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1999, Discrete Mathematics
Van Lint and MacWilliams (IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT 24 (1978) 730-737) conjectured that the only q-subset X of GF(q 2), with the properties 0; 1 ∈ X and x − y is a square for all x; y ∈ X , is the set GF(q). Aart Blokhuis (Indag. Math. 46 (1984) 369-372) proved the conjecture for arbitrary odd q. In this paper we give a similar characterization of GF(q) in GF(q 2), proving the analogue of Blokhuis' theorem for dth powers (instead of squares), when d|(q + 1). We also prove an embedding-type result, stating that if |S| ¿ q − (1 − 1=d) √ q with the same properties as X above, then S ⊆ GF(q).
Discrete Mathematics, 1999
Van Lint and MacWilliams (IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory IT 24 (1978) 730-737) conjectured that the only q-subset X of GF(q 2), with the properties 0; 1 ∈ X and x − y is a square for all x; y ∈ X , is the set GF(q). Aart Blokhuis (Indag. Math. 46 (1984) 369-372) proved the conjecture for arbitrary odd q. In this paper we give a similar characterization of GF(q) in GF(q 2), proving the analogue of Blokhuis' theorem for dth powers (instead of squares), when d|(q + 1). We also prove an embedding-type result, stating that if |S| ¿ q − (1 − 1=d) √ q with the same properties as X above, then S ⊆ GF(q).
Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings), 1984
The only q-subsets of GF(q') with the property that the difference of any two elements is always a square or always a non-square, are the lines of GF(q*), considered as the affine plane AG(2, q).
Annual Volume 2013, 2014
For infinitely many primes p = 4k+1 we give a slightly improved upper bound for the maximal cardinality of a set B ⊂ Z p such that the difference set B −B contains only quadratic residues. Namely, instead of the "trivial" bound |B| ≤ √ p we prove |B| ≤ √ p − 1, under suitable conditions on p. The new bound is valid for approximately three quarters of the primes p = 4k + 1.
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 2013
We investigate the existence of difference sets in particular 2-groups. Being aware of the famous necessary conditions derived from Turyn's and Ma's theorems, we develop a new method to cover necessary conditions for the existence of (2 2d+2 , 2 2d+1 -2 d , 2 2d -2 d ) difference sets, for some large classes of 2-groups. If a 2-group G possesses a normal cyclic subgroup x of order greater than 2 d+3+p , where the outer elements act on the cyclic subgroup similarly as in the dihedral, semidihedral, quaternion or modular groups and 2 p describes the size of G ∩ x or C G (x) ∩ x , then there is no difference set in such a group. Technically, we use a simple fact on how sums of 2 n -roots of unity can be annulated and use it to characterize properties of norm invariance (prescribed norm). This approach gives necessary conditions when a linear combination of 2 n -roots of unity remains unchanged under homomorphism actions in the sense of the norm.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
In this paper, we explore the existence of m-terms arithmetic progressions in F q n with a given common difference whose terms are all primitive elements, and at least one of them is normal. We obtain asymptotic results for m ≥ 4 and concrete results for m ∈ {2, 3}, where the complete list of exceptions when the common difference belongs to F * q is obtained. The proofs combine character sums, sieve estimates, and computational arguments using the software SageMath.
In this paper we construct the $q$-analogue of Barnes's Bernoulli numbers and polynomials of degree 2, for positive even integers, which is an answer to a part of Schlosser's question. For positive odd integers, Schlosser's question is still open. Finally, we will treat the $q$-analogue of the sums of powers of consecutive integers.
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2003
We continue the investigation started by A. Dubickas of the numbers which are differences of two conjugates of an algebraic integer over the field Q of rational numbers. Mainly, we show that the cubic algebraic integers over Q with zero trace satisfy this property and we give a characterisation for those for which this property holds in their normal closure. We also prove that if a normal extension K/Q is of prime degree, then every integer of K with zero trace is a difference of two conjugates of an algebraic integer in K if and only if there exists an integer of K with trace 1.
Finite Fields and Their Applications, 1996
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2016
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Acta Arithmetica, 2001
Quarterly journal of mathematics, 1998
From Theorem 1 we obtain the following corollaries immediately.
Journal of Number Theory, 2008
Using Faltings' theorem on the Mordell conjecture, we prove that for any prime p 5 and integer n 2, the cyclotomic symbols {a, Φ n (a)} do not form a subgroup of K 2 (Q). This partially confirms a conjecture of Browkin.
ArXiv, 2017
In this note we construct a series of small subsets containing a non-d-th power element in a finite field by applying certain bounds on incomplete character sums. Precisely, let $h=\lfloor q^{\delta}\rfloor>1$ and $d\mid q^h-1$. If $q^h-1$ has a prime divisor $r$ with $r=O((h\log q)^c)$, then there is a constant $0 0$ shows that there exists an explicit subset of cardinality $q^{1-d}=O(\log^{2+\epsilon'}(q^h))$ containing a non-quadratic element in $\mathbb{F}_{q^h}$. On the other hand, the choice of $h=2$ shows that for any odd prime power $q$, there is an explicit subset of cardinality $O(\sqrt{q})$ containing a non-quadratic element in $\mathbb{F}_{q^2}$, essentially improving a $O(q)$ construction by Coulter and Kosick \cite{CK}. In addition, we obtain a similar construction for small sets containing a primitive element. The construction works well provided $\phi(q^h-1)$ is very small, where $\phi$ is the Euler's totient function.
Groups, Difference Sets, and the Monster, 1996
Which groups G contain difference sets with the parameters (v, k, A.)= (q 3 + 2q 2 , q 2 + q, q), where q is a power of a prime p? Constructions of K. Takeuchi, R.L. McFarland, and J.F. Dillon together yield difference sets with these parameters if G contains an elementary abelian group of order q 2 in its center. A result of R.J. Turyn implies that if G is abelian and p is self-conjugate modulo the exponent of G, then a necessary condition for existence is that the exponent of the Sylow p-subgroup of G be at most 2q when p = 2 and at most q if p is an odd prime. In this paper we lower these exponent bounds when q =f. p by showing that a difference set cannot exist for the bounding exponent values of 2q and q. Thus if there exists an abelian (96, 20, 4)-difference set, then the exponent of the Sylow 2-subgroup is at most 4. We also obtain some nonexistence results for a more general family of (v, k, A.)-parameter values.
From some works of P. Furtwängler and H.S. Vandiver, we put the basis of a new cyclotomic approach to Fermats last theorem for p > 3 and to a stronger version called SFLT, by introducing governing fields of the form Q(μq−1) for prime numbers q. We prove for instance that if there exist infinitely many primes q, q 6≡ 1 (mod p), qp−1 6≡ 1 (mod p2), such that for q | q in Q(μq−1), we have q1−c = ap (α) with α ≡ 1 (mod p2) (where c is the complex conjugation), then Fermats last theorem holds for p. More generally, the main purpose of the paper is to show that the existence of nontrivial solutions for SFLT implies some strong constraints on the arithmetic of the fields Q(μq−1). From there, we give sufficient conditions of nonexistence that would require further investigations to lead to a proof of SFLT, and we formulate various conjectures. This text must be considered as a basic tool for future researches (probably of analytic or geometric nature). Résumé. Reprenant des travaux de P....
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2007
It this paper, we study the problem of determining the elements in the rings of integers of quadratic fields Q( √ d) which are representable as a difference of two squares. The complete solution of the problem is obtained for integers d which satisfy conditions given in terms of solvability of certain Pellian equations.
Finite Fields and Their Applications, 1998
Annals of Mathematics
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Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2008
Following Beard, we call a polynomial over a finite field F q perfect if it coincides with the sum of its monic divisors. The study of perfect polynomials was initiated in 1941 by Carlitz's doctoral student Canaday in the case q = 2, who proposed the still unresolved conjecture that every perfect polynomial over F 2 has a root in F 2 . Beard, et al. later proposed the analogous hypothesis for all finite fields. Counterexamples to this general conjecture were found by Link (in the cases q = 11, 17) and Gallardo & Rahavandrainy (in the case q = 4). Here we show that the Beard-O'Connell-West conjecture fails in all cases except possibly when q is prime. When q = p is prime, utilizing a construction of Link we exhibit a counterexample whenever p ≡ 11 or 17 (mod 24). On the basis of a polynomial analog of Schinzel's Hypothesis H, we argue that if there is a single perfect polynomial over the finite field F q with no linear factor, then there are infinitely many. Lastly, we prove without any hypothesis that there are infinitely many perfect polynomials over F 11 with no linear factor.
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