High Pressure Oxidation of Dimethoxymethane

2015, Energy & Fuels


The oxidation of dimethoxymethane (DMM) has been studied under a wide range of temperatures (373-1073 K), pressures (20-60 bar) and air excess ratios (λ=0.7, 1 and 20), from both experimental and modeling points of view. Experimental results have been interpreted and analyzed in terms of a detailed gas-phase chemical kinetic mechanism for describing the DMM oxidation. The results show that the DMM oxidation regime for 20, 40 and 60 bar is very similar for both reducing and stoichiometric conditions. For oxidizing conditions, a plateau in the DMM, CO and CO 2 concentration profiles as a function of the temperature can be observed. This zone seems to be associated to the peroxy intermediate, CH 3 OCH 2 O 2 , whose formation and consumption reactions appear to be important for the description of DMM conversion under high pressure and high oxygen concentration conditions.