Risk is defined as an event that has a probability of occurring, and could have either a positive or negative impact to a project should that risk occur.(Van Scoy, 1992) Risk management is a broad factor affecting quite a number of business sectors however it’s also a factor which must be addressed by every human being on earth regarding their way of living otherwise if ignored human life is left in harm’s way and susceptible to death, diseases and poverty. However to a project, risk management is an ongoing process that continues through the life of a project. It includes processes for risk management planning, identification, analysis, monitoring and control. Many of these processes are updated throughout the project lifecycle as new risks can be identified at any time. It’s the objective of risk management to decrease the probability and impact of events adverse to the project. On the other hand, any event that could have a positive impact should be exploited. (Laurie Williams 2004). The purpose of this Essay is to address the challenge of dealing with risks and opportunities professionally which is becoming one of the key success factors in business today. Most companies have realized the requirements turbulent markets present and have started to adapt to this turbulence. But risks and opportunities are greater in turbulent markets, so they call for active strategic risk management.