Automated Garbage Collection Rover

2020, Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research


Efficient and cost-effective waste management is a requisite for major institutions all around the globe. Outdoor cleaning is labour intensive and thus adds up to the overall employment cost of the institution, which is a bane. Through our waste accumulating robot, we look to address and automate the outdoor waste cleaning process, thus providing an efficient and tangible way of managing such a tedious task. We have a rover, fitted with a camera, thus guiding it around the designated area and avoiding obstacles; while the same camera is integrated with an arm via software for waste collection purpose. The rover is fitted with the arm, which is used to collect the garbage within its range. We use a bucket clamp as its end effector. A GPS (Global Positioning System) module shall guide the rover within the fore set cleaning range. To increase efficiency of collection and assimilation, the front part of the rover has a broom to accumulate the dirt as it moves. After a set distance the r...