Security today is one of the most important and challenging tasks people face in every aspect of their lives. Databases are complex, and many database security Professionals need to understand risk and security issues related to different databases. Even with full knowledge of the database assets, databases are harder to secure because there are unique implementations and procedures for databases. Database security uses a wide range of data security controls to protect databases against any attacks (internal or external). Considering the amount of data stored in a database and the importance of that data for any organization, the organization must secure the data in the database. With the increase in the number of reported cases of data breaches, cybercrime, exposure of sensitive information, disclosure of confidential data to unauthenticated users, and data intrusion, there is a need for industries dependent on Databases to ensure their data security and to defend their data from all these security threats. In today's world, data is generated rapidly, and the final destination of such data is the database. These data are stored in the database for easy and efficient management. All the operations of data manipulation and maintenance are done using Database Management System. Considering the importance of data in an organization, securing the data in the database is essential. A secure database is reciprocated from different possible database attacks, and security models are required to develop databases. These models are different in many aspects as they deal with different database security issues. They may also be different because they make different assumptions about what constitutes a secure database. The history of database research backs more than 30 Years which created the concept of the rationale behind database systems that have become the most fundamental change in an organization's strategic technology. The organization must ensure that its information and data are secured and confidential. Therefore, they deployed systems or application functions, services, and tools for data maintenance and management packed into the so-called Relational Database Management System (RDMS). Such functions contain Services plus privileges for authorization to keep legitimate users (authorized) to access the database. v Database security means disallowing illegitimate users to access the database and its sensitive information, whether unintentionally or accidentally. Therefore, most firms consider possible threats as measures to their database system. Now there is a greater emphasis on database security than in the past as the amount of data stored in the corporate database is increasing, and people depend more on the corporate data for decision-making, customer service management, supply chain management, and so much more. Any loss or unavailability of corporate data will cripple today's organization and seriously affect its performance. Now the unavailability of the database for a few minutes could result in severe losses to the organization. The organization should identify all the risk factors and weak elements from the database security perspective and find solutions to counter and neutralize each threat. To remove security threats, every organization must have a security policy that would be implemented. In security policy, authentication plays a vital role because if authentication is proper, then there are fewer chances of threats. Different users have different access rights to different database objects. Access Control Mechanisms deal with managing access rights. It is the essential technique to protect the data objects in the databases and is supported by most DBMS. This study focuses on an appraisal of database security in a business environment, a case study of Fintrak Software Company Limited.