Missing Radiopaque Foreign Body in Plain X-ray

2016, Journal of Academic Emergency Medicine Case Reports

Introduction: The radiological investigations that will be performed after the hemodynamic stabilization of trauma cases presenting to the emergency room are of vital importance when deciding on the treatment to be administered to the patient. Posteroanterior chest radiography was not applied in the proper position, to include all the soft tissues of the chest and shoulder, after an injury caused by a sharp object in our case. Therefore, a radiopaque foreign object retained within the body was not detected. Case Report: Our case was brought to the emergency room because of a stabbing injury, but no pathological findings were determined at the initial examination or based on the X-graphs taken. Approximately 1 year after discharge, the patient presented to another hospital because of a persistent swelling and pain in the left armpit. A metallic image consistent with a knife point 7-8 cm in length was determined to be under the left armpit. Conclusion: The radiographs not taken in the proper position may lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, we recommend that great attention should be paid while taking the radiographs, ensuring the proper position and careful evaluation.