention in the foreign language teaching and learning.This research aims at finding out the strategies used by the students in learning English and students’ perspective on the learning strategies based on their gender. The data are gathered through questionnaires and interview which are given to the students of English Language Education Department. This study discovered that male and female students differ in the learning strategy, and the female students score higher in the use of learning strategy than the males. Metacognitive and social learning strategy were highly used by female students. On the other hand, male students score compensation, metacognitive and cognitive learning strategy as their attempts to learn English. The result also found that females use all the strategies more often than males particularly on metacognitive strategy. Moreover, there are differences in the use o...
8.1 Abstract The study examined gender as a sociocultural determinant of the choice of Language Learning Strategies among learners of English in the Tanzanian context. Under the guidance of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory, the study hypothesized that gender is a significant factor in the choice of language learning strategies. To test this hypothesis, the study collected data from a total of 530 respondents drawn from both secondary schools and university using the SILL questionnaire. Using SPSS, descriptive mean scores and ttest was conducted to test to establish if there were any statistical significant differences in terms of the overall strategy, the six strategy categories and individual strategy items with gender. The results of the study indicated that: first, in terms of the overall strategy use, there was no significant difference with gender (t=1.824, p<0.185) at the significant level of p≤0.05 with a df=508 while gender. According to the results of six subcategories of...
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