SUEKI Fumihiko, Buddhism vs. Ethics

A full English translation of Sueki Fumihiko 末木文美士, Han Bukkyogaku: Bukkyo vs. Rinri 反・仏教学―仏教vs.倫理 (Japan: Chikuma Gakugei Bunko, 2013). This translation has been printed as an in-house publication (Sueki Research Office, 2015). The download is a preview that includes only the Introduction. Please message me if you are wanting a copy of the rest of the book. This book was a real pleasure to translate. Here, Prof. Sueki talks about ethics as being concerned with the realm of ningen (humans), but how Buddhism, while having ethical components, introduces elements that go beyond the order of the ethics of ningen. Particularly interesting for me were his reading of the Lotus Sutra as a philosophy of the bodhisattva -- a being that exists fundamentally oriented toward the other, his notion of the dead (the deceased) as one of the most other of others, and the relationship we have with the deceased irreducible to mere memory, without presupposing an eternal soul (as in Tanabe Hajime's philosophy of existential communion with the dead).