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2023, Harris Kakoulides
8 pages
1 file
Harris Kakoulides shows in this booklet Jesus is is truly God
One of the most critical doctrines of Christianity.
We know that we can know God because Jesus reveals Him fully and His life and words are faithfully recorded in the Gospels, within the context of the fullness of inspired scripture. It gives us a consistent standard against which we can evaluate and better understand all of the Bible as well as life in general.
The deity of Jesus and the strait gate.
Who is Jesus?, 2022
This essay was originally intended for publication in Discovering the New Testament but was not included. In it, I discuss the various titles for Jesus and his humanity and divinity.
this is intended as a digital resource for interested parties
all, this is how he wanted to be known. Unlike the notions "Lord" or "Son of God" which are Greek ideas, and like "Messiah" (Christ), it is very a Jewish concept with no real parallel outside of the Jewish writings. It is found in all four Gospels. Yet outside the Gospels it is used very infrequently found only in Acts 7:56; Heb 2:6 2 (quoting Ps 8:5), and Rev 1:13 and 14:14 (alluding to Dan 7:13). This indicates that, while it was important to Jesus, it did not remain an important Christological title for the early church after his ascension. As Jesus preferred it, it is critical we do not neglect it in considering who is Jesus.
This is a multi-view book in which representatives of differing viewpoints make a positive statement of their case, followed by responses from the others, and concluding with a rebuttal by the original author. The topic at hand in this book is the identity of Jesus (also known as Christology). What is the meaning of Jesus's identity as "the Son of God"? Charles Lee Irons argues that the title "Son of God" denotes his ontological deity from a Trinitarian perspective. Danny Andre Dixon and Dustin R. Smith challenge this view from two different non-Trinitarian viewpoints. Smith argues that Jesus is the authentically human Son of God, the Davidic Messiah, who did not possess a literal preexistence prior to his virgin birth. Dixon argues that Jesus is God's preexistent Son in the sense that God gave him life or existence at some undefined point prior to creation. The authors engage the topic from the perspective that reverences the authority and inspiration of Scripture as the final arbiter of this debate. The literature of early Judaism is also engaged in order to try to understand the extent to which the New Testament's Christology may have been influenced by or operated within the context of Jewish conceptions of divine secondary beings as agents of God. [From Wipf & Stock:]
The present paper presents the Theological and Dogmatic definition of the Person of the God-man Jesus Christ, as it has been formulated by the Orthodox Church in the course of time. In the Ecumenical and local synods, the Church proclaimed against the heresies various definitions of faith or dogmas. Dogma, in its essence, is a truth of faith revealed by God, unchangeable, formulated and transmitted by the Church, for man’s salvation. The central dogma of Christianity is the Trinitarian one. Regarding the Person and the Work of Christ, against the heresies promoted by Arius, Nestorius, Eutychius and Macedonius, at the Ecumenical Synods III (Ephesus 431), IV (Chalcedon 451), VI (Constantinople 680-681), the Church officially stated that Jesus Christ is truly God and truly Man, and His Person includes the divine nature, from eternity, yet united in time with the human nature, each nature having its own will, and the human will follows the divine will. This union of the divinity with the humanity in Christ is actually the basis of man’s salvation realized objectively in Christ and actualized personally by all the Christians in the Church, by means of which evil and death are defeated by the resurrection leading to eternal life.
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