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Survey of Private Copyright Documentation Systems and Practices page 9 helping to define and identify what requires protection. This implies that while authors are required to fulfill a formality before their works are effectively protected, they are also obliged to make an initial judgment of whether or not their creations are sufficiently commercially valuable to warrant protection.12 The substantive requirements for protection may be still verified by national courts, but these formalities, such as registration and legal deposit, are demanded before an author can proceed to exercise his/her rights. For instance, in Argentina, the registration of the work is still compulsory for the efficacy of economic rights regarding national works. Renewal Formalities This requirement demands that authors renew the registration after a number of years, forcing the reassessment of costs versus benefits of the registration procedure compared to the extension of copyright protection. The underlying rationale here is that after a period, works that were commercially viable cease to do so and continuing the copyright protection after that point impoverishes the public domain with little countervailing benefit to the author.13 For instance, in the U.S. between 1883 and 1964, the copyright term could be extended (doubled) filing for renewal. Specifying Formalities This formality refers to certain aspects of copyright usually pertinent to a specific category or use of the work, regarded by a "notice of reservation of rights". This notice describes, for example, the circumstances under which articles in periodicals may be reproduced without the authorization of the author or publisher, or inform that public performances of a musical composition or play retain copyright protection. Legislation in Austria (but similar provisions apply in Italy and many other countries) provides for the reproduction and distribution-without previous consent-of published articles on economic, political, religious or contemporary matters in other periodicals unless there is a notice of reservation of rights on the footnote of the work or in the heading of the publication. Declarative Formalities These kind of formalities provide for evidentiary functions that enable authors to establish prima facie proof of authorship/ownership of copyright. They might contribute, thus, to alleviate right clearance problems such as those of creations with no identifiable author ("orphan works") and to provide more legal certainty, specifically where the anteriority of authorship or the priority of a claim to the title must be resolved. The timely accomplishment of declarative formalities, particularly registration, enhances 12 Idem, 11.
Botanica Complutensis, 2013
Aligning information systems (IS) solutions with business goals and needs are crucial for IS activities. IS professionals who are able to work closely with both the business and technical staff are key enablers of business and IT alignment. IS programs in higher education (HE) institutions have a long tradition of enabling graduates to develop the appropriate skills needed for their future careers. Yet, organizations are still having difficulty finding graduates who possess both the knowledge and skills that are best suited to their specific requirements. Prior studies suggest that IS curricula are often ill-matched with industry/business needs. This study reports on the business analysis curricula (re) design which was undertaken to align it with a key professional body for the IS industry. This study presents the approaches taken in the (re) design of the module, and provides a discussion of the wider implications for IS curricula design. The results show a positive outcome for th...
This thesis aims to investigate how the theories of Frantz Fanon can be used to better understand contemporary Islamic militancy. Fanon is arguably one of the most important thinkers in the 20th century, particularly because of his influential ideas regarding colonialism. Recent trends studies have pushed scholars not to limit Fanon to particular disciplines, but to appreciate him as a philosopher and thinker. In that way, his ideas can resonate beyond previously fixed paradigms and into contemporary contexts. At the same time, rhetoric on the topic of Islamic militancy has often failed to grasp the manner in which the militant views himself and interprets his opposition to the West. Hence, Fanon can be used to help unlock the complexities of this militancy and helps us to better address it. The method employed in this examination is primarily textual and began with an exploration of the four seminal texts attributed to Frantz Fanon: Wretched of the Earth, Black Skins/White Masks, Towards an African Revolution and Dying Colonialism. In particular, these texts were mined for Fanon’s ideas regarding three main areas: the mind of the colonizer, the condition of the colonized and the discourse on violence. Subsequent to this, the statements of various Islamic militant groups were examined to see where there might be parallels and divergences. Finally, this information was synthesized and proposals were made on how to proceed forward. The results showed significant similarities between the rhetoric of Islamic militancy and the theoretical framework that Fanon creates. Similar grievances over usurpation of land and a threat to traditional patterns emerge in both contexts. Fanon’s study of violence contains a depth that is difficult to find in Islamic militant thought, but his observations are illustrated by their behavior and rhetoric. There are also areas where Islamic militancy diverges from Fanon, particularly to the extent that religion shapes their worldview. The primary conclusion of this study is that Fanon’s insights in the colonial context are useful tools with which to get at the core of Islamic militancy because its rhetoric articulates a dimension of anti-colonial response found in Fanon’s writings.
In the projective planes PG(2,q), we collect the smallest known sizes of complete arcs for the regions all q ≤ 160001,, q prime power; Q_{4}={34 sporadic q's in the interval [160801...430007]}. For q ≤ 160001, the collection of arc sizes is complete in the sense that arcs for all prime powers are considered. This proves new upper bounds on the smallest size t_{2}(2,q) of a complete arc in PG(2,q), in particular t_{2}(2,q)<0.998\sqrt{3q\ln q}<1.729\sqrt{q\ln q} for 7\le q\le160001; (1) t_{2}(2,q)<\sqrt{q}\ln^{0.7295}q for 109\le q\le160001; (2) t_{2}(2,q)<\sqrt{q}\ln^{c_{up}(q)}q, c_{up}(q)=\frac{0.27}{\ln q}+0.7, for 19\le q\le160001; (3) t_{2}(2,q)<0.6\sqrt{q}\ln^{\varphi_{up}(q;0.6)} q, \varphi_{up}(q;0.6)=\frac{1.5}{\ln q}+0.802, for 19&\le q\le160001. (4) Moreover, the last 3 bounds hold also for q\in Q_{4}. Also, t_{2}(2,q)<1.006\sqrt{3q\ln q}<1.743\sqrt{q\ln q} for q\in Q_{4}. (5) Our investigations and results allow to conjecture that the bounds (2)--...
This report summarizes the measurements of the total CO^ concentration and PCO2 in discrete water samples made by the LDEO group during the expeditions for the WOCE sections P-16S, P-17S, P-17A, P-17E, P-19C and P-19S conducted from October, 1992, through April, 1993, in the South Pacific Ocean. The methods employed for the measurements We thank the entire WOCE organization for supporting the CO^ program. We are especially grateful to Dr. James Swift of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography for providing valuable assistance to us at sea and on shore, and Drs. Joe Reid, James Swift, Bob Key, Arnold Mantyla, Lynne Talley and M. Tsuchiya, who helped and guided us at sea as Chief Scientists aboard the RW Knorr during the JUNO 9, 10 and 12 cruises. The hydrographic data including oxygen and nutrients were measured by the Scripps Ocean Data Facility Group. These data have been merged with our COj data and listed in the data tables of this report. We thank those shipboard personnel,who produced these data with their high degree of dedication and professionalism. They are to be credited for the high quality hydrographic data listed in this report. We also thank Dr. Andrew Dickson, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, who prepared and supplied for us a large number of the bottled Standard Certified Water samples which were used for the total CO^ measurements. We gratefully acknowledge support provided by the U. S. Department of Energy.
Le diagnostic archéologique de Donnemain-Saint-Mamès au lieu-dit « la Bruyère Ouest » s’est déroulé sur le terrain du 2 au 25 mai 2022. Cette opération s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un projet d’extension du parc d’activité de la Bruyère de la Communauté de communes du grand Châteaudun. Ce projet d’aménagement, présenté comme urgent, a mobilisé les différents acteurs de l’archéologie préventive afin que le diagnostic soit réalisé dans les meilleurs délais, ainsi la prescription de diagnostic a été émise le 25 avril et l’opération a débuté une semaine plus tard. Le présent rapport a pu être achevé le 25 août, soit quatre mois jour pour jour après l’émission de la prescription. Cette opération se situe dans un contexte archéologique particulièrement riche et bien documenté, ainsi la parcelle directement au sud de l’emprise avait livré, lors d’un diagnostic réalisé en 2009 par le Conseil Départemental d’Eure-et-Loir, un vaste enclos de l’époque laténienne. La fouille de ce site par l’Institut National de Recherche en Archéologie Préventive (Inrap) était en cours au moment du présent diagnostic. Nos travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence quatre grandes phases d’occupation. La première phase concerne la période préhistorique et se résume à quelques pièces de mobilier lithique éparses permettant seulement d’attester de la fréquentation de l’emprise au Paléolithique et au Néolithique. La deuxième phase désigne la période de transition entre le premier et le second âge du Fer. Elle englobe une vaste occupation caractérisée par un habitat ouvert lié à une aire d’activité spécialisée dans la réduction du minerai de fer et la fabrication de charbon de bois. Cette occupation est localisée principalement au sud de l’emprise pour la partie d’habitat et au nord-est pour la partie artisanale. La troisième phase concerne la Tène finale, elle regroupe la deuxième partie de l’enclos fouillée par l’Inrap ainsi que le développement de son aire agricole sous la forme d’un réseau de fossés parcellaires occupant la partie sud de l’emprise. Enfin la troisième phase concerne la période antique. Cette oocupation, à l’est de l’emprise, se caractérise par la présence d’au moins deux bâtiments maçonnés, dont une grange, d’un cellier et de réseaux de fossés interprétés comme des fossés de partition interne. Ce site semble fréquenté du Ier siècle jusqu’au IIIe siècle, voire jusqu’au IVe-Ve siècle. Enfin, un grand nombre de fossés à vocation parcellaire dont les datations ne peuvent être avancées avec certitude viennent clore l’ensemble des découvertes.
SSM - Mental Health, 2022
Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 2021
A pentagonal geometry PENT(k, r) is a partial linear space, where every line is incident with k points, every point is incident with r lines, and for each point x, there is a line incident with precisely those points that are not collinear with x. Here we generalize the concept by allowing the points not collinear with x to form the point set of a Steiner system S(2, k, w) whose blocks are lines of the geometry.
This reportwaspreparedas an accountof worksponsoredby an agencyof the UnitedStates Government.Neitherthe UnitedStates Government norany agencythereof, nor anyof their employees, makesany warranty, expressor implied,or assumesany legal liabilityor responsibility forthe accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of anyinformation, apparatus, product, or processdisclosed, or represents that its use wouldnot infringeprivatelyownedrights. Refer-MASTER ence hereinto any specificcommercial product, process, or serviceby tradename,trademark, manufacturer, or otherwisedoes not necessarilyconstituteor implyits endorsement, recommendation, or favoringby the UnitedStates Government or any agencythereof.The views Unitedand opiniOnSstates Government°f authorsexpressedor any agencyhereinthereof.d°not necessarilystate or reflect those of the i!q_[_r_u].|o N OF ]'HIS _OCUMENT[S UNLIMIT _Eil
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Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, 2012
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