Machine Learning-Driven Approach for a COVID-19 Warning System

2022, Electronics


Abstract: The emergency of the pandemic and the absence of treatment have motivated researchers in all the fields to deal with the pandemic situation. In the field of computer science, major contributions include the development of methods for the diagnosis, detection, and prediction of COVID-19 cases. Since the emergence of information technology, data science and machine learning have become the most widely used techniques to detect, diagnose, and predict the positive cases of COVID-19. This paper presents the prediction of confirmed cases of COVID-19 and its mortality rate and then a COVID-19 warning system is proposed based on the machine learning time series model. We have used the date and country-wise confirmed, detected, recovered, and death cases features for training of the model based on the COVID-19 dataset. Finally, we compared the performance of time series models on the current study dataset, and we observed that PROPHET and Auto-Regressive (AR) models predicted the COVID-19 positive cases with a low error rate. Moreover, death cases are positively correlated with the confirmed detected cases, mainly based on different regions’ populations. The proposed forecasting system, driven by machine learning approaches, will help the health departments of underdeveloped countries to monitor the deaths and confirm detected cases of COVID-19. It will also help make futuristic decisions on testing and developing more health facilities, mostly to avoid spreading diseases.